

Hours voirfilms

Five Desperate Hours

Five Desperate Hours

Joseph Grange (Giancarlo Esposito), an unstable fugitive from the law, bursts into the home of suburban housewife Claire Ballard (Sharon Lawrence), and an intense hostage drama begins. Desperate to save her life, Claire initiates a dialogue with Grange as a trigger-happy SWAT team waits outside poised to storm the house. Claire, herself the product of a troubled past, begins to identify with the tormented Grange and, over five tension-filled hours, victim and captor forge an unlikely bond..

The Last 48 Hours of Kurt Cobain

The Last 48 Hours of Kurt Cobain

The week before Kurt Cobain was found dead from a single gunshot, he went missing. His whereabouts for that week has remained a mystery until now. But for the first time, the story of what happened to him can now be told, using the testimony of people who knew him, the witnesses who saw him in that last week and the ordinary people who found themselves written into his story that as one puts it, 'would have been a keystone cops comedy were it not to have ended in such tragedy..

10 000 Heures

10 000 Heures

Après avoir remporté un gros pactole, ce gagnant consacre son temps libre à s'entraîner pendant 10 000 heures, espérant réaliser son rêve de devenir footballeur pro..

The Marked Hour

The Marked Hour

La Hora Marcada was a 1986 Mexican television anthology series famous for its horror and science fiction themes in the vein of the Twilight Zone. Although virtually unknown outside the country, it achieved a popular and critical success in Mexico. It had a series of rotating writers and directors, among them Emmanuel Lubezki, Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón..

After Hours

After Hours

Two transwomen chance encounter in the club bathroom, one at the end of her rope, one at the end of her break working at the bar..

36 Hours to Kill

36 Hours to Kill

Duke and Jeanie Benson, an outlaw couple hiding out under assumed names. Duke realizes that he has a winning sweepstake ticket and will win $150,000 if he can cash it in without getting apprehended.

À 2 heures de Paris

À 2 heures de Paris

Sidonie, une jeune hôtesse de l’air d’une trentenaine d’années, élève seule sa fille de 15 ans, Lolo, née de père inconnu. Pour satisfaire la curiosité grandissante de l'ado sur ses origines, Sidonie l'embarque dans sa région natale, en Baie de Somme, à la recherche des pères potentiels. Le but du voyage : glaner sur chacun de ces messieurs un utile cheveu pour un test ADN de paternité. Ils sont cinq : un garagiste mélancolique, un artiste/peintre playboy décati, une ancienne gloire du foot local, un patron de boite de nuit et un médecin de campagne volage... Cinq hommes, cinq souvenirs, cinq confrontations avec son passé..

Cinquante millions pour Johns

Cinquante millions pour Johns

En raison d'une avarie sur deux de ses moteurs, un avion de ligne américain, qui volait en direction d'Athènes, est contraint de se poser à Beyrouth. L'équipage doit attendre 24 heures pour que ce soit réparé avant de poursuivre leur voyage (d'où le titre du film dans sa version originale). Toutefois, l'un des membres de l'équipage, le chef de cabine, semble particulièrement nerveux à l'idée de ce séjour inattendu. Des gens louches le pistent et il échappe par deux fois à un enlèvement. L'équipage, notamment le chef pilote, le protège des agissements du cartel tandis que le passé de trafiquant du stewart se révèle peu à peu. Au bout de 24 heures, l'appareil redécolle....

Le violeur à la rose

Le violeur à la rose

Un homme arborant une veste rouge cherche refuge dans une station-service. C'est un violeur en série connu sous le nom de "Crimson", il fuit un gang qui le poursuit. "Crimson" et le jeune pompiste partent plus tard ensemble et violent une jeune ballerine. La vie du jeune homme en est transformée et il devient accro au viol. Finalement, le duo est traqué et capturé par un gang d'homosexuels..

Nightwish: Please Learn the Setlist in 48 Hours

Nightwish: Please Learn the Setlist in 48 Hours

An intimate, two-hour documentary of Nightwish’s innermost-workings – included in their upcoming Showtime, Storytime DVD – is a story about what happens when persistence and desire pushes towards dreams. Directed by Ville Lipiäinen (30 Seconds To Mars, HIM) and shot with seventeen cameras at the Wacken Open Air Festival in front of 85,000 fans, the 110-minute live performance by Finland’s most beloved rockers Nightwish was the first of three final shows of the band’s 2013 “Imaginaerum World Tour” which consisted of 104 concerts in 34 countries and a total audience of over 1.5 million fans around the globe..

The Last 24 Hours: Jimi Hendrix

The Last 24 Hours: Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix became an over night sensation during the late 60s, however his fame didn’t last long after he tragically passed aged just 27, this tragedy became subject to a lot of controversy and there were lots of theories and rumours surrounding his death. This documentary offers an in-depth look at the artist's last 24 hours and attempts to clear the air surrounding his tragic passing, including appearances and testimonials from some of the people that knew him best..

The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After

The Kennedy Assassination: 24 Hours After

A behind-the-scenes look at November 22, 1963 from the unique perspective of Lyndon Johnson. On his pivotal first day as President, Lyndon Johnson is put to the test as he contends with the jarring transfer of political power and the daunting challenge of securing the trust of a devastated nation. From new details about when JFK really died, to the truth behind LBJ's Oath of Office photo on Air Force One, this special uncovers an unfamiliar story born out of one of the most crucial days in American history.

Four Hours to Kill!

Four Hours to Kill!

A detective who has "four hours to kill" before delivering his prisoner, an escaped killer, spends the time in the lobby of a Broadway theater where a musical is playing. The film focuses on the relationship between the two men, and also between various characters in the theater audience, staff and cast..

24 Hours On Craigslist

24 Hours On Craigslist

24 Hours on Craigslist is a 2005 American feature-length documentary that captures the people and stories behind a single day's posts on the community-focused, classified website Craigslist. The film, made with the approval of Craigslist's founder Craig Newmark, is woven from interviews with the site's users, all of whom opted in to be contacted by the production when they submitted their posts on August 4, 2003. The documentary screened in nine film festivals during 2004 and 2005, winning a 'best feature documentary', and played in a limited, self-distributed, theatrical release in 2005 and 2006. The film was released on DVD on April 25, 2006.

Forbidden Hours

Forbidden Hours

Set in the fictitious European kingdom of Balanca, Prince Michael IV is being coerced, by his advisers, to marry a young woman of royal blood. However, he has fallen for a peasant..