

Où voir Truth Netflix

Liquid Truth

Liquid Truth

Rubens is a carefree, charismatic swimming instructor who finds himself accused of displaying inappropriate affection toward one of his students by the boy's mother. Other parents and colleagues are only too eager to condemn him..

Russie : le prix de la vérité

Russie : le prix de la vérité

En dépit de l'acharnement de la justice russe à faire taire le média indépendant "Novaïa Gazeta", Dimitri Mouratov, son rédacteur en chef, continue de braver le Kremlin. Un éclairage documenté sur le travail d'une équipe qui paie au prix fort son courage..

Devo: The Complete Truth About De-Evolution

Devo: The Complete Truth About De-Evolution

Now, the complete truth can be told...Devo, the seminal New Wave audio-visual concept band made a career out of setting to music video their Dada-gone-camp theory of de-evolution and its riotous rebuke of corporate culture. Punk/New Wave mad scientists Devo were among the few bands to understand the music video's potential as art form during its infancy in the eighties. Their brilliant and bizarre videos were compiled on VHS and then on laser disc; that long out-of-print disc, The Complete Truth About De-Evolution, has finally arrived on DVD, which should please longtime fans of this eclectic outfit..

Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences is a speculative documentary about time and how we weave the past into the present and our possible future. Set in the small desert town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, the film takes place in the shadow of a nearby Spaceport and the commercial exploration of space. Through the lives of the people in town and a filmmaker from the future, the film explores progress, echoes of history, and how we each navigate a sense of loss, within ourselves and within a changing world..

Medusa: Dare to Be Truthful

Medusa: Dare to Be Truthful

In this made for Showtime television spoof of Madonna's "Truth or Dare" documentary, comedienne Julie Brown portrays Medusa, an egocentric, hyper-sexual (and not particularly talented) pop star on an international five-day world tour, "The Blonde Leading the Blonde" show. Brown painstakingly duplicates costumes, sets and hairstyles while spoofing Madonna's seeming self-obsession. Madonna visits the cemetery where her mother is buried; Medusa visits the pet cemetery where her dog Buster is laid to rest. (Or is it "Boomer"?) Madonna performs fellatio on a bottle, at the dare of a friend; Medusa does it on a watermelon. And so on....

The Cotton Pickin Truth Still on the Plantation

The Cotton Pickin Truth Still on the Plantation

This film is a documentary about slavery in America and the harsh living conditions for many African Americans today as a direct result of being forced to live in involuntary servitude. It focuses on Mae Louise Miller, former slave until the 1960's, and others still living on plantations in the Mississippi delta..

The Watergate Girl: My Fight for Truth and Justice Against A Criminal President

The Watergate Girl: My Fight for Truth and Justice Against A Criminal President

The Watergate Girl opens a window on a troubled time in American history. It’s also the story of a young woman who sought to make her professional mark while trapped in a failing marriage, buffeted by sexist preconceptions, and harboring secrets of her own all during a frightening time. Her house was burgled, her phones were tapped and even her office trash was rifled through. Wine-Banks, a current MSNBC legal analyst, began her career as an organized crime prosecutor at the U.S. Department of Justice which led to her selection as one of three assistant Watergate special prosecutors in the obstruction of justice trial against President Nixon’s top aides. At the time, the barley 30-year-old Jill Wine Volner (as she was then known) was the only woman on the team that prosecuted the highest-ranking White House officials. Called “the mini-skirted lawyer” by the press, she fought the casual sexism of the day to receive the respect accorded her male counterparts— and prevailed..

The Whole Truth

The Whole Truth

Angela (Elisabeth Röhm), a morally bankrupt acting coach, helps slimy criminals avoid prison by training them how to appear innocent in court. But when a former client pegs her as his next murder victim, Angela starts running scared and realizes her past mistakes. Written and directed by Colleen Patrick, this screwball comedy also stars Eric Roberts, Sean Patrick Flanery, Jim Holmes and Rick Overton..

The Truth Will Out

The Truth Will Out

Thomas Laboss host of "Hard Streets UK", hits the road interviewing families from differing cultures across the UK, uncovering truths, whilst being his usual exploitative self. But there's something a bit more sinister about one particular family and he may not get out of this one alive!.

La Vérité sur les Rois Mages

La Vérité sur les Rois Mages

Alors qu'ils se préparent pour la Chevauchée des Rois Mages, Melchior, Gaspard et Balthazar ouvrent pour la première fois les portes de leur palais pour la réalisation d'un documentaire sur leur vie quotidienne..

Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie

Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie

When a student confides to her guidance counselor that the high school principal has been sexually harassing her, the guidance counselor attempts to have the principal fired. The student recants her story and transfers to another school. Just when everything seems to be lost, the counselor discovers the principal has a history of such activity. Can she prove the principals guilt before he does it again?.

The Truth About Jane and Sam

The Truth About Jane and Sam

Sam, a fresh graduate from Singapore, works as a journalist in Hong Kong to gain wider exposure in life. He chances upon Jane, an intriguing mainland girl who lives a wayward, depraved life on the streets of Hong Kong. Because of her previous experiences in life, she is highly distrustful of men and spends her days smoking, taking drugs and booze. Sam, from a rich Singapore family, finds his social view broadened as he spends time with Jane in an effort to capture a good feature story. What started out as fascination over her for a cover story develops into a heart-warming love story. The two fall in love but their love is tested under the harsh light of societal comparisons..