

Comment trouver The Holiday gratuit

On the Day of the Holiday

On the Day of the Holiday

About one day of a large mining family. In the center of the picture is a veteran, a former miner, and now a pensioner Panteleimon Dmitriyevich Grinin, who on Victory Day decided to introduce children to his “lady of the heart” hairdresser Zinaida. The action lasts only a day, but a lot happens during this time with the sons, daughters-in-law, daughter and Zinaida....

Les Grandes vacances

Les Grandes vacances

Blandine passe ses vacances seule dans un petit camping au pied des montagnes. Elle est rapidement envahie par le bruit, la foule et la pluie qu’elle cherchait à fuir le temps d’un été. Au bord du lac, Blandine rencontre Helio un jeune journaliste local..

Ni à vendre ni à louer

Ni à vendre ni à louer

C'est enfin le week-end, un week-end de printemps sur le littoral atlantique. Ce week-end-là, deux retraités se rendent dans leur résidence secondaire, une maisonnette aussi vaste qu’un timbre poste, et croisent un couple de punks ayant pour gîte une maison dessinée sur le sable d’une plage. Plus loin, deux imposteurs vêtus d’orange et de vert se mettent au golf non loin d’une procession funéraire. Au même moment, un représentant en parapluies a rendez-vous avec une maîtresse sado-maso dans un hôtel du bord de mer où séjournent deux couples dont l’existence sera chamboulée par un cerf-volant perdu..

Panique au village : Les Grandes Vacances

Panique au village : Les Grandes Vacances

School is out, and Indian and Cowboy are bored. Watching an old pirate film gets them out of their funk and they decide to build a ship and go off on an adventure. But their first try is a disaster. With the help of some animals, they finally manage to launch their proud vessel and everything is ready for their departure. But of course, nothing goes to plan... And the catastrophes come thick and fast..

Holiday Love

Holiday Love

Azu Takamori is 30-years-old and married to Junpei. They have a 5-year-old daughter. She runs a nail shop out of her house. Azu Takamori has a happy life, but she is not satisfied with her marriage. Her husband is more like a family lover than a lover. One day, Junpei comes home with bruises on his face. He had an affair with a female co-worker and the woman's husband found out about their affair. Junpei's bruises are from the other woman's husband. Azu Takamori happy life collapses. She is filled with anguish, but tries to restart life with her husband. They face a difficult situation..

Manolito Four Eyes: The Mischievous Holidays

Manolito Four Eyes: The Mischievous Holidays

This is a hilarious look at contemporary Madrid from the point of view of ten year old Manolito. Witty, funny and moving, the film has crossed-over from Spain to become a classic family entertainment.On this particular occasion, Manolito is in the middle of Chrismas break and ready to celebrate the holidays with his nutty family: his mother, Cata, his father, Manolo, Grandpa and Imbecile. This year holds a big surprise: Uncle Nico, his mother's brother who lives an works in Oslo as a waiter. Uncle Nico shows up in an unbelieveable motor home to spend Christmas Eve with the family. He is accompanied by his flashy Norwegian fiancée, Trudi Bergenkoklass, who is something like part fairy, part Viking and part Pippi Long Stocking. This lady immediately catches Manolito's eye..

The Long Holiday

The Long Holiday

After the famous Dutch documentary filmmaker Johan van der Keuken is told that he has prostate cancer and only a few years left to live he decides to take an extended vacation while filming his journeys so the afterworld can learn about his experiences. He travels to Kathmandu where he meets buddhist monks and a healer woman who soon is trying to medicate him, to Burkina Faso and Mali onto the edge of the Sahara desert and other places. Everywhere he is collecting experiences that help make the rest of his life bearable..

The End of the Holidays

The End of the Holidays

Darkness hides secrets - twelve-year-old Marta finds out about it in the last days of summer vacation. During one of his lonely night escapades in the countryside, he witnesses a brutal rape. The resolute girl does not dare to tell her mother about the event, who is also hiding an important secret..

Hell Teacher Nube: Summer Holiday of Fear! Legend of the Sea of Suspicion

Hell Teacher Nube: Summer Holiday of Fear! Legend of the Sea of Suspicion

When Nube and his class arrive at a small island to carry out beach activities, they heard a forbodding tale from an old man residing on the island. Legend has it that there is a creature known as the sea spider in the open seas around the island. When the creature is past 200 years old, it will turn into a monster and devour humans to satisfy its appetite. However, curiousity kills the cat and Yukime decides to pursue the authenticity of the legend. And then, a girl suddenly appears on the beach. Possessed with a strange charm, she immediately attracts Hiroshi's attention and overcomes him. Soon later, strange things start to happen to the others whereby Kyoko and Ritsuko-sensei got attacked under strange circumstances. The true identity behind the mysterious girl is questioned and the legend behind the sea creature seems to be true after all..

The Artist's Holiday

The Artist's Holiday

After hearing the mandate of Sukarno during the Second Asian-African Conference, an author named Suromo searches an art form to express the people’s hardship. Together with a failed painter named Rutaf and a film director named Kadjiman, these artists meet a man who works at the National Trade Bank. Interested in the arts, he helps to promote their activities..

Les Vacances du diable

Les Vacances du diable

Un jeune mannequin fait la conquête d'un jeune homme élevé à la campagne par une famille rigide. Quand après l'avoir épousé, elle arrive chez ses beaux-parents, elle y fait figure d'intruse..