

After voirfilms

Aftermath with William Shatner

Aftermath with William Shatner

William Shatner re-examines some of the biggest national news stories of the past two decades to find out how the lives of the people directly affected by these events have changed forever. Shatner gains exclusive access to the newsmakers -- heroes, villains, victims, family members and law enforcement -- at the heart of the stories, including those of Jessica Lynch, Bernard Goetz, Mary Kay Letourneau and the DC snipers, to separate the fact from the fiction, with archival footage and re-enactments helping to round out the storytelling..

Et après

Et après

A huit ans, Nathan est entré dans le tunnel lumineux de la «mort imminente» pour avoir voulu sauver une fillette. Déclaré mort, le petit garçon se réveille inexplicablement. Vingt ans plus tard, Nathan est devenu un brillant avocat new-yorkais. Meurtri par les circonstances douloureuses de son divorce, il s'est barricadé dans son travail, loin de son ex-femme Claire et de sa fille. C'est alors qu'un mystérieux médecin, le docteur Kay, fait irruption dans son existence en prétendant pouvoir dire à quel moment certaines personnes vont mourir. Et parce que Kay bouleverse tous les repères de sa vie, Nathan va enfin découvrir pourquoi il est revenu..

Nick, Gentleman détective

Nick, Gentleman détective

Nick Charles vit luxueusement de la richesse de sa femme Nora qui lui permet de s'adonner à sa mauvaise habitude de boire. Sa cousine Selma Landis le charge d'une nouvelle affaire à San Fransisco : retrouver son mari volage dont elle pense qu'il la trompe avec une chanteuse de nightclub nommée Polly Bymes..

London After Midnight

London After Midnight

The abandoned Balfour House, the owner of which was found dead five years earlier, comes back to life with the arrival of two suspicious sinister-looking tenants. (This movie was lost in 1965 during a fire.).

After the Show Ends

After the Show Ends

A new concept of blend between virtual and reality, drama and variety. This show tells what happens between the actors of a TV drama, in the “real life” after they finish the everyday filming..



After waking up in the middle of a forest with no memories, a young woman is targeted by mysterious strangers with a motive as unclear as her way back home..

Lie After Lie

Lie After Lie

Ji Eun-Soo is a daughter-in-law of a powerful chaebol family. She suddenly she becomes a murderer, who killed her husband. After she is released from prison, she tries to get her daughter back. She approaches Kang Ji-Min, who has adopted her daughter. He is a cool as ice reporter. Ji Eun-Soo pretends to fall in love with him and attempts to marry him to become the stepmother of her daughter..

Margaret Atwood : de la force des mots

Margaret Atwood : de la force des mots

Les opinions et les pensées de l'écrivaine canadienne Margaret Atwood n'ont jamais été aussi pertinentes qu'aujourd'hui. Les lecteurs se tournent vers son œuvre pour trouver des réponses lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à la montée des dirigeants autoritaires, aux technologies de plus en plus intrusives et au changement climatique. Ses livres sont des outils de survie pour les temps difficiles. Mais peu de gens connaissent sa vie privée. Qui est la femme qui se cache derrière ces histoires ? Comment semble-t-elle toujours savoir ce qui va arriver ?.



Jonasz studies insects and fishes, Signe leaves and herbs. After a day spent in gardens and libraries, they meet, take the train and leave the city, pitching their tent on the shores of a lake. As they read, eat fruit, wander the forest and swim in the cold water, the outside world feels further and further away. A stranger appears and a trio is formed. But there are also other trios, other lakes, different places, different times..

After the Bite

After the Bite

Following a series of great white shark attacks that dominated the headlines, one Cape Cod community renegotiates its relationship with the marine environment. Local residents, fishermen, and environmentalists are forced to confront dramatic changes to their way of life. How far can we push nature before it bites back?.

Never Forget: WWE Returns After 9/11

Never Forget: WWE Returns After 9/11

In the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, as terror and tragedy dominated the media landscape, WWE provided a beacon of hope with a live edition of SmackDown. This documentary explores the preparation of the historic event that brought unity to a country when it was needed most..



Aftermath is a supernatural crime drama based on the popular Naver webtoon by Kim Sun Kwon ("Survivors of Those Days," "K Errands Center"). It is a thrilling story of murder, mystery, and love that was made exclusively for Naver TVCast for viewing on mobile devices. Ahn Dae Yong (Dong Jun) is a quiet high school student who suddenly develops the super power to predict who is a murderer and who is about to die. Those who appear to have red eyes are destined to die soon, while those with blue eyes are about to commit murder. Ahn Dae Yong decides to use this power to save lives and becomes an unexpected hero for the people..

Love Starts After Divorce

Love Starts After Divorce

Internet celebrity Xu Luo cheated during her marriage, greatly humiliating her husband, a famous MCN president, Lu Ze Zhen. They met again a year later, with Lu Ze Zhen swearing to seek revenge and beginning to pursue Xu Luo fervently, even kneeling and confessing his love for her in a live broadcast on the Internet. In the end, the two cleared up their misunderstandings and revealed the details of the "infidelity scandal" to the netizens. As the woman who plotted that "scandal", Shen Ruo Xi’s reputation was completely ruined. Xu Luo and Lu Ze Zhen rekindled their love and began their enviable, sweet life together..



Businesswoman Gia Rossi is determined to be successful in her new job, but when her ex lover Jax Rutledge waltzes back into her life, their passionate connection ignites not only in the boardroom, but the bedroom..

Un cri dans la nuit

Un cri dans la nuit

Cette série documentaire en quatre parties retrace l'affaire Eric Edgar Cooke, un tueur en série dont les meurtres ont terrorisé Perth, en Australie, au début des années 1960..