

The Forgotten voirfilms

Les Oubliés

Les Oubliés

Un documentaire sur la célébration du printemps appelée la "Fête de l'Argent" qui est célébrée dans la province reculée de Cosenza..

The Forgotten Wells

The Forgotten Wells

A TV team ends up at an old farm to make a film about the place. At the same time a couple of armed desperados come to the farm and the trouble begins. The hero must rip off his shirt, take an UZI from the van and enter the series of sewers under the farm to rescue his friends. Down in the sewers lives a man who has lived down there since he was a kid. Now he is a psychotic half beast half man murder machine..

La Nueve ou les Oubliés de la victoire

La Nueve ou les Oubliés de la victoire

The story of the Spanish Republicans of La Nueve, the 9th Company of the Régiment de marche du Tchad, part of the French 2nd Armored Division, known as Leclerc Division, whose troops were the first who entered Nazi-occupied Paris on August 24, 1944..

Pluto (The Forgotten Planet)

Pluto (The Forgotten Planet)

Yeon-woo openly talks about her wounds and it is the sense of deprivation that makes Se-jeong feel responsibility for her friend. Their difference makes them complete each other. With a small number of conversations the movie aims to describe the feelings between two women who have a special understanding for each other..

One Bright Shining Moment: The Forgotten Summer of George McGovern

One Bright Shining Moment: The Forgotten Summer of George McGovern

ONE BRIGHT SHINING MOMENT retraces George McGovern's bold presidential campaign of 1972 - a grassroots campaign that fought for peace and justice, and positioned ideas and people first. But what is remembered today as being the ultimate political defeat of the American Century may also have been its high watermark. The film poses this central question: what does the crushing electoral defeat of a man so well respected for his decency and intellect say about the electoral process, the American government, and more importantly, what does it say about the forces at work on the American people- then and now? Featuring interviews with the candidate himself, supporters and activists like Gore Vidal, Gloria Steinem, Warren Beatty, Howard Zinn, and music from Bob Dylan, Robbie Robertson, Donovan, and Elvis Costello..

Partnair: The Forgotten Tragedy

Partnair: The Forgotten Tragedy

On September 8, 1989, 55 Norwegians died in a plane crash on board a chartered plane. Now, 32 years after the disaster, a group of journalists is investigating the accident again, with a critical eye. How did the accident become one of Norway's worst scandals?.

Ravensbrück, le camp oublié

Ravensbrück, le camp oublié

Située à près de 80 kilomètres au Nord de Berlin, en Allemagne, l'ancienne commune Ravensbrück a abrité, entre 1939 et 1945, une prison devenue camp de concentration conçu spécifiquement pour les femmes. Il fut édifié sur ordre d'Heinreich Himmler, haut dignitaire du IIIème Reich et chef de la SS. Sur les plus de 130000 personnes qui y furent déportées, près de 90000 n'en revinrent jamais. S'appuyant sur des témoins, experts internationaux et images de synthèse, le document dévoile les atrocités commises à Ravensbrück..

Boy 23: The Forgotten Boys of Brazil

Boy 23: The Forgotten Boys of Brazil

The film accompanies the investigation of the historian Sidney Aguilar after the discovery of bricks marked with Nazi swastikas in the interior of São Paulo. They then discover a horrifying fact that during the 1930s, fifty black and mullato boys were taken from an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro to the farm where the bricks were found. There they were identified by numbers and were submitted to slave labour by a family that was part of the political and economic elite of the country and who did not hide their Nazi sympathizing ideals..

Le Chant des oubliés

Le Chant des oubliés

The Semperit plant in Argenteuil. Faced with the molten rubber, bodies engage with the cogs of the machines. The hammer drops: off-shoring. Then a symphony pursues the account: rising from the destruction of the machines, of the walls…and of a surprising community..

The Forgotten Imperial Army

The Forgotten Imperial Army

Oshima exposes the fact that many wounded soldiers cannot receive compensation from the Japanese government because of their Korean nationality, while questioning if this is a just way for the Japanese to act. The documentary uses TV to problematize the apathy of the Japanese people. According to Oshima’s 'The Idea of Evil and Cruelty' and Sato Tadao’s 'History of Japanese Documentary Film', the actual situation was much more serious and harsher than the documentary depicts..

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

Forty-five years after he was expelled from his village in the Syrian Golan Heights, Mustafa steals across the Israeli border with the help of a local smuggler. This is a one-way trip for Mustafa, as he contemplates the end of his life..

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

The Marconi neighborhood is considered by the press and police as one of the most dangerous in Uruguay. Anibal González (Don Cony) and his brother Christian González (Kitty), were born and raised in the neighborhood. Today they try to survive while writing songs of denunciation about the reality they have to live. Los Olvidados begins with archival footage from 2012 in which a young man from Marconi is killed by police, and ends in 2016 with the death of another young man in similar circumstances. The film shows the neighborhood through Don Cony and Kitty in the interim between these two police events..

Forgotten Files

Forgotten Files

A retired policewoman is pulled into a complex case in a quiet residential building, and discovers that much bigger secrets lie behind its doors..