

Comment regarder Pursuit sur Netflix gratuitement

La Bataille du Rio de la Plata

La Bataille du Rio de la Plata

Le film retrace l'épisode de la Bataille du Rio de la Plata qui eut lieu durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, dans laquelle la British Navy localisa et détruisit un puissant cuirassé de poche allemand (panzerschiffe), l’Admiral Graf Spee qui menaçait les convois de ravitaillement.



Un musicien célèbre, Tsui, est retrouvé sauvagement assassiné. L'inspecteur Lam est en charge de l'enquête. Le mobile du meurtre semblerait être un règlement de compte. Très vite un suspect émerge: Eugene Wong, tout juste libéré sur parole après 20 ans d'incarcération pour avoir violé et tué une jeune femme... la fille de Tsui... qu'il jure n'avoir pas assassinée... Lam va devoir creuser profondément dans le passé et il va déterrer des secrets qui vont l'entraîner dans une spirale de violence....

Randonnée pour un tueur

Randonnée pour un tueur

Agent du FBI reconnu et apprécié, Warren Stantin doit faire face à une enquête particulièrement délicate. Un individu a pris en otage la femme d'un bijoutier dont il réclame le plus rapidement possible un sac de diamants. Après avoir tué son otage, il s'échappe et intègre un groupe de randonneurs avec l'espoir de passer sans encombre la frontière canadienne. La course poursuite est lancée....

Ode to Joy

Ode to Joy

Brooklyn. Charlie est bibliothécaire. Il est atteint d'un trouble rare, la cataplexie. Quand il est submergé par une émotion forte - notamment la joie - il perd le contrôle de ses muscles. Par conséquence, il évite les individus, les lieux et les événements qui pourraient déclencher des émotions mais c'était sans compter l'apparition de la spontanée Francesca dans sa vie..

America Chica Pica

America Chica Pica

A group of young Egyptians are planning to immigrate to the United States from Bucharest. But, when the man they hired steals their money and leave them on the Hungarian border, they are forced to work together to overcome adversity..

Lost for Words

Lost for Words

Un Américain à Hong Kong, une jeune danseuse envoutante, une histoire d’amour naissante, un grand père meurtri par la guerre du Vietnam… Voilà les ingrédients de ce long métrage. Leur amour résistera-t-il ?.

The Wild Panther

The Wild Panther

An action-filled martial arts film in which guerilla fighters and foreign spies clash in kung fu combat when important military secrets are at stake..

Algiers, America

Algiers, America

Chronique du parcours de l'entraîneur Brice Brown et des Edna Karr Cougars - un lycée à majorité noire d'Alger, à la Nouvelle-Orléans - à la poursuite de leur avenir, de leurs rêves et d'un cinquième championnat d'État en six saisons..

Apache Blood

Apache Blood

Après le massacre d'un village indien par l'armée américaine, un survivant, Chemise jaune (Ray Danton) les poursuit pour se venger. Son voyage devient une aventure mortelle. Sa vie sera menacée par l'hostilité du désert, les serpents, les hallucinations et bien sûr sa rencontre avec ses ennemis….



In 1980s South Korea, a former cop, now in destitution, is placed in a rehabilitation center, where, by chance, he finds the Communist guerilla who had eluded his capture more than 30 years ago..

Answer This!

Answer This!

Brilliant trivia whiz Paul Tarson is great at answering little questions but horrible at answering the big ones – like what’s he going to do after grad school? When his father withdraws his funding, Paul is forced to confront his future and much procrastinated dissertation deadline…until he discovers the First Annual Ann Arbor Pub Trivia Tournament..

The Three Famous Constables

The Three Famous Constables

The plot it involves getting rid of the Devil Clan, a gang of very efficient robbers who have never been caught. The depredations must have gotten more blatant because two constables, played by Pearl Cheung Ling and Tin Hok are both tasked with eliminating them. Pearl Cheung recruits Lam Gwong-Wing who is either the third constable of the title or an informant. Lam is a bit of a goof—he would rather lounge in luxury with beautiful young women peeling grapes for him than go after the Devil Clan—which seems to make a lot of sense—but he reluctantly goes along with her after she threatens him. Lam is literally grabbed away from her by the constable played by Tin Hok for his war for his parallel operation. There is a third figure, neither a constable nor a Devil Clanner. He is Wolf Warrior who simply shows up and kills people—lots of people..



This quirky documentary from PBS provides an inside look at the "Hair Olympics," an intense competition pitting hundreds of hairstylists from more than 40 countries against one another in a string of timed tests to determine styling skill. Following Team U.S.A., filmmaker Mark Lewis explores all the highlights and bad hair days as the trainers, competitors and models prep rigorously for the 31st International HairWorld Championships in Moscow..

Shock Chamber

Shock Chamber

A trilogy of horror stories with ironic twists: a teenager tries out a love potion, a waitress gets involved in a kidnapping plot, two brothers plan to cheat an insurance company by faking their death..



Ohio's annual Ferret Buckeye Bash is the largest and most popular ferret show in the country. Hundreds of top breeders, seasoned experts and ferret enthusiasts pamper and parade their pets in a quest for prizes and prestige. Though these mischievous and often quirky creatures are unlikely show animals, the competition is intense. Tension is high but the tiny competitors don't understand all the fuss; they're too busy creating mayhem!.

Chasing Luck(y)

Chasing Luck(y)

In a rented apartment in Belgrade lives Srećko, who always plays the same combination of lotteries in the hope to win a premium one day. Local seller of lottery tickets, Višnja, is In him the love him. One evening, Srecko gets premium worth of several million euros. Helpless Srećko looses his ticket and his memory. However, the winning lottery paper, by unfortunate circumstances, reaches the hands of Žile and Sale, the owner of the local cafes. Unprepared to manage this money, they go to the Greek island Corfu in the hopes that will inspired them for a business. Two suspicious Belgrade "businessman" fallow them to Corfu to steal them the ticket..

Synchronized Swimming

Synchronized Swimming

The U.S. Open is the climactic final event of the U.S. Synchronized Swimming season. This program follows two teams of ambitious and athletic girls, and one determined boy, through intense training and team bonding until they meet in a spectacular display of churning water and synchronous limbs. For these future Olympians, the perfect make-up, the colorful costumes and those permanent smiles mask the fierce competitive spirit each needs to win..