

Comment regarder The Room sur Netflix gratuitement

Hôtel Singapura

Hôtel Singapura

C’est le premier jour d’Imrah comme femme de chambre à l’Hôtel Singapura. Dans la suite n°27, un groupe de pop est venu fêter le nouvel an. Parmi eux, leur chanteur Damien est dans un état second quand il croise Imrah dans le couloir. Bien plus tard, dans ce même hôtel, une japonaise laisse filer son amant, un travesti reçoit son dernier plaisir avant l’opération, une touriste couche devant son meilleur ami… Mais toujours Imrah, en rangeant la chambre, se souviendra de sa rencontre avec Damien..

World War Three: Inside the War Room

World War Three: Inside the War Room

Following the crisis in Ukraine and Russia's involvement in Syria, the world is closer to superpower confrontation than at any time since the end of the Cold War. Now, a war room of senior former British military and diplomatic figures comes together to war-game a hypothetical 'hot war' in eastern Europe, including the unthinkable - nuclear confrontation..

The Rooms in the Photographs — Ko Nakajima’s Rooms

The Rooms in the Photographs — Ko Nakajima’s Rooms

The Rooms in the Photographs — Ko Nakajima’s Rooms Directed by Ko Nakajima, Photography by Hitoshi Kubo and Yosuke Nakagawa. Edited by Hitoshi Kubo. Courtesy of Keio University Art Center Produced in 2019 in conjunction with the research and exhibition organized by Hitoshi Kubo of Keio University Art Center, The Rooms in the Photographs — Ko Nakajima’s Rooms strings together a series of photographs documenting his studio in Tokyo and Nakajima’s performance. Conceived in conjunction with the research into Nakajima’s 1,500 photo documentation of artist Yutaka Matsuzawa’s Psi Zashiki Room in 1969, the project is an invaluable record of Nakajima’s extraordinary work space where video equipments, films and videos, printed materials, amassed over the years function as a system for Nakajima’s memory keeping. Seemingly random and chaotic placement of objects produced an idiosyncratic formula for the artist to access certain information—the studio and his brain functioned as one..

The Sid Caesar Collection:  Inside the Writer's Room

The Sid Caesar Collection: Inside the Writer's Room

The Big Daddy of televised comedy sketches, Sid Caesar had millions of Americans holding their sides and howling at his uproarious antics and those of his inspired sidekicks--Imogene Coca, Nanette Fabray, Carl Reiner, and Howard Morris. These are compilations of fan favorites--digitally remastered to be as crisp as they were in the 1950s. "The Fan Favorites" includes gems from the heyday of live TV, as well as interviews with writers and actors, including Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, and Neil Simon. 3-3/4 hours on 3 cassettes or 3 DVDs. Set 1 features live gut-busters from "Your Show of Shows" and "Caesar's Hour", including 18 of Caesar's own favorite sketches, plus revealing interviews with contemporaries, including Mel Brooks and Neil Simon. Three digitally remastered volumes: "The Magic of Live TV, Inside the Writer's Room," and "Creating the Comedy". Almost 4 hours on 3 cassettes or 3 DVDs..

This Is the War Room!

This Is the War Room!

The legendary production designer Ken Adam, aged 93, cigar in hand, brandishes his Flo-Master one last time to conjure up the year 1962 and the iconic War Room he created alongside Stanley Kubrick in Dr Strangelove..

Idol Room

Idol Room

Find out all about your favorite K-pop idol groups! Hosted by the “idol experts”, Jeong Hyeong-don and Defconn!.

The Patient in Room 18

The Patient in Room 18

Choreographer Bob Connolly and prolific screenwriter Crane Wilbur teamed up on the direction of Warner Bros.' The Patient in Room 18. Patric Knowles delivers a delightfully comic performance as Lance, an outwardly normal young man obsessed with detective stories. When his obsession threatens to lapse over into lunacy, Lance is sent to the hospital for a nice long rest. It isn't long before he gets mixed up in a genuine murder mystery, using his second-hand knowhow to solve the case. Up-and-coming Ann Sheridan is quite amusing as Lance's nurse and confidante, while the murderer is played by a fellow who is usually cast as the murder victim..

The Sisters' Room

The Sisters' Room

Mi-young (Song Eun-jin) suddenly returned to Korea because she missed her first love that she could not achieve while studying in the United States. She learned that her sister Mi-hye (Joo Yeon-seo) and college senior Jae-hyuk (excitedly) became a lover. I can't sleep. Mi-hye, who gets to know Mi-young's heart, declares farewell to Jae-hyuk and asks her not to meet her younger brother, Mi-young. However, Mi-young respects her sister's choices, but cannot organize her heart for Jae-hyuk. A few months later, Miyoung and Jaehyuk meet again at the funeral. Mi-young begins to rekindle her love for Jae-hyuk, whom she had endured, and confesses to Jae-hyuk her sincerity she had not conveyed for a long time. On the other hand, Mi-hye, who learns the lofty heart of a divorced company senior, Young-hoon (Kim Do-jin), carefully starts a new love....

The Powder Room

The Powder Room

An enchanting and dramatic short film set in London’s Claridges hotel. As its name suggests, the piece takes us into an ultra-feminine environment where gestures between women are traded in a ritual of opulent beauty..

The Boiler Room

The Boiler Room

6 Minutes. Even under torture, the terrorist who planted the bomb claims she doesn't know the code to disarm it. But they also have her daughter..

In the Room

In the Room

A warm and bright place hiding uncleanliness and fear. The slightest disorder of daily life brings the room down into deep darkness. Shot on 8mm film..

The White Room

The White Room

A man is told that he has dead and is being given a few fleeting moments to ask whatever questions he would like before ultimately being sent along to his final destination. Unfortunately, he says too much..

The Last Roommate

The Last Roommate

Jean (Jean Mitchell) accepts a new roommate Gregg (Bruce Parry) He is charming at first, but later she finds that he is psychotic and hell bent on her having his baby. She breaks from his demonic spell..