

Crash film en francais

Sports Crash

Sports Crash

Des professionnels pratiquent ces activités hors normes, courses en skate, hors-bord, rallye, parachutes et détournent de leur usage habituel toutes sortes de véhicules pour s'exprimer en toute liberté sur terre, mers ou dans les airs. D'où l'appellation « free » accolé à un certain nombre d'activités sportives : free ride, free bike etc. Mais qu'il s'agisse d'évènement sportifs couverts par les médias locaux ou d'une tentative de record personnel, une caméra se trouve toujours à proximité ou parfois même directement embarquée sur le casse cou lancé en pleine action. Voici donc quelques images spectaculaires et impressionnantes à commenter, à décrypter dans le détail, qui feront la joie des fans de « disastertainment », ou comment frissonner sur les crashs les plus ahurissants et rire des pertes de contrôle les plus incroyables..

Crash! Insignificant Roommates

Crash! Insignificant Roommates

It tells the story and episodes of the 10 close boys who live together since high school. They were expecting to meet paradise when they enter university. However, when they started to experience it, they released that that is not true. They portray the love, friendship, and dreams of the 20s..

Impact After the Crash

Impact After the Crash

Documentary exploring the horrific Carrollton, Kentucky bus crash, which killed 27 people, mostly children, and injured many others. It was the worst drunk-driving related accident in US history..

Polski Crash

Polski Crash

Early 90's. The political and economic landscape of Poland, Russia and Germany is changing. Both good and bad sides of freedom are revealed. The mafia is becoming more and more bold, operating without obstacles across borders. One of the more lucrative "businesses" is the trade in luxury cars, stolen in Germany and transferred to Russia by Russia..

Crash Course Kids

Crash Course Kids

Welcome to Crash Course Kids! We are extremely excited to announce this new channel from the creators of Crash Course. We'll be talking about 5th Grade Science to start, then adding in more subjects as the channel grows. We're so happy to have you along for the ride with us and can't wait to get started! You can expect to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday starting NEXT WEEK (3/2/15)..

Crash 'n' Burn

Crash 'n' Burn

Crash 'n' Burn is an experimental film shot in and named after Toronto, Ontario's first punk club by Canadian filmmaker Ross McLaren in 1977. (Not to be confused with Peter Vronsky's 1977 documentary on Toronto Punk shot for the CBC television network.) The film, shot on 16mm black-and-white stock, features punk rock performances by the Dead Boys, Teenage Head, The Boyfriends, and the Diodes"..

Crash Test

Crash Test

Six extroverts enter various private functions uninvited and perform outrageous stunts over a season to win the title of `Ultimate Party Crasher.'.

L'Enfer en quatrième vitesse

L'Enfer en quatrième vitesse

Embourbés dans une histoire de pari qui a tourné en leur défaveur, deux amis, l'un pilote de course, l'autre mécanicien, sont contraints de participer à une course illégale en vue d'honorer leur dette..

Fuite et poursuite

Fuite et poursuite

Faussement accusé et condamné, Mike se bat pour prouver son innocence dans une prison corrompue et découvre que même ses meilleurs amis l'ont trahi. Sa dernière chance vient de son père, qui lui aussi semble mystérieusement impliqué..

Room Crashers

Room Crashers

Todd Davis scopes out his targets while they shop in home improvement stores across America, and the weekend warriors who trust his pitch - let me and my crew follow you home, whereupon we'll completely transform a room in your house - are rewarded with a stunning makeover..

The Incredible Crash Dummies

The Incredible Crash Dummies

The animated short was entirely composed of computer generated imagery and centered on the adventures of Slick and Spin. A fellow Dummy named Ted has been chosen to use a new, indestructible torso module (Torso-9000), but his head is mixed up with an evil dummy's head, leading to the birth of Junkman. Slick and Spin try to free the kidnapped Dr. Zub from Junkman before the villain can extract the knowledge of how to mass-produce the torso..

Crash Course How to College

Crash Course How to College

Welcome to Crash Course: How to College! This 15 episode series is part of the Study Hall Program; a partnership between Crash Course and ASU. Dr. Erica Brozovsky (from PBS's Otherwords) hosts and breaks down how to apply for, succeed at, and graduate from college..

Crash Test Dummies

Crash Test Dummies

Ana and Nicolae, a young Romanian couple, travel by bus from Bucharest to Vienna with the prospect of making quick money by handing over a stolen car. As soon as they arrive, however, they are reassured that the car is not yet ready for them. Ana then wants to go back to Romania, Nicolae would rather travel further west. They are stuck penniless in Vienna..

Crashing Las Vegas

Crashing Las Vegas

An electric shock enables Satch to predict numbers, so the Bowery Boys are off to Las Vegas to win enough money at the roulette wheels to let their landlady buy an apartment building. Witnessing his winning streak, some gangsters decide to move in and find out his "system" for beating the odds..