

Hunger voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Air Hunger

Air Hunger

In order to breathe "fresh air" into a long-term, permanent relationship, to refresh the relationship and return the lost passion, it is enough for someone to take the "first step" and go beyond the gray everyday life..

The Hunger

The Hunger

A sixteen year old boy with an intense desire for recognition seeks out a vicious criminal to prove his boundless grit. An expressive suburban gothic tale which enters the mindset of a teenager and explores the phenomenon of sensation seeking at a young age..

Animal Hunger

Animal Hunger

A film by Musa paradisiaca, a project by artists Eduardo Guerra and Miguel Ferrão, Fome Animal is a fable about those who feast and those that are invited to eat. At the dining table rumination mobilizes humans in a reversed continuum while animality and narration are intertwined in a particular cinematic depiction of digestion..

Labour and Hunger

Labour and Hunger

Expired film stock, DIY shooting and development often lead to mistakes. For instance, some of the material is good, but some is «sticky» when film sticks in the development tank leaving undeveloped an area up to 20 cm wide..



Ma, a Filipina elderly woman tends her modest and well kept home, when suddenly she is met with an unexpected visit whom she assumes to be a man from the U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In a panic, she contacts Angel, her daughter who resides in the city, and pleads for her to come home. Angel finds herself standing in front of her childhood home. Mother and daughter attempt to keep things polite, but soon after the colors of their strained relationship start to show. Will they reconcile?.

Les Plaisirs interdits

Les Plaisirs interdits

Styliste de renom, Patrizia retourne vivre dans la maison familiale. C’est l’occasion de renouer avec son jeune frère, Emilio, hypocondriaque et pornophile. Entre les deux s’amorce un étrange jeu de séduction… Salvatore Samperi livre ici un film esthétisant, s’abandonnant à la fascination qu’exerce sur lui sa comédienne, Monica Guerritore..

Les Dragueurs

Les Dragueurs

Paris. Le quotidien de deux jeunes hommes qui draguent dans les rues de la capitale. L'un est timide, l'autre est sûr de lui. Qui parviendra à repartir au bras d'une jeune femme ?.

La grande famine de Mao

La grande famine de Mao

Entre 1958 et 1962, la Chine a vécu une tragédie à une échelle épique. Le « Grand Bond en avant » conçu par Mao pour que la Chine puisse faire passer la production industrielle devant la Grande-Bretagne et atteindre l'autonomie de la puissance de l'URSS voisine, a conduit à une famine catastrophique entraînant la mort de 36 à 55 millions de personnes. Des milliers de cas de cannibalisme sont répertoriés. Mais la tragédie était masquée par un mensonge officiel, car alors que la Chine mourait de faim, les greniers de l'État étaient pleins. Basé sur des témoignages inédits de survivants, de rares images d'archives, des documents secrets et des entretiens avec les principaux historiens sur cette catastrophe, ce film offre, pour la première fois, un aperçu de la folie du « Grand Bond en avant ». Il examine les mécanismes et les décisions politiques qui ont conduit à la famine, exposant le mensonge qui continue encore aujourd'hui (à savoir qui était responsable) et le véritable coût humain..

Mars à table

Mars à table

Exceptional Vista, paisible bourgade d'Amerique du Nord, coule des jours paisibles, en depit de la fermeture de l'usine a ecrous. Mais voici qu'un beau jour le signal du relais de television se brouille et c'est la ville entiere qui bascule dans l'inconnu et la terreur: des citoyens disparaissent les uns apres les autres et leurs restes atrocement mutiles sont decouverts peu apres. L'arrivee d'un savant atomiste contribue a laisser croire que des extraterrestres ont debarque..

Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku

Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku

Miyakawa Hikage is an elementary school girl, living with her older sister Hinata. Every day they have to struggle with the poverty and financial ruin that go along with an otaku spending lifestyle..

The Kill

The Kill

A hot young vixen is kidnapped and raped by a dangerous gang of heroine smugglers, who rape and kill anyone who gets in their way. Then a tough private detective is hired to track down the bastards..

The Oasis

The Oasis

A plane crash in the Mexican desert leaves a small group of survivors who are desperate for food and water. Fearing that they may never be found where they are, they head for where it is hoped there will be civilization and rescue. When their hopes prove unfounded, they must face the horrible possibility of choosing between giving up and dying, or doing the unthinkable to survive..

Curse of the Starving Class

Curse of the Starving Class

Curse of the Starving Class is a play by Sam Shepard, considered the first of a series on family tragedies. Drama about a dirt-poor 1950's-era farm family. Dad's a foul talking drunk and Mom is desperately trying to save what's left of their family life..