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Le Village de carton

Le Village de carton

Un prêtre assiste, impuissant et désemparé, à la désacralisation de son église. C'est alors qu'un groupe d'immigrés trouve refuge dans le bâtiment. Hôte involontaire de ces clandestins, il s'interroge sur la foi et le sens de sa mission..

The Village

The Village

A doctor mysteriously discovers that he is required urgently at the village to offer his services. He arrives there after a long and difficult journey, only to discover that the village is empty..

Le Village perdu

Le Village perdu

Dans le paisible village alpin de Granges-de-Mortes, un drame vient de se dérouler: Gustave Boeuf, le coq du village, est mort mystérieusement au pied d'un calvaire. Peu après, un paysan, qu'on soupçonne de l'avoir assassiné, se pend à une branche de la croix. Mais est-ce vraiment lui le coupable ? Angélique Barrodet, une vieille fille un peu sorcière, qui fut la fiancée de Gustave avant qu'il ne l'abandonne le jour même de son mariage, mène l'enquête à sa façon..

Woman from the Killed Village

Woman from the Killed Village

One of the five-part documentary series by Belarusian writer and director Viktor Dashuk, which recounts the horrors experienced by the Belarusian people during World War II, through firsthand accounts of survivors and newsreel footage..

The Village

The Village

This appears to be a labor of love. Its about a village which is given the opportunity to put on a musical. They would have to pay the overhead and, being that they are farmers and always busy and not rich, question the wisdom and feasibility of such an idea. A spokesperson for the acting troupe Ms. Kono lays out the whole thing and they must decide. You get little slices of rural life in Japan far, at least in sentiment, from Tokyo. The best thing about this film is that it has heart. The acting is good, but it is really about the simple storyline of outing on a show. Films rarely get made with such simplistic plots these days. Enjoy this little slice of what city people call “the simple life”..

The Village Detective

The Village Detective

Police officer Aniskin lives with his family in a rural Russian village whose inhabitants admire his gentleness and wisdom. When an accordion is stolen from the local clubhouse, he begins to investigate..

Le Fils de l'épicière, le Maire, le Village et le Monde

Le Fils de l'épicière, le Maire, le Village et le Monde

C’est l’hiver dans le petit village de Lussas, quelque part en Ardèche, et les agriculteurs sont tout entier à la taille des vignes. Parmi eux, Jean-Paul Roux, le maire du village. Jean-Marie Barbe, son ancien camarade de classe et fils des anciens épiciers du village, a lui ouvert une entreprise toute singulière dans son village natal : après la création des Etats Généraux, festival de documentaires, il se lance dans la création d’une plate-forme numérique par abonnements, dédiée aux documentaires d’auteur. C’est la naissance de Tënk, aux allures de start-up, tendance rurale. Aux côtés de Jean-Marie, l’équipe va-t-elle gagner le pari de cette entreprise économique ?.

Hinamizawa, le village maudit

Hinamizawa, le village maudit

Juin 1983. Hinamizawa est une petite ville d'apparence paisible de la campagne japonaise où le personnage principal, Keiichi Maebara, vient emménager avec sa famille. Il va très vite se lier avec quatre de ses camarades de classe, quatre jeunes filles nommées Rena Ryugū, Mion Sonozaki, Rika Furude, et Satoko Hōjō, qui l'acceptent dans leur club d'amateurs de jeux de société. Leur bonne entente commence toutefois à se détériorer quand Keiichi apprend petit à petit certains éléments de l'histoire récente du village. Tout débute apparemment par un meurtre horrible commis quatre ans auparavant suivi d'une série de mystérieuses disparitions, mais ces faits sont passés sous silence. Pire, il semblerait que les amies de Keiichi aient été mêlées à ces événements ! Après le festival de Watanagashi, célébrant une déité locale, Oyashiro, de nouvelles énigmes apparaissent....

The Seaside Village

The Seaside Village

Hae-sun, a girl from a seaside village, marries Seong-gu and becomes a widow three months later. When the wanderer Sang-su falls in love with Hae-sun, Seong-oh stops working because he adores his sister-in-law. Hae-sun refuses Sang-su's request to leave the seaside village, but when her mother-in-law finds out about their relationship, she leaves the seaside village. Hae-sun and Sang-su go to the market and follow their friend Kim Ga, who is a Simmani, to the mountains. When Sang-su, who discovered wild ginseng, is caught up in the Kim family's trick and has the wild ginseng taken away, Hae-sun, tired of her wandering life, misses the sea. Meanwhile, while digging for wild ginseng on a cliff, Sangsu falls off the cliff and dies while holding the wild ginseng in his hand, and Hae-sun returns to the seaside village in despair over everything..

The Village of the Progress

The Village of the Progress

Luz Marina leaves Chocó, her homeland, at the age of 15, pursuing a better future in Bogotá. Times go by and looking after her seven children, she finds in social housing what at first sight might seem the accomplishment of her dream. A suspicious contract for the sale of real property will make her seek her dream even farther away..

The Village in the Cave

The Village in the Cave

The story takes place in a Karst mountainous area in southwestern China. There is a karst cave called "Fengyan Cave" inhabited by a Han village of 56 households and more than 280 people. Eight generations have been extended here. In the cave village, there is a special relationship that brings the whole village together to face the sinister nature; here, each member of this cave "big family" shares a "big roof"; they share the same Gods; drink a pool together; walk a mountain road to the outside world together... .