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Tartuffe ou l'imposteur par Benoit Lambert

Tartuffe ou l'imposteur par Benoit Lambert

La pièce est produite par le Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne et filmée au Centre Dramatique National Besançon Franche-Comté L'intrigue de Molière Orgon, père d'une famille bourgeoise et homme de bien, se prend de passion pour un jeune homme pauvre et dévot rencontré à l'église. Il va l'inviter chez lui et progressivement l'intégrer totalement à sa famille. Manipulateur habile, Tartuffe va faire régner un nouvel ordre moral dans le foyer. Après avoir séduit le père, il s'attaque à la mère et à la fille avant d'ambitionner de récupérer l’héritage du fils. Socialement, il n'appartient pas à ce monde et va pourtant l'ébranler... Il est une arnaque, une imposture..

Tarting Over

Tarting Over

In a domestic setting, two men in suits with rather glassy and listless facial expressions sit at a table with two mocha cakes on it. A classic slapstick element in an experimental setting..

Tartans of Scottish Clans

Tartans of Scottish Clans

It's common knowledge that Scotsmen are macho enough to pull off wearing a skirt - perhaps it's all that caber-tossing. This disarmingly simple film concentrates on the tartan cloths of various clans rather than the men who wore them, and is an early filmic reminder of their huge importance to both Scottish national identity and the thriving tourist industry north of the border. The film's unique selling point was that pioneering filmmaker G. A. Smith showed off the vibrant designs in Kinemacolor, among the earliest colour film processes that didn't involve meticulous hand-painting. And no dangly bits in sight..

El Tartessos de Schulten

El Tartessos de Schulten

"TheTartessos Schulten (The Conquest of the Lost City)" is a documentary film about the search for the mythical civilization of Tartessos by the German historian Adolf Schulten, pioneer of archeology in Europe in the 1920s..



Un gangster fatigué fait la rencontre d’un fantôme surgi de son passé; une présence sans retenue et qui, sans pudeur, annonce un message inévitable..

Tarts and Flowers

Tarts and Flowers

While waiting for her cookies to bake, Audrey dreams about a marriage between the Gingerbread Man and Angel Cake about to terminated by the Devil's Food Cake..



Pilar, a jealous mother, receives her daughter-in-law for her son's birthday dinner for the first time. When she realizes that she's no longer the priority for him, indignant and vindictive, she decides to change her plans for dinner and provoke her daughter-in-law with a dish that knows she hates..

Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur

Tartuffe ou L'Imposteur

Tartuffe un homme hypocrite confit en fausse dévotion, accapare la confiance d'Orgon un bourgeois fortuné et entreprend de séduire sa femme Elmire. Ayant été démasqué par cette dernière, il s'efforce de précipiter la ruine de son bienfaiteur..

Tartarughe d’acqua

Tartarughe d’acqua

"The town of Asti, Piemonte, in Italy, has in its park a very small pond in which there are a great number of turtles, a species 'Trachemys scripta and Trachemys scripta elegans' protected by the 'Movimento Nationale U.N.A. Onlus Uorno-Natura_Animal'”. In spite of the very limited space in the pond, a spirit of well-being prevails, all is calm while each turtle tries to find its place even if it means falling into the water every now and then." - Light Cone.

Turtle's Time

Turtle's Time

At a time when everything has been stopped by the pandemic, reality seems to be infinitely dilated, forcing the protagonists of this film to find new tools to cope with everyday life. Taking inspiration from a lucid dream and a carefully studied turtle, Costanza decides to follow her girlfriend on an archaeological campaign on the island of Ustica. The first lockdown will force the couple to postpone their planned meeting and to analyse with different eyes the existential and physical emptiness, sanctioned by the new historical course. Through the excavations and the camera, we witness an attempt to find deeper connections with the past and the place of origin. A semi-fable about time and history, observed through the eyes of impatience..

TARTINI secondo natura

TARTINI secondo natura

Amongst a plethora of musical styles and genres extant during the mid-18th century, the music of Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) finds a special place. Despite a quintessential expressive style of performance and embellishment, he was to become and remain influential across the known musical world, and his legacy was essential to violin playing for at least the next century. Tartini’s obscure writings about Nature and music reveal a close relationship to widespread ideas of a time that was to become known as The Age of Reason. However, these came with a twist: his 135 violin concertos and 200 sonatas, of which many are rarely performed today, still appear enigmatic – impalpable and mysterious. The sonorous Hardanger fiddle, an ideal instrument for imitating the traditional Italian bagpipes, appears in this recording as a tribute to the composer’s frequent use of traditional folk music motifs..