

Pieces streaming vf complet gratuit

Pieces of James: An Enquiry Into the Art and Life of James Manning

Pieces of James: An Enquiry Into the Art and Life of James Manning

Pieces of James: An Enquiry Into the Art and Life of James Manning is the story of the discovery of all the fragments that comprised James’ life. The homoerotic imagery and huge fresco-style still lifes garnered him posthumous success in galleries across the country and an honourary degree from the internationally recognized Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design. Young’s exploration paints a life of creativity, elusiveness, pain and challenges of being gay or lesbian in our time..

Bits + Pieces

Bits + Pieces

How does it feel to fall apart into bits and pieces? And what if the wind takes these bits and pieces on a journey? Maybe the wind knows way better than us where to go and where to stay and when to return to the point where it all began. This is a short film about thoughts and longing, about the wind and the sea. And about the harbor and the ferry as places that perfectly represent this kind of longing. "Bits + Pieces" is based upon a poem that goes by the same name. It takes you on a melancholic, but hopeful journey. The film was shot on 8 mm black-and-white film stock and is accompanied by text animations that where etched into 16 mm black film leader. This technique is called direct animation and is as old as the medium of film itself. The voice has been recorded with a dictaphone that uses mini cassettes. Filmed on location in Hamburg, Germany and Gothenburg, Sweden in the summer months of 2022..

Edith Ann: A Few Pieces of the Puzzle

Edith Ann: A Few Pieces of the Puzzle

Edith Ann: A Few Pieces of the Puzzle was an animated television special created by Lily Tomlin. It was produced by Klasky Csupo. It is not to be confused with a sketch on a late 60's comedy show, Hee Haw or kids show The Electric Company..

18 Year Old Seungha's Easy Piece of Cake

18 Year Old Seungha's Easy Piece of Cake

Min-soo, who just started living in a new home, calls his friends Woo-hyeon and Ji-yeong. The two kiss while Min-soo is away from home. Unfortunately, Min-soo also secretly had sex while sleeping. And Min-soo is watching them... Ji-yeong is provoking Min-soo after learning that he saw her having sex with Woo-hyeon. Who will Ji-yeong fall in love with after having sex with these two people? The sweet and bloody story of a woman and two men is just beginning..

One Piece : Infiltration! Thousand Sunny!

One Piece : Infiltration! Thousand Sunny!

Infiltration! Thousand Sunny! est un OAV inclu dans l'édition limité qui était dans les magasins Nissan au Japon. Le DVD contenait aussi le Making of du Film 11. Les personnages et les lieux du Thousand Sunny sont présentés par Brook alors que Luffy cherche son Chapeau de Paille..

Pieces of Oksoon

Pieces of Oksoon

When I accidentally found out that my grandmother had two names, Oksoon and Chunja, I was fascinated by the countless stories she told me. The distant and the not-so-distant stories, were sometimes trivial, sometimes overwhelming. During the filming, meeting Chunja, whom I had not known, and Oksoon, my maternal grandmother, repeated. I recorded the daily labor of Oksoon, who had lived as a woman and an ordinary citizen through the Japanese colonial days..

Violence et Passion

Violence et Passion

Loin de la foule, hors de son temps mais au cœur de Rome, le Professeur, un vieil intellectuel, habite un magnifique appartement, subtilement décoré d’œuvres d'art. Un hasard mal maîtrisé l'amène à louer l'étage supérieur de sa maison à une curieuse famille, débraillée, vulgaire et bruyante. Il y a là Bianca, une beauté mûrissante, Konrad, son amant de service, qu'elle méprise avec délectation, Lietta, sa fille, et le fiancé de cette dernière, Stefano. Soumis à d'incessantes nuisances, le Professeur tente de résister du mieux qu'il peut. Petit à petit, cependant, il se laisse fasciner par ces gens si différents de ce qu'il a toujours révéré....

To My Puzzle Pieces

To My Puzzle Pieces

In a world where everyone is born with a personal jigsaw puzzle that can only be matched with the jigsaw of the other person, but fate plays a prank for a young woman to be born with a jigsaw puzzle that can be paired with up to two other people! With so many obstacles. At the end of the day, who's the jigsaw you choose?.

Ma part du gâteau

Ma part du gâteau

France, ouvrière, vit dans le nord de la France, à Dunkerque avec ses trois filles. Son ancienne usine a fermé et tous ses collègues se retrouvent comme elle au chômage. Elle décide de partir à Paris pour trouver un nouveau travail. Elle va trouver un stage pour devenir femme de ménage. Assez rapidement, elle se fait engager chez un homme qui vit dans un univers radicalement différent du sien. Cet homme, Steve est un trader qui a réussi, il travaille entre la City de Londres et le quartier de la Défense à Paris. Les deux individus vont se côtoyer. Cette ouvrière va découvrir les gens qui vivent dans le luxe. Elle va finir par découvrir que cet homme, fort séduisant et sympathique, est en partie responsable de la faillite de son ancienne entreprise..

Children are Pieces of Your Heart

Children are Pieces of Your Heart

A humble organ grinder is married to a barren woman. The pair would like to adopt a child but are too poor. Suddenly a miracle seems to happen: she's pregnant. Unfortunately the baby dies and the man is forced, through hardship, to buy one from a chorus girl who wants to get rid of him. After a short time even his wife dies and the poor man brings up the child on his own, singing in taverns to make ends meet. The father and son's humble life is upset when the real father of the boy reappears and wants his child back. The two men fight to get the custody of the boy..

En mille morceaux

En mille morceaux

1977, Éric Gaubert assassine Olivier, l’enfant de Nicole Parmentier. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, cette mère à la vie brisée donne rendez-vous au meurtrier de son fils qui vient de sortir de prison. Quel est le but de cette rencontre ? Une simple vengeance ou la volonté de comprendre ce qui a poussé cet homme à commettre l’irréparable ?.



Have you ever thought you didn’t fit in? That’s what the 9 characters in this story feel without realizing that they are part of the puzzle of life “pieces” introduces us to nine very different characters at a moment of emotional crossroads in their lives. a final setback will unite all the characters..

IU Documentary 'Pieces: 29th Winter'

IU Documentary 'Pieces: 29th Winter'

IU officially bids farewell to her 20s and welcomes her 30s with her "IU Documentary 'Pieces: 29th Winter'". Artist IU, Ordinary Lee Ji Eun. The top soloist gathers pieces of memories and remarkable moments of her 13-year journey as a singer-songwriter. Through the past undisclosed clips and IU’s most honest thoughts that were not publicized on purpose, and the stories of those who have seen IU closest, we meet her twenties and the pieces in between..

Trois hivers

Trois hivers

Dans un village reculé, perché au cœur des alpages de Suisse alémanique, la ravissante Anna, jeune mère d'une petite fille, s'apprête à convoler avec un nouvel amoureux monté depuis la plaine travailler pour les fermiers du coin. Auprès de Marco, bourru au cœur tendre, Anna goûte avec plaisir à la douceur d'un amour simple. Mais peu après leur mariage, le jeune homme commence à ressentir les symptômes d'une inquiétante maladie – une tumeur agressive au cerveau –, qui l'amène à perdre peu à peu le contrôle de ses pulsions. Jusqu'à commettre un jour l'impardonnable....

A Piece of Your Mind

A Piece of Your Mind

Moon Ha-won is an AI programmer and he is the founder of AH Company. He is a consistent person with a good heart. Meanwhile, Han Seo-woo works as a classical music recording engineer. Her life is unstable without a family or house, but she is a positive person..