

Comment trouver Bird gratuit

Rare Bird

Rare Bird

The year is 1943. Anna Petrova (Katerina Shpitsa) is a combat pilot who was seriously injured. She returned to the rear and works as a leading engineer at an aviation plant, where new Gyrfalcons aircraft are being prepared for testing. The plant's management, unaware of the consequences of her injury, instructs Anna, together with Major Zotov (Alexander Gorbatov), to drive the prototype of the "Gyrfalcon" to the front. In addition to the desire to defeat the enemy and return home with a victory, Anna pursues a personal goal. She is determined to get even with Major Briggel, the German pilot who killed her lover..

Fiddley Foodle Bird

Fiddley Foodle Bird

The Fiddley Foodle Bird was a British children's animated musical series written by Jonathan Hodge, and narrated by Bruce Forsyth. Thirteen episodes of the series were made in total, with one story continuing through the episodes. They were made in 1991 and broadcast in 1992 on BBC One at 4:15. It was produced by H.A.P.P.Y. Animation and Fiddley Foodle Bird Productions in association with HIT Entertainment and was broadcast in over 30 different countries worldwide. The show also continued airing on the BBC until 2001..



Gathered in a shelter in an Ecuadorian forest, adolescent victims of sex trafficking take their tentative first steps in their newly recovered lives..