

In Trees voirfilms

The Land of Rain Trees

The Land of Rain Trees

Nobuyuki Sakisaka (Yuta Tamamori) is a salaryman. When he was in middle school student, he read light novel "Fairy Game”. He still has that light novel, because he was so shocked by the ending. One day, Nobuyuki Sakisaka browses the internet and comes across the blog "Rein Tsuri no Kuni.” He learns that the blog writer, Rika Hitomi (Mariya Nishiuchi), also was shocked by the ending in light novel "Fairy Game." Nobuyuki and Rika soon begin to exchange emails. Nobuyuki wants to meet Rika, but she refuses due to her secret..

Takien: The Haunted Tree

Takien: The Haunted Tree

This movie is about a young woman who lost her job and thought she lost her boyfriend, too. She decided to go back home to her family, only to find out that they were dead. Her father and younger sister were killed in a traffic accident and her mother died in the same week of natural causes. In despair and sorrow, she tried to reach out to her boyfriend in Bangkok, but to no avail. The only way to get rid of her broken heart was to kill herself, so she could be with her family..

Plastic Tree

Plastic Tree

L’histoire narre l’irruption d’un « ami » d’enfance dans la vie intime jusqu’à présent paisible d’un coiffeur et de sa copine. Cet ami au passé obscur viendra troubler et changer un quotidien qui paraissait stable..

The Pine Tree in the Mountain

The Pine Tree in the Mountain

Communist party commissar Ivica is sent to the lowland village to monitor the local partisan squad. Despite their disagreements he befriends their leader Dikan and they plan to evacuate the chief headquarters. Dikan also sees the opportunity to have his personal revenge on an enemy officer, responsible for death of one of his men..

The Home in the Tree

The Home in the Tree

This is a childhood story which took place in a village of the central Shaanxi plain in the late 1990s. In the context that students were judged by their grades, Ba-Wang Chaoguo, a student at a primary school, was a bad student in the eyes of his teachers and parents. Not recognized by his parents and teachers, Ba-Wang Chaoguo saw a big tree in the field as his own "Home". And he hid all of his favorite things in the tree. The nature of child caused many conflicts between Ba-Wang Chaoguo and adults' world until one day Miss Fen came to work as a teacher. Miss Fen appointed him as the librarian of the class. Also he became a good friend of the female teacher and his "Home" also became the female teacher's "Home". However, the good times didn't last long. The preferential treatment he received was changed after the arrival of Miss Fen's boyfriend..

Nick and the Jade Tree

Nick and the Jade Tree

Nick is a caterpillar boy who, having overcome the taboo of the swamp, becomes a butterfly and, regardless of difficulties, strives for his dream - the Magic jade tree, where all the most beautiful butterflies of the world live. Dangerous trials, fun adventures, new friends and, of course, first love await Nick on his way..

Tree of Eternal Love

Tree of Eternal Love

Kiik, a young car mechanic stuck between the gears of life, finds out that his girlfriend's heart has been won over by a new handsome man. To get rid of the pain in his soul, Kiik asks his filmmaker best friend to join the adventure, with the destination to cut down the tree of eternal love. The journey to the mystical tree becomes thorny, intriguing and criminal..

The Tree of Love

The Tree of Love

A young doctor, Kozo Tsumura, falls for young nurse Katsue Takaishi. But she's got a secret: she's a widow with a son. Kozo and Katsue decide to run away to Kyoto, but her child suddenly became sick and she just missed the train and Kozo. She makes it to Kyoto finally, but is unable to meet him. Plus she isn't accepted into Kyoto society. She goes back to her hometown and tries to forget him. She quits the hospital to concentrate on her singing. She makes her professional debut with the hit "Aizen Katsura". Kozo is in the audience..

The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin

The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin

The movie, which seemed likely to be a video study by a local researcher on comfort women in the military camp town, is becoming an increasingly fictional world, including visits by the dead, resulting in historical, fantastic and allegorical results..

Martin Slivka: The Man Who Planted Trees

Martin Slivka: The Man Who Planted Trees

A tribute to Martin Slivka, one of the most important personalities of Slovak cinematography and culture. He was the creator of Slovak documentary ethnographic film, director, screenwriter, dramaturgist, film theoretician, pedagogue, author and ethnograph, but mainly – exceptional person. This documentary is not only a remembrance of maestro Slivka through words of his close friends and colleagues, but also an attempt to slightly uncover the secret of his rich life and work..

Far from the Trees

Far from the Trees

An unprejudiced portrait of Spanish folklore and a crude analysis in black and white of its intimate relationship with atavism and superstition, with violence and pain, with blood and death; a story of terror, a journey to the most sinister and ancestral Spain; the one that lived far from the most visited tourist destinations, from the economic miracle and unstoppable progress, relentlessly promoted by the Franco regime during the sixties..

The Mystery of the Almond Trees

The Mystery of the Almond Trees

A pair of macho private detectives pose as a gay couple to gain access into the world of a perverted wealthy widow, Doña Josefina, also known as “Mrs. Open Mind.” The widow’s summer home, it seems, is a legendary lightning rod for scandal because of mysterious and evil incidents that occur there..

My Family Tree

My Family Tree

A unique, engaging film that combines documentary footage with narrative cinema to tell the story of four generations of a Latvian family. Sixteen year-old student Jānis has been given an interesting homework assignment – to draw his family tree and explain it. The story of his family begins with his great-great-grandfather who burned down the manors of German landowners during the 1905 revolution. My Family Tree takes us on a journey to various countries and political regimes, showing Jānis’ ancestors to be people of diverse fates and life stories. A rich Latvian trader, a red rifleman loyal to Lenin, a carpenter with the KGB and war refugees in Sweden are only a few branches on his family tree, and the boy has heard something unusual and unforgettable about each and every one of these people..