

Où voir Feed Netflix

Feed Me

Feed Me

Pressured by impossible body standards, a gay man begins his health journey, but when his sister brings home takeout, hunger comes knocking... literally..

The Meat It Feeds On

The Meat It Feeds On

Bella's insecurities arise when her partner leaves for a work weekend with his boss. As her suspicions of his infidelity increase, she is tormented by more than just jealousy..

Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy

How it must be to swim among your kind, Dull with the cold and dreary with the dark, Enclosed above, beneath, before, behind -Charles Wharton Stork (1917) Contains elements from: "Attack Patterns of Sharks" Indiana University (1966).



Even death is in movement, since the soul is going someplace else. A short film inspired by Jacques Languirand's philosophic work..

Night Feeding

Night Feeding

Exhaustion and sleep-deprivation begin to take their toll on a new mother, who struggles through the strange, dark stillness of the 4am feeding..

The Feed

The Feed

An investigative reporter bites off more than she can chew while chasing a story about a new experimental drug with deadly side effects..

Feed the Dog

Feed the Dog

Feed the Dog. A short film Hanpost made in 1988. The lead, Speedy Arnold was to later play a role in Hanpost's feature film Island Girl..

Feedback Loop

Feedback Loop

Feedback Loop explores our relationship to technology, fringe ideas, and commercials. In 2023 the US Surgeon General declared an epidemic of loneliness. Simultaneously, we find ourselves diving deeper and deeper into echo chambers of conspiracy theory, misinformation, and fear mongering. Every click on a hyper link and second lapsed on an ad feeds cyberspace algorithms that work by design to keep us hypnotized by our screens. Talking heads and influencers are successful by providing the illusion of intimacy that is otherwise deeply lacking in the flesh. Would conspiracy theories and misinformation spread the same way if we weren’t so significantly lonely? What makes otherwise rational and educated people fall into cesspools of dangerous rhetoric that make them act against their own self-interest - and who reaps the benefits? This short film takes inspiration from science fiction, body horror, and Saturday morning cartoons..

Feed Me with Your Words

Feed Me with Your Words

In order to perfect his research, Robert travels to Italy, where he meets an unusual homeless man. Overwhelmed and confused by the unexpected encounter with that mysterious man, Robert begins to follow him and disappears without a trace....

Le Savant, l'Imposteur et Staline : Comment nourrir le peuple

Le Savant, l'Imposteur et Staline : Comment nourrir le peuple

Pour éviter les famines qui ont touché l'URSS et causé des millions de morts, le pouvoir soviétique a rapidement cherché à améliorer les rendements agricoles. Le botaniste visionnaire Nikolaï Vavilov prend la tête de la recherche jusqu'à la prise du pouvoir par Staline, qui favorise Trofim Lyssenko. Ce dernier, agronome ambitieux, prétend multiplier les récoltes grâce à de pseudo-inventions..



A reflection on the closing of a company and a fight that many say wasn’t in vain. A world of files and records abandoned in obsolete factories in the county of Marinha Grande, where the glass industry was once alive..

Feed Me

Feed Me

Voed Mij, also known as Feed Me, is the 2010 graduation short from Brontomus member Niels Dekker. Voed Mij played on several festivals, among them were Annecy Animation Festival and Sitges Film Festival..

The Maggot Feeder

The Maggot Feeder

A man decides to kill his wife because she can’t have children. He builds a stone house on the seashore and starts to grow maggots in it. When the maggots are as thick as a wrist, he invites his wife for a walk on the beach….

Eat, Feed, Sleep, Repeat

Eat, Feed, Sleep, Repeat

Reindeer herder is living the hardest and longest winter ever and is forced to feed the reindeer to keep them alive. All the days are the same while feeding, herding and refueling. Herder can not have a break until snow melts. All the time there is something that drives him ahead..



Au zoo, le lion Stefan a été oublié lors de la distribution de nourriture. Il doit donc se débrouiller seul pour trouver quelque chose à se mettre sous la dent....