

Comment regarder Survive sur Netflix gratuitement

Protect and Survive

Protect and Survive

Protect and Survive was a public information series on civil defence produced by the British government during the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was intended to inform British citizens on how to protect themselves during a nuclear attack, and consisted of a mixture of pamphlets, radio broadcasts, and public information films. The series had originally been intended for distribution only in the event of dire national emergency, but provoked such intense public interest that the pamphlets were authorised for general release..

Custer's Last Man: I Survived Little Big Horn

Custer's Last Man: I Survived Little Big Horn

The most iconic battle in American History is looked at from the point of view of a man who may actually have survived the Battle of Little Big Horn. George Armstrong Custer and over 200 of his soldiers were wiped out by Plains Indians on June 25, 1876, but is it possible that one man, alone, lived to tell the tale? How did he survive? Why did he never come forward? And most important of all, is it true? The amazing tale of Frank Finkel is an epic story of struggle, perseverance, and survival and will shed new light on this historic moment..

To survive

To survive

A true story about a young woman who is Uganda's youngest chairperson in the history of women in politics. She decided to prepare prridge druing the lockdwon due to COVID-19 to reduce hunger among her community members..

To Survive, To Live

To Survive, To Live

Produced by the Sex Worker Advocacy & Resistance Movement (SWARM), ,To Survive; To Live' weaves together candid interviews from five people selling sex in austerity Britain. Setting aside the polarising rhetoric that often surrounds discussions of sex work, the film gives an intimate insight into the hopes, fears and needs of a group whose voices are routinely silenced..

What Will Survive of Us

What Will Survive of Us

We meet John and Noreen, two young lovers from Boyle, Roscommon, at a turning point in their lives together. John wants to move the relationship forward in a certain way, but Noreen is less willing..

The Amish: How They Survive

The Amish: How They Survive

The Amish live far outside the cultural mainstream. Preferring community to technology, they live in close fellowship with one another. Filmed in the world's largest Amish community, this documentary takes you on an intimate journey into Ohio Amish life and culture. Discover how rapid growth and economic pressures threaten their community. Meet a people who, as a result of creative disengagement with the culture around them, thrive. Widescreen. Approx. 49 minutes..

How To Survive a Grand Tour

How To Survive a Grand Tour

Riding a stage of a Grand Tour is tough, but riding 21 stages over Europe’s most brutal climbs is the absolute pinnacle of human endurance… Join Conor Dunne, survivor of two Grand Tours, as he heads to the 2023 Giro d’Italia to reveal how pro riders complete this monumental feat of physical endurance. Conor follows sprinters Pascal Ackermann and Davide Cimolai, plus rookies Derek Gee and Charlie Quarterman as they take on the epic Italian stage race. He also meets the sports directors, nutritionists, and medics that work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the riders remain fit and focused throughout the three weeks. Follow these riders as they embark on the 2023 Giro – Will they reach Rome? What state will they be in when they get there?.

They Survived Together

They Survived Together

The Neiger family was living a peaceful life in the Jewish community in Krakow when the arrival of World War II changed their lives forever. When Nazi soldiers forced the family from their home into the harsh life of the Ghetto, they made a vow to escape as a family. But when circumstances forced the family to separate from older brother Ben, their will to survive was put to the test. They Survived Together" is the incredible, true story of one family as they desperately tried to stay alive... and together as a family with four small children, attempted to escape certain death at the hands of the Nazis. They are believed to be one of the only families to escape and survive as a family..