

The Giants sokroflix gratuit

Anton Bruckner - A Giant in the Making

Anton Bruckner - A Giant in the Making

Underestimated by his contemporaries, but today acclaimed as one of the greatest and imaginative composers of his time. Anton Bruckner was a genius of tones. Such great conductors like Kent Nagano, Valery Gergiev and Simon Rattle let the composer comes alive in the documentary „Anton Bruckner – The Making of a Giant“ telling the ups and downs of life through his music..

Climbing Redwood Giants

Climbing Redwood Giants

They are giants—stretching more than 300 feet above the ground, with hidden gardens and mysterious predators thriving within their canopy. National Geographic reveals the unexplored environment of the California redwoods in an epic, year-long exploration. Obsessive redwood climber Steve Sillett of Humboldt State University explores their massive crowns, discovering new record-breaking trees, while escaping falling branches and crashing trees in the process. Down below, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Mike Fay charts the redwood range to size up the past and future of these primeval trees threatened in 21st century California..

Miyamoto Musashi: Giant Ape Extermination Scene

Miyamoto Musashi: Giant Ape Extermination Scene

Among the many famous 16th-century samurai who made the leap from myth and ukiyo-e to early cinema screen was sword-master Miyamoto Musashi, previously depicted in prints by Kiniyoshi Yoshitoshi and others slaying an array of grotesque creatures including giant bats, giant lizards, and the mythical tengu. This imagery informed his first screen depiction in Miyamoto Musashi Taiji No Ba, which showed him combatting the mythic white ape of the mountains..

Rode Reus

Rode Reus

On top of a hill, a giant listens to the everyday thoughts and conversations of the other people. However, the loneliness and multiplicity of the voices gradually become too much for the giant..

Wizards and Giants

Wizards and Giants

Magos y Gigantes tells the story of Gigante, a vertically challenged giant, Ada, a fairy who's wings have yet to blossom and Trafalgar, a curious looking little wizard and their adventures while attending the biggest magic tournament in the land of Reino Magico, and the ensuing mayhem when Titan Caradura, an evil wizard, is disqualified from the tournament and seeks revenge by hatching up an elaborate plan to steal the magic powers from all the inhabitants of Reino Magico..

Giant Crocodile

Giant Crocodile

The Purple Lagoon, the newest internet sensation on the resort island, has attracted many tourists, but the Purple Lagoon has swallowed several of them. When the only daughter of the richest man in a Southeast Asian country goes missing for no apparent reason, war correspondent Bai Yu investigates and biologists and "crocodile hunters" confirm that the richest man's daughter has died in the mouth of a crocodile. The richest man vows to hunt the crocodile at all costs to avenge his daughter's death..

When Giants Die

When Giants Die

When giants die let three generations look back on the street happenings around parties and manifestations. The grandfather appears as a ghost and represents processions organized by order of cities and municipalities. It is his son who places the parades in a series of processions, historical processions, parades, traditional parties and carnival parties. Criticism and attraction play their game. Finally, the grandson searches for contemporary forms and points to demonstrations, manifestations. Reclaiming the street, forming a community, expressing thoughts on the street, together outside, ... 'The street, the mother of democracy', is how it sounds through a robot-controlled horn. To give up the street is to lose freedom..

A Giant Step Love

A Giant Step Love

The story of Mariela Munoz, born Leonardo in the Argentina of 1943, who will fight for her rights as a male-to-female transgender and above all for her 17 adopted children..

Little Giant

Little Giant

"Little Giant" is the story of an eccentric undertaker, more popularly known as an amateur long distance runner, whose emotional turmoil and personal insecurities lead to eventual estrangement both from his family and religious community. He finds solace in two things - his daughter Kona and his love of nature and God's creatures. After his latest outburst results in temporary imprisonment and increased public ridicule for his daughter, the Little Giant turns to running for therapy..

Travels of Lord Mito: The Abominable Giant Monks

Travels of Lord Mito: The Abominable Giant Monks

Lord Mito, with his companions, comes to Sakai, Senshu, where the annual Minato Festival takes place. During the celebration, a mysterious incident occurs. The portable altar is attacked by a shaven-headed priest, and Ofuji, the daughter of a wealthy Senshu-ya merchant, disappears..

Love of Giant

Love of Giant

Reunion of two former lovers brings the end to the society they are part of through hate through revenge and through bloodshed, especially when the lovers were obliged to stand against their associates and families..

Two Giants

Two Giants

Hare Mucki has watched a popular german movie and purchased a tabletop football through e-bay. He re-enacts the pivotal scene for his friend..

The Legend of the Cruel Giant

The Legend of the Cruel Giant

Once upon a time there lived a poor fisherman in a dilapidated dugout on the seashore. He went to the sea on a boat, he was fishing. And once he caught an old bottle on which was the inscription that the one who opens this bottle, will receive untold treasures, become noble and rich. The fisherman, of course, without hesitation, opened the bottle, and from there the Genie burst out. He laughed at the fisherman, called him a bitch, but he fulfilled the promise, giving him a lot of gold. And the fisherman became the richest and most revered, but this did not bring any treasures to him, because the release on freedom the Genie, caused many troubles - as a result of the storms many fishermen fell. The fisherman, suffering with conscience, went to a wise wizard to ask how to rid the world of the cruel Genie. And he replied that there is only one way out..

The Giant of Kypseli

The Giant of Kypseli

Nikos is a short hairpin chandler, which has very high opinion of himself. Flirts shamelessly with the towering diva region, Clara, which has also been put on the eye and the irresistible charmer in the same area, Alekos, but she plays with both. The giggly maid mother of Clara, the Zambetas, is madly in love with Nick, but he snubbed the fanfare. One night the bouzouki, the Zambetas meets George Zambetas, who immediately recognized her talent and showcases a star of popular music, thereby becoming sought after bride.