

Comment trouver The Effect gratuit

Psychic Killer

Psychic Killer

Arnold est envoyé dans un institut pour handicapés mentaux après avoir assassiné sa mère. Là, il rencontre un autre malade doué de dons paranormaux. Grâce à lui, il va se venger de ceux qui sont responsables de son malheur....

Bigger, Stronger, Faster*

Bigger, Stronger, Faster*

Quand vous découvrez que vos héros ont tous brisé les règles, vous suivez les règles ou vos héros ? C’est la question qu’on est amené à se poser en voyant le film de Christopher Bell « Bigger, Stronger, Faster ». Ce documentaire poignant au style de Michael Moore, nous plonge dans cette folie des stéroïdes qui touche la famille Bell et plus globalement la nation Américaine tout entière, adepte du “toujours plus”, quel qu’en soit le prix..

Justice Armée

Justice Armée

James Webster, un membre des Forces Spéciales venant juste de retourner chez lui après une mission à l’étranger, est témoin du meurtre brutal de son frère. Webster a soif de vengeance et traque les responsables, mais alors qu’il s’enfonce dans un monde de corruption, il se trouve au centre d’une conspiration mortelle remontant jusqu’aux portes du gouvernement des États-Unis. Avec un assassin sur sa trace, Webster doit exposer au grand public les officiers corrompus avant de devenir l’une des victimes de leur conspiration infernale..

Placebo Effect

Placebo Effect

Two broke students take over an existing doctors office and impersonate doctors to get some money. They try to cure their patients with the help of google, but soon the first patient dies..

After Effect

After Effect

College students sign up for what seems a simple paid research study, they soon realize their lives are in danger. Unfortunately they've unknowingly volunteered their bodies as human collateral in an ongoing U.S. Military experiment..

Blue Butterfly Effect

Blue Butterfly Effect

The small county of Seongju staged protests against the THAAD. Young mothers led protests from concerns about their kids and the exposure to radiation. Gradually, they learn the system is faulty..

Paranormal Effect

Paranormal Effect

Visiting her native Japan with her American boyfriend Darren, Reiko is disappointed to see him spend most of his time filming local stereotypes. Already upset, Reiko draws the line when Darren walks into a forbidden cave, which, according to local beliefs, enshrines Shinto gods since the dawn of time. From then, Reiko and Darren start witnessing strange things happening around them, some of which they manage to catch on camera. Will they have time to understand what is upon them before it is too late?.

Les petits flocons

Les petits flocons

Wanda, mannequin jambe, est au chômage technique à cause d’une phlébite. Pendant que Thomas, son mari, profite des pistes avec ses deux enfants, Wanda, bien décidée à ne pas se laisser abattre, se consacre à Sami, tout juste sorti de prison. Alors que sa fille découvre les joies de la glisse avec son beau moniteur, Wanda réalise que son mal-être a un nom : le syndrome du moniteur du ski..

A Century on Film: Butterfly Effect

A Century on Film: Butterfly Effect

A continuation of the series of 'Century of Film,' which began broadcasting in 1995. Based on archive footage collected from various countries around the world, the program aims to show how humble actions of an individual chain together and shape the history of humanity..

El Efecto Clemente

El Efecto Clemente

Mario Diaz - Baseball icon Roberto Clemente died in a tragic plane accident while delivering aid to victims of an earthquake in Nicaragua. Yet his legacy remains and his effect is still felt across the United States and Latin America decades later. -.

Domino Effect

Domino Effect

"ÆFFETTO DOMINO" is a movie about the life and its transformation. It's a story of Lorenzo: sad news about his state of health will change its existence, causing a domino effect on his life and on the lives of people he loves..

Side Effect Happiness

Side Effect Happiness

Wolfgang and Roland are 72 and 58 years old and have lived together in Berlin since 11 years. They say, that today their life is happier and more fulfilled, than it was 25 years ago, before they met and neither Wolfgang, nor Roland knew, that they are HIV Positiv. Before the Virus, they lived an unremarkable middle-class life. They had a job and forgotten, faded or suppressed artistic ambitions. Back when they grew up and first discovered their affections towards men, homosexuality was still considered a felony in Germany. Both are deeply moved when they tell us how the Virus irrupted their lives. How it changed everything. They buried their lovers, too many friends and lost their jobs. For them, as for the many thousands infected in the 80's, a survival seemed hopeless. The virus dominated their lives and the numerous side effects of the first medications robbed their vital force and dignity. Today all this hardly meets the eye anymore..

Side effect

Side effect

At a social event, Pavel Grichikhin, a journalist and editor-in-chief of the online publication for women who have been subjected to domestic violence, sees a fragile, pale girl who whispers to him with one lips: “Help ...” Then she, taking some medications under the watchful supervision of her husband . Pavel understands that there is some kind of secret and decides, no matter what, to get to the bottom of the matter and save the girl ....

Side Effects

Side Effects

When Julián's ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is discovered by his mother, she must decide on the right treatment for him, what she does not know is that her actions would unleash chaos in her son's mind..