

The Weekend

Leap Weekend

Leap Weekend

David spends his vacation with Pamela, his cousin. In the middle of a heatwave, Javier comes to break with their boredom. Later on, David develops a desire towards Javier, which leads him to use his personal items. As the heatwave intensifies, so does his desire..



Wochende (Weekend) is a film initially commissioned by the Berlin Radio Hour. Prior to Weekend, Ruttmann had made numerous celebrated avant-garde films, namely Opus I-IV, and the spectacular Berlin: Symphony of a City (1927). The advent of sound films dawned, and, interested in how spectators perceive sound, he premiered a film without pictures. On June 13th, 1930, the audience took their seats, the lights went down, and the sound of the film was heard. But the screen was completely blank..

Weekend Killer

Weekend Killer

Detective's Joey Moretti and Patricia Stevens are trying to track down a serial killer that preys on young attractive women, leaving only cryptic messages carved into their flesh as clues! Joey struggles to keep himself together as the investigation leads him closer and closer to the deranged killer!.

That Weekend

That Weekend

Julia returns to her hometown and the neighbourhood she left years ago after being swindled. She’s here to sign a permit to authorize her daughter to move in with her father, but more than anything, she’s come back to recover money that she left there, and which would solve a lot of her problems. Returning to her past is nothing like she expected it to be..



A romantic comedy that begins with a young man who meets a beautiful girl and hopes that things will turn out in his favor To become his future wife, the duo decide to go on the weekend, to meet the girl's family And obtaining the blessing of marriage also, and during the meeting a big surprise occurs that threatens to undermine the relationship!.



An old Beijing Opera performer who moves to the U.S. forgets his lines on the stage which causes him considerable distress. A female protege of his takes him for a walk on the beach along with her dog and her half-Chinese son. A string of dream-like memories of his old days are triggered by this walk, and he is gripped by a wave of nostalgia as the singing of Beijing Opera comes on in the background, making the boundary between reality and fantasy all the more blurry. The sea glitters in the setting sun and seabirds sing above the sea, the beautiful scene which awakes him from his trance....

The St. Louis Kid

The St. Louis Kid

Trucker Eddie Kennedy gets involved with the law when he has an car accident with Ann Reid and knocks the owner of a dairy out. He evades a penalty when he claims, that he had done it as an act of solidarism with the farmers. The farmers start an boycott action against this dairy, so the owner has to bring milk from elsewhere to his dairy, but the farmers closed the road, and Kennedy is arrested once more. He leaves jail at night to meet Ann, but meanwhile the owner has asked some mobsters to deliver the milk. One of the farmers is murdered, Ann Reid is missing and Eddie Kennedy is accused of murder..

Sky Line

Sky Line

Sky Line is a virtual world presented as an interactive simulation and as a looping video. Modelled on London Underground’s Circle Line, the work is set on a railway that connects twenty independent art galleries located within inaccessible areas across the capital. The physical pavilion where the videos are viewed from is also present in the interactive videos, where it acts as a shortcut onto the trains..



Among the countless attractive couples who dot the streets of the big city, there circulates a young single woman spending her weekends alone..

Family Weekend

Family Weekend

A visit to the director's hometown is the opportunity to bring to an end a series of sensitive, long-postponed discussions targeting topics such as identity, the drag scene in Romania, sexual orientation and the social pressure imposed by all of this. Three days that fail to find a clear conclusion, an attempt at dialogue in which the family dynamic evolves from comic to tragic and tender..

Jeu de massacre

Jeu de massacre

Le point de départ nous présente un écrivain endetté en manque d'inspiration et sa femme, adaptant sa prose en BD. L'élément perturbateur intervient en la personne de Bob, un homme d'âge moyen qui entreprend de leur raconter les multiples aventures qui lui sont arrivées, lesquelles ressemblent d'après lui étrangement à celles de certain des héros de Pierre, le scribouillard sus-cité. Pierre et sa femme décident, pourtant suspicieux, de profiter de la situation et de se faire "entretenir" quelques temps par le jeune homme fortuné passionné de leurs œuvres. Une relation tordue va alors s'installer entre ce petit monde....

Collective Tower

Collective Tower

Collective Tower celebrates the independent spirit of the galleries and artist-run spaces of Art Licks Weekend by bringing them together in a collective skyscraper. Unable to afford rising real estate rates, emerging galleries and artists occupy the fringes of the city. Bonus Levels is an ideal tower where these places are brought together. Each floor in the tower is dedicated to a gallery participating in the festival, and the structure and curatorial concept of their physical space is reflected in its virtual double. From white cubes to dark performance spaces and psychogeographic maps, the game invites each player to explore an alternate reality..