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Maciste contre les monstres

Maciste contre les monstres

Pendant la guerre entre les adorateurs du soleil et les adorateurs de la lune, Maxus intervient en sauvant le chef de la tribu du Soleil. Il se retrouve plus tard du côté des adorateurs la lune qui font appel à son aide pour kidnapper les femmes de la tribu adverse...

Triumph of Maciste

Triumph of Maciste

La méchante reine Tenefi exige qu'un approvisionnement régulier de jeunes femmes soit sacrifié au Dieu du feu. Maciste intervient et sauve de ce sacrifice les femmes d'un village dont la belle Antea. Maciste s'engage alors dans un effort pour restaurer sur le trône de Memphis son dirigeant légitime, le prince Iram..

Heracles, Achelloos, and Mesochora

Heracles, Achelloos, and Mesochora

The village of Messochora, as well as the paternal home of the documentary director, are on the banks of the Acheloos river, in the mountain range of Pindos. The area, however, is flooded by the artificial lake created by the diversion of the river. The documentary unfolds the incredible story of the hostage of the village, the family tragedy of the director himself, and the admirable struggle of the inhabitants of Messochora..

Ercole in Polesine

Ercole in Polesine

They have traveled the length and breadth, taught us to read and write, told us their fantastic stories. But who are these ancient Greeks we no longer remember? They are much closer to us than it seems. Because the desires, the anxieties, the fears have remained the same. Hercules in Polesine is a journey through time and into the sea. The entertaining journey through 5,000 years of stories, myths, legends that tell us about horned and cheating gods, listless heroes and mythomaniacs, of desperate and blustering men. And all these stories make us think about how we are now, all that way we have (not) done from the beginnings of civilization to the aftermath of the ATM queue..

Les Griffes rouges de Shaolin

Les Griffes rouges de Shaolin

L'empereur Rao Tsaung de la dynastie des Tchings aimait beaucoup les tournois et organisait des duels parmi ses meilleurs combattants. ces combats étaient très populaires parmi toute la Chine et l'empereur fit construire un grand monument dédié aux héros des combats, le monument attirait tous les combattants valeureux du pays....