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Modern Urban Ghost Legends: Terrifying True Stories Surgeons Cannot Speak Of

Modern Urban Ghost Legends: Terrifying True Stories Surgeons Cannot Speak Of

The director of a hospital is expelled from his own hospital due to the schemes of a vicious head nurse. In his disappointment, he sees a shadow of a grudge that seems out of this world. From the next day, suspicious shadows appear frequently in the hospital that the head nurse has taken over. Is it the director's grudge? And then, one after another, the people involved die strange deaths. What will happen to the people when they learn the true identity of the shadows?.

Le tour d'écrou

Le tour d'écrou

Londres, 1921. Dans un hôpital accueillant les blessés et les malades de la Guerre 14-18, un psychiatre tente d'aider une jeune femme. Un matin, elle réussi à lui parler et lui dit en chuchotant « J'ai vu le diable ». Le psychiatre surpris, lui demande de lui raconter ce qui s'est passé. Quelques mois plus tôt, Anne avait été engagée par un aristocrate pour s'occuper de ses deux neveux orphelins, Miles et Flora. Mais des apparitions inexpliquées se manifestent. Après avoir discuté avec une des servantes de la demeure, elle apprend que la précédente gouvernante, Emily Jessel, et son amant, Peter Quint, sont tous deux morts dans des circonstances étranges. Elle en vient à penser que les enfants sont possédés par les esprits de ces deux personnes....

The Dismembered Ghost

The Dismembered Ghost

Masako, the young lady of the family estate, returning from overseas following the death of her diplomat father. She had originally left in opposition to his second marriage to the avaricious Tomoko, who now parades her new lover Goro around the house as if it were her own. When the family lawyer informs the gathered masses that it is Masako who is the legal inheritor of the entire estate, her elder sister Sumie and fiance Shinjiro join Tomoko and Goro in hacking up the unfortunate heiress with an axe. It is not long before the assorted pieces of Masako begin cropping up to drive them all insane, followed by her apparition in the traditional white smock with eyes peering wildly through straggly black hair..

Kinzō Sakura: Ghost Stories - Real Accounts! Stories So Scary You'll Die

Kinzō Sakura: Ghost Stories - Real Accounts! Stories So Scary You'll Die

Kanzo Sakura made his breakthrough as a ghost story teller in the 1990s when he appeared in the ghost story corner of a TV variety show, and is regarded as one of the leading figures in the world of ghost stories. Based on the sensations he gained through his own near-death experience, Kinzo Sakura told his ghost stories and spiritual phenomena he had experienced in front of the camera..

Broadcast Prohibited VTR! True Scary Ghost Stories... The Truth That Can't Be Shown on TV

Broadcast Prohibited VTR! True Scary Ghost Stories... The Truth That Can't Be Shown on TV

This is a compilation of the horror series in which the crew visits the birthplace of urban legends and investigates the truth behind them. From the haunted spots and birthplace of urban legends that have been covered so far, the series introduces a number of the most terrifying spots that can never be broadcast on TV, where unexplained phenomena are rumored to have occurred during filming and editing by the staff..