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Evolving Minds: Psychosis & Spirituality

Evolving Minds: Psychosis & Spirituality

What is reality? Who defines it? Evolving Minds offers a fresh and radical perspective on alternatives to the mental health system. Presenting clear information in a humorous style it covers diverse topics such as shamanism, nutrition, psychotherapy, meditation and protest against draconian mental health legislation..

Socorro Evolution

Socorro Evolution

A team of marine wildlife ambassadors prepare themselves for a great adventure around Mexico's Revillagigedo Archipelago, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Internationally renowned free divers show us the beauty of how man can explore marine wildlife while still conserving it, posing the question, "Can we all learn to coexist with nature within our lifetime before we destroy it?"..

WWN Mercury Rising 2017: Evolve vs Progress

WWN Mercury Rising 2017: Evolve vs Progress

April 1st, 2017 :: WWN presents Mercury Rising 2017: EVOLVE vs. PROGRESS from Fern Park, FL, USA. Matches include: • Battle Of Champions Elimination Match – Winner Will Be The 1st WWN Champion Timothy Thatcher w/ Stokely Hathaway vs. Fred Yehi vs. Jon Davis vs. Matt Riddle vs. Parrow vs. Tracy Williams • EVOLVE vs. PROGRESS Match #4 – EVOLVE Championship Match EVOLVE Champion Zack Sabre Jr. defends vs. Mark Haskins • PROGRESS vs. EVOLVE Match #3 – Progress Championship Match PROGRESS World Champion Pete Dunne defends vs. ACH • PROGRESS vs. EVOLVE Match #2 The South Pacific Power Trip (Travis Banks & TK Cooper) w/ Dahlia Black vs. Catch Point of Chris Dickinson & Jaka • EVOLVE vs. PROGRESS Match #1 Ethan Page w/ The Gatekeeper vs. Jimmy Havoc • SHINE Championship Match LuFisto defends vs. Toni Storm • Austin Theory vs. The Gatekeeper vs. Jason Kincaid vs. Keith Lee.



EVOLVE 145 was an event produced by Evolve. It took place on February 29, 2020 at La Boom in New York City, New York. It was broadcast on

Evolution vs. God

Evolution vs. God

Many believe that Darwinian evolution is a scientific fact. This movie shows it is unscientific by interviewing evolutionary scientists from UCLA and USC as well as biology majors..

The Evolved: Part One

The Evolved: Part One

From UK Filmmaker Andrew Senior comes The Evolved: Part 1, the first chapter in a twisted splatterpunk comedy epic that’s like Guy Ritchie’s Snatch by way of Peter Jackson’s Meet the Feebles and BBC’s “The Young Ones”! Detective Danny Glover, Scarborough Police’s premiere dog-napping-ring buster and general fat bastard, arrives in London to help the clinically psychotic Detective Sonny Boy with a little problem; Who is butchering London’s dogs? The answer seems obvious at first, it must be Burger Priest, the Pope’s neo-nazi clown-chef fast food empire! The detectives embark on a covert mission to uncover Burger Priest’s dark secret, but even they are unprepared for the true horror and depth of the fast food franchise’s depravity. Assisted by Feety, a heroin-addicted fetus, and Ellen Mellon, a New York reporter who also happens to be an animated ventriloquist’s doll, they must reveal the Pope’s evil plan and shut down Burger Priest for good!.

Dominion Evolucion

Dominion Evolucion

An infected scientist is locked up in his laboratory trying to find the cure for a deadly virus. When he runs out of supplies, he will have a difficult choice to make, either let himself die or accept a vaccine from a sinister corporation..



"I try to leave the imagination of the spectator as free as possible by using purely invented, abstract forms rather than representational forms. In watching these films it is not necessary to search for hidden meanings of try to associate these invented forms with familiar objects. The spectator may simply relax and look at these films as one would listen to music in order to fully respond to them." -Davis.



Kira leads a happy life, but she is not free. She lives in a world where humans have been overtaken by machines in evolution. Now they are kept as "pets" by the robots. Kira is also the property of Antonett and Esben. She knows no other life - until her owners acquire a second human. Leo is different. He knows the past, he knows evolution and he knows that there are still humans in freedom. Soon he is able to convince Kira that her life is not the only true one. But does she want to give it up? Does she want to go against natural evolution?.



EVOLVE 32 was an event put on by Evolve. It took place on August 9, 2014 at the Northwest Community Center in Orlando, Florida..



EVOLVE 33 was an event put on by Evolve. It took place on August 10, 2014 at the 1904 Music Hall in Jacksonville, Florida..



EVOLVE 34 was an event put on by Evolve. It took place on September 13, 2014 at the Queensboro Elks Lodge in New York City, New York..



EVOLVE 35 was an event put on by Evolve. It took place September 14, 2014 at the The Brooklyn Lyceum in Brooklyn, New York..

The Indigo Evolution

The Indigo Evolution

The Indigo Children have arrived! Is it possible that children today are being born with amazing spiritual, artistic and intuitive abilities, the likes of which have never been seen before?.