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Légère et Court-Vêtue

Légère et Court-Vêtue

L'avocat Jacques Vermorel reçoit la visite d'un inconnu, Gaétan, qui lui apprend que sa femme Jacqueline lui a accordé ses faveurs. Jacques chasse son épouse qui se réfugie chez un de ses prétendants, Pierre. Ce dernier qui s'apprêtait à épouser sa maîtresse Simone rompt avec elle. Un prétendu détective, Duvernois, engagé par Vermorel pour suivre sa femme, ne cesse de démêler, ou plutôt d'emmêler les fils de l'intrigue. Après bien des péripéties, deux infirmiers passent la camisole de force à Gaétan et Duvernois qui étaient deux fous échappés de l'asile. Jacques et Jacqueline se réconcilient et Pierre épouse Simone..



One of the most characteristic elements in DivEdCo's films was the resolution of conflict through dialogue. This is the case in Belén, where the protagonist must deal with her father's patriarchal objections to her desire to become a nurse..

White Dress

White Dress

Careerist Maciej gives a lift to a hitchhiker with opposite beliefs as they both head to their hometowns. In the meantime, the local community gets prepared for the annual Corpus Christi procession..

MARN, dressed in nudity

MARN, dressed in nudity

A portrait of the willful Marn, who strips for a living but really wants to make films, depicts everyday life with ease and humour. The kaleidoscope of stories and confessions of the fascinating protagonist is mixed with excerpts from her childhood video experiments and student films from FAMU. A film about the love of life and the desire to live it in one's own way..

Dress Off for Life

Dress Off for Life

Chen Yuen, a professional boxer, goes into hiding when his career takes a nose dive. His loneliness has bred impotency and, ultimately insanity. Now he stalks the city streets, attacking and slaughtering unsuspecting females..

No Dress Code Required

No Dress Code Required

Victor and Fernando are hairstylists in Mexicali. They are the go-to professionals for the city's socialites. To their customers, they were a lovely couple until they decided to legally marry. Losing the support of people and friends an confronting a blacklash of criticism, through their fight they woke up members of Mexiciali's society to fight homophobia and inequality..

French Dressing

French Dressing

Drama about a narcoleptic senior-high student, Mayumi, and his relationships with a male teacher who raped him and a female classmate whose boyfriend keeps bullying him..