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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

L'histoire nous entraîne dans le quotidien de Yuna, une jeune fille de 15 ans qui vient de commencer à jouer au premier VRMMO du monde. Après avoir gagné plusieurs milliards de yens, elle décide de se confiner chez elle pour jouer toute la journée sans même aller à l'école. Aujourd'hui est un grand jour pour l'histoire de ce jeu car une mise à jour majeure est arrivée ! Ainsi, elle reçoit une rare tenue d'ours non transférable. Cependant, cette tenue est bien trop gênante pour Yuna et elle ne peut se permettre de la porter, même en jeu. De plus, après avoir répondu à un sondage concernant cette nouvelle mise à jour, elle apparaît dans une forêt inconnue en portant la fameuse tenue. Yuna va donc commencer son aventure en faisant ce qu'elle désire..

The Teddy Bears' Picnic

The Teddy Bears' Picnic

One magical day each year the teddy bears of the world come alive to gather in the forest for food, fun and games. One year, with the help of two warmhearted teddy bears, a sad, little girl got a special look at this joyful event..

The Macc Lads: Three Bears: The Best of 1982-1988

The Macc Lads: Three Bears: The Best of 1982-1988

This rude, crude collection of concert clips and promotional footage shot between 1982 and 1988 captures the British-born Macc Lads in their element, swilling pints and singing songs with the power to make the well-behaved blush. Selections include raunchy Macc Lads classics such as "Scabby Women," "Boddies," "Dan's Underpants," "Sweaty Betty," "Now He's a Poof," "Twenty Pints" and "No Sheep Till Buxton.".

The Three Bears

The Three Bears

Playing hide-and-seek with her dog, young Goldilocks scampers away into the woods and stumbles upon a lovely little house. Unbeknownst to her, a family of bears live there. The bears, however, have gone to do something in the woods. Goldilocks spills their food, breaks their furniture, and generally creates havoc in their house, before settling in for a nap in the one remaining usable bed. What she doesn't know is that the bears are coming back, and when they get back........

The Adventures of Rupert Bear

The Adventures of Rupert Bear

The Adventures of Rupert Bear was a live-action/puppet television series, based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear, produced by ATV Network, and aired from 28 October 1970 to 24 August 1977 on the ITV network, with 156 11-minute episodes produced over four series. Of the 156 episodes made only 74 are known to exist in their original colour film format, while there are a further 16 duplicated on black & white 16mm film. The remaining episodes are currently missing, whereabouts unknown. The characters were all puppets, although the opening sequence memorably featured a toy version of Rupert Bear sitting in a live-action child's bedroom. Rupert's friends and flying chariot appeared straight from the Daily Express pages, although he was joined by some new friends including a sprite called Willy Wisp. One of the most memorable elements of the series was the catchy theme song which was written by Len Beadle and Ron Roker, sung by Jackie Lee, which reached #14 in the United Kingdom charts in 1971. The song includes the erroneous lyric "Rupert the Bear", even though Rupert has never had the definite article in his name..

À la recherche de Noël

À la recherche de Noël

Alors que le reste du monde se prépare pour Noël, tous les ours de Bearbank se préparent à dormir ... à l'exception de Ted E. Bear. Ted devient curieux à propos de Noël, il décide alors de partir à la rencontre du Père Noël pour éclaircir ce mystère....

The Man Who Loved Bears

The Man Who Loved Bears

The Man Who Loved Bears (1979) True-story documentary detailing the struggle of a man trying to raise a helpless grizzly bear cub named "Griz" in order to return him to the natural Colorado wild..

The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw

The Berenstain Bears Meet Bigpaw

It's Thanksgiving in Bear Country, and the Bear Family get nervous when Mama Bear thinks they've gotten a sign that the "Thanksgiving Legend of Bigpaw" is coming true. The legend says that when bears get greedy and don't share their harvest, Bigpaw will come to destroy Bear Country. Eventually, the bears all learn a lesson about who Bigpaw really is, and they celebrate the holiday..

The Great Bear Scare

The Great Bear Scare

As Halloween approaches, the bears of Bearbank begin to fear an invasion of monsters from nearby Monster Mountain. As most of the bears prepare to leave the city, one brave little bear, Ted E. Bear, sets out to confront fear!.

Masha and the Bear - To the Cinema

Masha and the Bear - To the Cinema

Masha is an energetic three-year-old who lives in an old train station in the forest. Precocious, silly, and friendly with everyone she meets, this energetic girl can’t seem to keep herself out of trouble. Bear is a warm, fatherly figure that does his best to guide his friend and keep her from harm, often ending up the unintended victim of her misadventures. Though he enjoys his quiet time alone, he misses those moments when Masha is not around. Together with a rag-tag group of friendly animals that have made the forest their home, Masha and the Bear entertains adults and children alike, teaching viewers about creativity, loyalty and true friendship..

Bear and the Bees

Bear and the Bees

It's springtime and Cupid is bringing romance into the lives of every woodland creature... except for Fatso the bear who "ain't got no romance in his soul." Cupid sets out to remedy this and shows Fatso a female bear, then injects him with about 50 love arrows. Fatso, now smitten, is determined to win her affection but his clumsiness threatens the relationship of the two, despite Cupid's advice. He dumps a trash can on her head, shoves a bouquet of flowers in her face, knocks her in the mud, dumps a beehive on her head, and knocks her into a cave. Finally, he succeeds in winning her with "the caveman routine" only to discover she has a family of kids he must now look after. Furious, he vengefully chases Cupid into the distance..

The Yellow Teddy Bears

The Yellow Teddy Bears

A clique of girls in an English school wear a small yellow teddy bear on their uniform to signify that they have lost their virginity. Linda, the girls' leader, fears she may be pregnant from her window cleaner boyfriend, "Kinky", an aspiring pop singer. Desperate, and unable to confide in her parents, she must wrestle with her conscience and decide what course of action to take. Meanwhile, a concerned teacher learns the significance of the yellow teddy bears, and in trying to help the girls in question, puts her own career in jeopardy..