

Où voir Bodies Bodies Bodies Netflix

Les Astres Noirs

Les Astres Noirs

Macha, Nathan et Walter sortent du lycée. Un jeune homme les attend. Il est là pour les accompagner. Hors de la ville. Vers la mer. Vers une nuit dont ils ne reviendront peut-être pas..

Purple, Bodies in Translation – Part II of A Yellow Memory from the Yellow Age

Purple, Bodies in Translation – Part II of A Yellow Memory from the Yellow Age

This installation is based on two texts that discuss the act of translating war and resilience, the intricacies of the wars in Syria and Iraq, mediated through testimony. The video merely shows a color: purple, projected on a mirrored screen that allows the viewer to see their own reflection, to see themselves within the subtitled text. Lina Mounzer’s essay ‘War in Translation: Giving Voice to the Women of Syria’ weaves the testimonies she is translating with her own personal experience of living through the civil war in Lebanon. Stefan Tarnowski’s essay ‘Subtitling a Film’ describes the intricacies of translating subtitles for the anonymous film collective Abounaddara and the special collaborative process of working for someone he has never met. Tarnowski uses this experience to reflect on the role of the subtitle, the details lost in translation, and what additional elements and contradictions are created by the differences between subtitles and image..

Two Bodies on a Beach

Two Bodies on a Beach

A woman wakes up on a beach tied in a plastic press wearing only underwear and high heels. “Not again”, she sighs and decides to track down the enemy and strike back. She gets a companion from an older woman, who has been pushed to the borders of society. During their journey through classical cinematic landscapes these nameless women from different generations struggle to connect and understand each other’s perspectives while their passion for men and male attention gets in away..

The Girl Burying Bodies

The Girl Burying Bodies

Mori is a girl who collects the carcass of victimized animals from roadkill to bury them. Her elder sister doesn’t like her doing that, and the two have a quarrel. But the real reason that Mori cannot leave this place is something else..

Cold Bodies Pile High

Cold Bodies Pile High

It’s 1919. The war is raging in Latvia and bodies pile high. A young rifleman’s (Thomas, 30) cold body is placed on a floor inside a mysterious sculptors' studio. Thomas wakes up with his head locked inside a cast and tries to find a way out from the dark room, but soon enough realizes that he is not the only one, who has woken up. The Ghost mother, a pagan goddess of death, tries to pull the young man into the afterlife. Meanwhile, the sculptor places Thomas’s death mask next to the others..

Brown Bodies in an Open Landscape are Often Migrating

Brown Bodies in an Open Landscape are Often Migrating

Through the prism of cinema, the work traces the journeys of undocumented migrants across vast lands, exploring distance as a condition of diasporic lives just as it is a position intrinsic to the act of filming. The artist invited a crew from the cinema industry of his native Lahore—also known as Lollywood—to script and direct a series of sequences, the narrative of which would be loosely based on videos found online. Recorded by migrants as they travel from South Asia to Europe, such videos give insight into the harshness of their peregrinations—which often last for years and sometimes do not reach the intended destination—as well as offering practical pieces of advice to those who have yet to depart..

Nos corps sont vos champs de bataille

Nos corps sont vos champs de bataille

Dans une Argentine divisée entre un conservatisme profond et un élan féministe inédit, le film dépeint les trajets de Claudia et Violeta, dans leur cheminement politique et leur vie intime. Femmes trans se revendiquant travesties, elles se heurtent avec leurs camarades à la violence patriarcale, jusque dans leur chair. Convaincues d’être les actrices d’une révolution en cours à la croisée des luttes, face à la défiance du vieux monde elles redoublent d’énergie pour inventer le présent, aimer et rester en vie..

Marry My Dead Body

Marry My Dead Body

Après avoir trouvé une enveloppe étrange, le policier Ming-han voit sa vie basculer dans l'effroi : il se retrouve marié à un fantôme avec lequel il va devoir élucider un crime..



Leyla and her boyfriend Yilmaz are in the porn film sector for 25 years in Germany. A while ago, they moved to Istanbul and Yilmaz left her for another woman. Although they are separated, Yilmaz comes up with a last minute request: one last movie where Leyla meets 20 year old handsome but quite traumatic character Izzet. The age difference between Leyla and Izzet, unsolved problems of Izzet's chubby mother and sister, Yilmaz's passion to his work and its results all crash into each other in an unexpected way..

Notre corps

Notre corps

A l'hôpital, les étapes sur le chemin de la vie des femmes, de la jeunesse à la fin de vie. Tous ces moments où notre corps dans sa voie gynécologique nous soumet et nous emporte..

Tetsuo II

Tetsuo II

Tomoo Taniguchi et son épouse Kana vivent paisiblement auprès de leur jeune fils Minori. Un jour l'enfant est enlevé et mis en pièce sous les yeux des parents par un monstrueux skinhead. Fou de douleur, le père se retrouve captif d'une organisation vouant un culte au dieu de la destruction. Il devient le cobaye psychique et virtuel du savant..

Corps à corps

Corps à corps

Une strip-teaseuse rêveuse accepte de changer de vie et de suivre un homme solitaire parce qu'il est fou amoureux d'elle. Il est riche, elle est belle. Un conte de fée ? Non, un cauchemar....