

Comment regarder Welcome sur Netflix gratuitement

The Musical: Welcome To The Night Of Your Life!

The Musical: Welcome To The Night Of Your Life!

Rodney, one of Hollywood's most sought-after directors, puts his next movie on hold to work on his passion project, directing a Broadway musical. An open call audition in New York City delivers a cast of up-and-coming Broadway performers, including Aster, a talented newcomer who seems to be perfect for the lead role. Rehearsals begin and Aster soon realizes she may be in over her head. Even with help from her cast mates including Danica, the ultimate triple threat, and Corey, her love interest in the show (and maybe outside of it too), Aster cant seem to make Rodney happy. Things only get worse as the show loses investors, the sets and costumes are trapped on a boat, and Aster accidentally pushes Corey off the stage..

Bienvenue parmi nous

Bienvenue parmi nous

Malgré sa renommée, Taillandier, la soixantaine, a brusquement cessé de peindre. En pleine déprime, il décide de partir de chez lui, sans but précis et sans donner d’explication à ses proches. Au cours de son périple, il fait l’étrange rencontre d’une adolescente égarée, Marylou, que sa mère a rejetée. La gamine perdue et l’homme au bout du rouleau feront un bout de chemin ensemble. Finalement, vivant tels un père et sa fille, dans la quiétude d’une maison de location, ils se feront «la courte échelle» et retrouveront un nouveau sens à leur vie..

Hello Neighbor: Welcome to Raven Brooks

Hello Neighbor: Welcome to Raven Brooks

New girl Trinity, moves across the street from creepy neighbor, Mr. Peterson. She joins Nicky & their less courageous friends on terrifying stealth missions to find out what horrific secrets are hiding in Peterson's horror house basement..



Théo, adolescent passionné de jeux vidéo, en a inventé un qu'il espère vendre. Mais son père le met au pensionnat. Il s'enfuit dans les Pyrénées et rencontre Quentin, un vieux bûcheron américain, qui protège la nature et que les braconniers, Bertou et René, haissent. Le jeune homme se sent bien avec le vieil homme, s'installe avec lui et tombe amoureux de Merentchu, jeune fille du village... Ils mènent un combat pour la survie des ours. Une réserve est enfin créée, mais les braconniers viendront tout de même à bout de Quentin.....

Goosebumps: Welcome to Camp Nightmare

Goosebumps: Welcome to Camp Nightmare

The summer camp of Billy's dreams is turning out to be a total nightmare. The food stinks. The counselors are weird. And who or what is this vicious beast everyone calls "Sabre"? Things are getting worse by the minute! So why doesn't Uncle Al, the camp director, seem worried? Does the mystery of the Forbidden Bunk have something to do with Billy's fellow campers disappearing one by one? Either way Billy has had it! He is determined to find out what is going on before it is too late..

Welcome Back Potter

Welcome Back Potter

Actress Monica Potter has returned to Cleveland, Ohio to buy and restore her childhood home, which has remained unchanged for three decades. Together with her feisty mother and three outspoken sisters, she's leading a massive renovation of the lake house, bringing back its original glory along with contemporary touches. From the furniture and mementos of her youth, to some hidden history, Monica uncovers more than she ever expected coming home..

Welcome Venice

Welcome Venice

Two brothers are in conflict over the way the Venetian lagoon has been transformed, and the identity of the city and its residents has drastically changed..

Bienvenue dans le nanomonde

Bienvenue dans le nanomonde

Un nouveau monde est en train de naître… Une révolution scientifique est en marche… Cette grande révolution, il faut aller la chercher très profondément, c’est celle de l’infiniment petit, celle de l’avènement du nanomonde : celui des nanosciences et des nanotechnologies..

Welcome to the BIBOVERSE

Welcome to the BIBOVERSE

Experienced the world's first NFT survival reality show - right here in Taiwan! Hosted by Matilda Tao, Nine Chen, Lorene Ren and Prince Chiu, the show selects 16 competitors to face 17 puzzle challenges, where the winner would earn an NFT worth NTD3 million! Are you ready to join the games and flex your mental muscles?.

Welcome to the Discworld

Welcome to the Discworld

La mort perd son emploi, et il n'y a personne sur le Discworld pour recueillir les morts. "Comment la vie et la mort dépendent absolument l'une de l'autre". Il s'agit d'une courte introduction (7:32 minutes) au pilote "Reaper Man" qui n'a jamais été filmé. Elle figure sur le DVD de la série télévisée "Soul Music" qui est une adaptation animée du roman éponyme de Terry Pratchett..

Welcome to Planet Sutherland

Welcome to Planet Sutherland

Three aliens on an expedition to Sutherland, the most beautiful place on Earth, crash-land in Tateyama, Chiba. They meet Reimi, part-time manager of a local villa, and come into contact with human life..