

Rats sokroflix gratuit

Rätsel um Beate

Rätsel um Beate

After her husband suddenly dies, a small town woman becomes the target of gossip, as to whether he had been having an affair and whether she is connected to his demise..

Alice Rattled by Rats

Alice Rattled by Rats

While Alice is away, her cat is guarding the house. He chases one pesky rat inside the house, and shoots a hole in the floor, which he falls through, into a vat of home-brew. With the cat thus away, the rats play, at first dancing and singing, and later playing in the bathtub. The cat eventually sobers up (after he lands in a cactus), and tries to blow up the rats (and house!) with a bomb, but the rats plant the bomb on the cat, who blows up himself, Alice, and several nearby trees..



When Orson, a sensitive, misunderstood android stows away on Renee Hamilton's cargo ship, they don't fall in love (yet). But when they return to the science base where he lives, something has gone terribly wrong. Mutated, flesh eating rats wreak havoc on Renee and Orson as they try to save lives, and each other, amid terror and mayhem..

Die Arche Noah und das Rätsel der Sintflut

Die Arche Noah und das Rätsel der Sintflut

The press was alarmed by the sensational report in the summer of 1960. An American reconnaissance plane over Turkey discovers the shape of a ship stranded on Mount Ararat. Photos go around the world. Is the search for Noah's Ark finally successful? Is what the pilots discovered really the ship that survived the Flood? For centuries, Bible Students, archaeologists and historians have looked for wood from the ark. Everyone knows the story of Noah, who builds a ship and takes all the animals in the world in it to brave the flood. No story in the Bible is as dramatic as this..

The Mystery of Piskov

The Mystery of Piskov

Piskov, any idyllic small town in 1969. One day there is an incident that causes a sensation in press, radio and television, but leaves the citizens of Piskov completely cold. All clocks stop and time stops! A being from the future, more precisely from the year 523 to Gagarin, lands in the small town! The skeptical inhabitants ignore the incident completly. Two journalists (Hellmut Lange and Hannelore Elsner) try to get to the bottom of things and ask various witnesses about the mysterious events....

Jhana and the Rats of James Olds

Jhana and the Rats of James Olds

Between June 25 and August 7 2011 Stephanie Barber moved her studio into the Baltimore Museum of Art where she created a new video each day in a central gallery open to museum visitors. The goal of this project was to create a series of short, poetic videos in the playful and serious footprints of Oulipo games and daily meditations. 30,000 days, at the baths, at the shore, the badger and the hare, billy and the magician, bruce nauman, dear randolph, delaney soyinka, the eclipse, edgar degas, for wg sebald, have you seen diane, i love you, invisible, july 1st, level of zero buoyancy, little kitten, miniatures, my regrets, the phone call, puppet television, romance novels, the shama bird in 1889, some animals, the survey, tatum's ghost, tears or rain or something that falls, time is running out, to be old, the tree shadow, what is a party.

Stonehenge : Rites et Sépultures

Stonehenge : Rites et Sépultures

De nouvelles découvertes à Stonehenge retracent l’histoire d’une société préhistorique en pleine mutation. L'archéologue Mike Parker Pearson étudie notamment les fragments d'ossements correspondant à 63 corps d'êtres humains, brûlés puis enterrés collectivement entre 3000 et 2000 ans avant J.-C., là-même où ont été érigées les 56 pierres bleues provenant du pays de Galles..