

The Fort sokroflix gratuit

La Forteresse

La Forteresse

Des femmes, des hommes et des enfants, Roms, Togolais, Géorgiens, Kosovars ou Colombiens, affluent chaque semaine aux portes de la Suisse. Ils fuient la guerre, la dictature, les persécutions ou les déséquilibres climatiques et économiques. Après un voyage souvent effectué au péril de leur vie, ils sont dirigés vers l’un des cinq Centres d’enregistrement et de procédure parmi lesquels celui de Vallorbe. Dans ce lieu de transit austère, soumis à un régime de semi-détention et à une oisiveté forcée, les requérants attendent que la Confédération décide de leur sort....

The Fortress

The Fortress

A World War II-style "war game" setting the wealthy customers against skilled mercenaries goes awry when the simulated war gets too real..

Pokémon 3 : Le Sort des Zarbi

Pokémon 3 : Le Sort des Zarbi

Une catastrophe de cristal s'attaque à Greenfield... Sacha, Pikachu et leurs amis doivent trouver une solution pour réparer les dégâts causés à cette ville jadis si élégante. Mais l'impensable se produit quand la mère de Sacha est enlevée par le puissant Entei, un Pokémon qui était censé n'exister qu'en légende... Sacha doit partir à sa rescousse, sans savoir ce que cachent réellement ces événements incroyables : une jeune fille dont le rêve est transformé en cauchemar par des Zarbi mystérieux et inarrêtables..



Poursuivi par un tueur qui veut sa peau, torturé à l’idée de perdre la femme qu’il aime, Alain Lefevre s’engage dans la Légion étrangère, croyant échapper à l’enfer. Mais la vie dans la Légion, en 1924, dans un Maroc secoué par la guerre, n’est pas facile. Alain aura l’horrible surprise de découvrir l’homme qui a juré de le tuer parmi les légionnaires. Les deux hommes s’affronteront dans un combat sans merci dont le vainqueur pourrait ne pas se relever.....

Forty Years We Walked

Forty Years We Walked

The story follows a man who was deeply influenced by television and the film industry since he was young and goes on his way to become successful in the field. It was a period near the end of the 1970's. Feng Du (Jin Shijia) is a young man who lived in the small alleys of Old Beijing. When he first came across a TV at his friend's house, he was drawn to the little boombox and mesmerized by the moving pictures. During high school, he once built himself a TV from discarded materials just to prove something to his girlfriend. As the nation opens its doors to reform, Feng Du jumps at the chance to pursue his dreams and he starts on a path to becoming a producer..

The Prisoner of Karlsten's Fortress

The Prisoner of Karlsten's Fortress

Count de Faber is working on a new type of explosive, but finds out that Professor Plussman has beat him to it. After an unsuccessful attempt to acquire the formula from Plussman, he breaks into the professor's house, steals the formula, and kidnaps his daughter, Mary. He takes her to Carlsten Fortress..

Sanrizuka: Peasants of the Second Fortress

Sanrizuka: Peasants of the Second Fortress

It's the mid 60s. Tokyo needs a new airport. There isn't anywhere in Tokyo to put it, so the government decides on displacing some adjacent villages. The peasants of these villages are not having it. What results is a remarkable act of protest and civil disobedience..

Fortress Besieged

Fortress Besieged

Set in the 1930s, “Fortress Besieged” follows the misadventures of Fang Hung-chien, a bumbling everyman who wastes his time studying abroad, and secures a fake degree when learning he has run out of money and must return home to China. Fang was the son of a country gentleman. A marriage had been arranged for him while at university, but the intended wife died before he could see her..

Back - fortunately, or Who will find the Blue Bird

Back - fortunately, or Who will find the Blue Bird

Even children know that in the new year the most unusual, most unbelievable events can happen. Only Masha does not believe in miracles. She has long been accustomed to rely only on her own strength. December 31, New Year's Eve, and meeting with your loved one - Sergey. The project on which her future career depends..

The Great Fortune

The Great Fortune

Welcome to the world of an extraordinary man who has everything he wants, but is missing the one thing he needs. Mirco Kuball: an ultra-wealthy, flamboyant, sophisticated and outspoken man who just happens to have down’s syndrome. This touching film explores an unexpected life. It moves through the castle where he lives; the massage parlours and restaurants where he's indulged; and the theater where he performs. But, beneath the opulent showman, lies a man like any other, who realises that beyond shelter, food, and companionship, nothing else counts..

Sora no Otoshimono

Sora no Otoshimono

Tomoki Sakurai rencontre souvent une fille étrange dans ses rêves, lui demandant de l'aide. Mais à chaque fois qu'il se réveille, il n'arrive plus à se souvenir de son visage. Quand soudain un Mystérieux Animal Non-Identifié (M. A. N. I) tombe du ciel. Sa petite vie tranquille devient alors très compliquée car l'animal en question se transforme en un ange, Ikaros..

Fortune Favors the Bold

Fortune Favors the Bold

During a hectic taxi ride, a rich engineer loses his gold-plated lucky cane in the middle of Abel’s postal route. The taxi driver later looks for the cane and finds it in Abel’s hands. The two men enter into a shady agreement to split the finder’s fee. However, the prospect of great wealth proves too tempting for Abel... (