

Où voir Sacred Netflix

Sacred Spaces

Sacred Spaces

Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Brock Carter, published by ZED in 2018. Why do we feel such emotion when we enter a church, a temple, a mosque, or a synagogue? These timeless spaces have beauty and mystery..

Sacred Weeds

Sacred Weeds

Sacred Weeds was a four-part television series of 50 minute documentaries investigating the cultural impact of psychoactive plants on a broad array of early civilisations. The series was filmed at Hammerwood Park by the producer, Sarah Marris, and her production company TVF. It was broadcast in the summer of 1998 on Channel 4, a British television network. The Reader in European Pre-History at the University of Oxford, Dr Andrew Sherratt, was the series host. Prior to his resignation from the University of Oxford, Sherratt was appointed Professor of Archaeology. Each episode began and ended with Sherratt inscribing his diary with his reflections on the series' scientific and cultural investigations. In each episode the series investigated one psychoactive plant and its cultural significance. Three specialists of various scientific disciplines were invited to monitor two volunteers who had taken each plant. After the four episodes, Sherratt assigned considerably more significance to the psychoactive properties of plants in ancient civilization and the prehistoric period than expert knowledge hitherto..

Sacred 2

Sacred 2

A group of young people from Jakarta left for Cirebon with different destinations. Arla, Jojo, and Maura want to do research on their final assignment, which is assisted by a documentary filmmaker named Umay. Meanwhile, Ajil and Keanu are horror YouTubers who create content to maintain their existence. Their journey becomes wild and uncontrollable after meeting Ute, an indigo who has a secret agenda..

Le Sacrifice

Le Sacrifice

Ancien écrivain réputé, Alexandre vit avec sa famille dans une maison isolée sur une île suédoise. Le soir de son anniversaire, la télévision annonce qu’une catastrophe nucléaire mondiale vient d’éclater. Le vieil homme adresse alors sa première prière à Dieu et lui fait la promesse d’un grand sacrifice pour que tout redevienne comme avant….

Sacred Koya

Sacred Koya

A young priest is on a personal pilgrimage for enlightenment through the snow covered trails of Mt. Koya in Wakayama prefecture, Japan. He is headed towards one of the many sacred gates/temples that are there. Misdirected by a local postman, the priest is sent straying off of the main road and onto the back roads which lead to a small secluded cottage. There he meets a beautiful but bewitching woman whose raw sexuality seems utterly impossible to resist. The woman subjects the priest to numerous carnal temptations in the hopes of breaking his sacred vows of celibacy. Over the next days, the priest's will is put to the test until eventually it breaks. His faith shattered, the priest goes mad when he discovers that the temptress that seduced him was the tortured spirit of a young woman who died horrifically with her lover in the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack..

Lieux Saints

Lieux Saints

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Dans un quartier défavorisé de la ville, trois hommes tentent de s'en sortir comme ils peuvent. Bouba gère un vidéo-club dans lequel la plupart des DVD sont d'origine non identifiée. Jules César, artisan et musicien, fabrique des djembés tout en jouant de cet instrument. Abbo, lui, décore les murs de la ville avec des citations philosophiques..

Seirei no Moribito

Seirei no Moribito

Après avoir tué dans le passé huit personnes qui lui étaient chères en raison de certaines circonstances, Balsa est devenue garde du corps afin d'expier ses meurtres en protégeant le même nombre de personnes. Après deux ans d'absence, à 30 ans, elle revient dans la région de Yogo où elle assiste à un accident dans lequel le prince Chagum tombe dans l'eau. Balsa lui sauve la vie et assiste à un évènement surnaturel. Sous l'eau, l'enfant fut protégé par une sphère bleue. La seconde femme de l'empereur invite donc Balsa pour la remercier et lui demande de protéger Chagum. En effet, on découvrit récemment que le jeune prince était possédé. Ceci pouvant détruire le prestige de la famille impériale aux yeux de l'empereur, celui-ci décida d'assassiner l'enfant. Balsa accepte la requête et s'enfuit avec Chagum, celui-ci devenant par la même occasion la huitième personne qu'elle protègera….



A group of young filmmakers from Jakarta arrived in Bantul, Yogyakarta to prepare for a shoot. Things are normal until the second day when they start to experience unexplained phenomenon..

Les eaux saintes

Les eaux saintes

Water is a scarce and sometimes dangerous resource in the Swiss Mountain Village. Anytime the wooden pipe is damaged and the supply breaks, one man from the village is determined by "unlucky" draw to take on the life-threatening repairs..

Closet Witch - My Words Are Sacred

Closet Witch - My Words Are Sacred

There is no easing in with this film: chopped-up analogue images of trans porn cut across the screen in time with raging heavy metal. This is a film that demands to be heard, its cacophony laying bare the discrepancy between a culture that fetishises trans bodies while simultaneously denying their existence..

The Sacred Flame

The Sacred Flame

A Florentine legend tells the story of a blunt and arrogant blacksmith who enlists with the Crusaders in an attempt to rekindle the love his wife once had for him. After seizing Jerusalem, he lights up a candle in the tomb of Christ and bets to a Minstrel that he can carry it to Florence, all by himself. On his way home, he runs into a series of characters that help him to reflect upon the meaning behind the sacred flame and change his life for good..

The Sacred Band

The Sacred Band

In the cold light of his computer, a young man makes dozens of nude photos of desire and sends them to anyone, in order to share his body and his solitude..

Legend of the Sacred Stone

Legend of the Sacred Stone

Les chefs des six écoles d'arts martiaux se battent avec le démon guerrier Mo Kuei, mais à peine sortent-ils victorieux qu'un groupe de démons connu uniquement sous le nom de "The Unfriendly" massacre les six maîtres et s'en va avec le corps de Mo Kuei. Il appartient maintenant à un groupe de héros d'empêcher The Unfriendly d'utiliser l'esprit de Mo Kuei afin de prendre possession de la pierre du ciel exaucant les vœux..