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Barbie Life in the City

Barbie Life in the City

Mettez la musique à fond, enfilez vos chaussures de danse et partez à l'aventure dans la ville de New York avec Barbie "Brooklyn" Roberts dans Barbie : Life In The City. Dans cette mini-série passionnante, racontée du point de vue de Barbie à la première personne, vous découvrirez ce qui l'inspire alors qu'elle vous emmène dans ses endroits préférés de la ville qui ne dort jamais et que vous ferez la connaissance de sa famille et de ses amis, y compris sa nouvelle amie, Robyn. Préparez-vous, les lumières de la ville vous appellent..

Lost in the White City

Lost in the White City

The White City tells the story of an emotionally charged love triangle set in the hot political climate of modern Tel Aviv. A young couple take a winter break in Tel Aviv as an opportunity to exercise their creativity. But while Eva writes poetry and parties with friends, Kyle works on a film which expresses his own confused sexuality with Avi, a young ex-soldier; drawing Avi further into the couple’s complex relationship. The White City presents a new slant on the love triangle genre, with the backdrop of Tel Aviv as a cultural counterpoint to the American couple’s life. Cambridge Film Festival 2014 (

Shadows in the City

Shadows in the City

Paul Mills is a miserable, lonely man leading a meaningless existence in a nameless city and has visions of the Spirit of Death waiting to collect him while having encounters with various people while seeking solace for his short life knowing it will end soon. Shadows in the City was the last major work of New York’s 1980s No Wave film scene. Shot over seven years in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens, painter-performer Ari Roussimoff’s only fiction feature captures the urban desolation of the city in the decade before gentrification..

The Insomniac City Cycles

The Insomniac City Cycles

In a bustling Tel Aviv, a man suffering from insomnia tries to remember if someone actually shot him in one the city's underground parking garages. He no longer knows what is real or a dream while the city increasingly reflects the human condition. A young woman wakes up in a hotel room in Shanghai from that dream by a mysterious phone call. A fragmented conversation with a stranger who seems to also be a lover, rolls into a dazed odyssey in what seems like another dream amidst nocturnal Shanghai..

The Bayou City Murders

The Bayou City Murders

When a mother's love fails, if Jools, the seething rage of a serial killer, who's twisted mind and wounded soul wreaks havoc in order to gain retribution, he felt his victims deserved..

La Cité des enfants perdus

La Cité des enfants perdus

Krank, un étrange personnage, vit entouré de clones et d'autres personnages encore plus étranges sur une plate-forme en mer perdue dans le brouillard. Pour ne pas vieillir trop vite, Krank doit voler les rêves des enfants. C'est pour cela qu'il les enlève de la cité portuaire..

Six in the City

Six in the City

Après que la romance prometteuse d'un homme se termine par un désastre, ses cinq amis viennent lui remonter le moral, mais les reproches du passé viennent gâcher leurs bonnes intentions..

The Lost City

The Lost City

First of four feature versions of the same-title, same-year serial, consisting of the first three episodes, part of the fourth, and concluding footage not seen in the serial..

Celeb Ex in the City

Celeb Ex in the City

MTV International is preparing the latest extension of its Ex On The Beach franchise in the shape of Celeb Ex In The City. Premiering on December 8, the series follows celebrity singletons as they attempt to find love in London. Filmed prior to the latest nation-wide lockdown in the UK, Celeb Ex In The City features the likes of Calum Best and Michael Griffiths. The show is made by eOne-owned Whizz Kid Entertainment, with Lisa Chapman, Rachael Parker, and Jaime Brannan executive producing. Ex On The Beach first launched on MTV in the UK in 2014 and remains a strong brand for the channel after Celeb Ex On The Beach ranked as its highest-rated show of the year so far..

The Good City

The Good City

Adam is a well-intentioned substitute teacher in a small town high school who is avoiding facing his sexual orientation head on. He channels all his energies toward trying to save his students from a pre-determined fate of delinquency and poverty. But how can a person who fails to fix himself succeed in fixing others? When David comes to rent a room in Adam's apartment and they become romantically involved, Adam comes to life and declares himself the next mayor. The teacher with good intentions is now using his students, learning to play dirty, and doing everything to take over the city and make it "a good city." The only question is: who will pay the price? And is Adam a young man who fails to deal with his inner demons and becomes a megalomaniac with a hero complex, or a well-intentioned teacher who is forced to play a dirty game to save his city?.

Oklahoma City: The Boom, the Bust and the Bomb

Oklahoma City: The Boom, the Bust and the Bomb

From the oil boom of the 1970s to the failure of Penn Square Bank in 1982 to the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995, this inspiring, feature-length documentary sheds light on the darkest years of Oklahoma City… and the people who refused to give up. Produced, written and directed by Mick Cornett, Oklahoma City: The Boom, the Bust and the Bomb is a story like no other. It’s a tale of resilience, exploring how Oklahoma City’s turbulent past helped shape its bright, flourishing future..

In the Middle of the City

In the Middle of the City

In the Middle of the City is a Georgian sitcom about a group of friends in the Tbilisi district of Vake. The show is produced by "The Night Show Studio". It is originally broadcast from 2007 to 2009. The show premiered on September 23, 2007 and completed its first season on July 13, 2007. Second season has been confirmed by ImediTV. It is filmed in Tbilisi, Georgia. The plot follows the life of one peculiar family, with friends, in Tbilisi, each of which has a risible, odd life-style with lots of unexpectedness. As for the frivolous family, with singular friends and neighbouring gossip girls, they lead a normal life..