

Comment regarder Soldier sur Netflix gratuitement

Soldier Jack, or The Man Who Caught Death in a Sack

Soldier Jack, or The Man Who Caught Death in a Sack

Adapted from an Appalachian Jack Tale set in the late 1940s, this tale follows a World War II veteran named Jack who, in return for an act of kindness, receives two magical gifts: a sack that can catch anything and a jar that can show whether a sick person will recover or die. Jack becomes a national hero when he rescues the president's daughter from a serious illness by capturing Death in his magic sack. However, after many years without Death in the world, Jack realizes that he has upset the natural order and releases Death to save humankind from perpetual old age and misery..

Soldiers of Salamina

Soldiers of Salamina

Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War..

The Tin Soldier

The Tin Soldier

The Steadfast Tin Soldier, Hans Christian Andersen's tale of heroic love and perseverance, comes to life in this adaptation set to music and dance. The tin soldier, separated from his beloved paper ballerina and thrust into a dangerous world filled with goblins and rats, must fight for his freedom against overwhelming odds..

Stand Down Soldier

Stand Down Soldier

After Sergeant Stacy Armstrong returns from three deployments with PTSD, Jesse and Stacy are determined to save their twenty-year marriage from being another casualty of war. Infidelity, addiction, and a tragic accident test the couple's commitment as Jesse struggles to keep Stacy and their marriage alive..

Soldats inconnus

Soldats inconnus

Nous sommes à l'été 1941. Une compagnie de mitrailleuses de l'est de la Finlande reçoit l'ordre de restituer leur surplus d'équipement. La société est transférée aux lignes de front. Le lendemain matin, les soldats se réveillent au son des fusils - la guerre a commencé. Les troupes finlandaises attaquent et traversent rapidement la frontière. Les jeunes recrues nerveuses de la compagnie reçoivent leur baptême de feu et les hommes se familiarisent avec la mort et les épreuves de la guerre. Sous la force et mal équipés, ils combattent un ennemi supérieur. Les listes de héros et de morts semblent interminables. L'interprétation épique d'Edvin Laine du roman de guerre de Väinö Linna "Tuntematon Sotilas" constitue un chapitre entier du livre sur l'histoire du cinéma finlandais..

Le Soldat américain

Le Soldat américain

Revenu du Vietnam, un tueur à gages américain retourne à Munich où il a passé son enfance. Il est engagé par trois flics peu scrupuleux pour liquider des criminels..

Henry Santry and His Soldiers of Fortune

Henry Santry and His Soldiers of Fortune

Henry Santry's band is comprised of self-proclaimed soldiers of fortune. Within their concert set includes the opening declaration of them being soldiers of fortune, Henry serenading a dancing girl he who wants a girl like her, Private Bell looking for a girl he could love tonight, a nimble female dancer performing a comic routine, and a friendly battle between the various instruments in the band..

Argentine Soldier Only Known by God

Argentine Soldier Only Known by God

The story is centered on the human drama of three young people from a small town in Traslasierra, Córdoba, who from very different ideological places, are forever transformed by the war in Malvinas Argentinas (Falkland Islands)..

Soldiers in Hiding

Soldiers in Hiding

A portrait of several Vietnam War veterans living "off the grid." Upon returning home from the war, these men found themselves unable to exist in normal society due to the lasting psychological scars from Vietnam, and, subsequently, chose to live a life of solitude and survival in the American wilderness..

2099: The Soldier Protocol

2099: The Soldier Protocol

Sometime in the near future, paraplegic prison inmate Matt Mills meets "The Board" of Satoshi-Telefair Industries, who thank him for joining the Program. Under pressure and with a promise to make him walk again, Mills agrees to volunteer. He is injected with a synthetic nanomaterial and suffocated, only to wake up with restored use of his legs, yet alone in a steel cell in the first spoke of an experimental apparatus - The Wheel. A series of assailants inflict a multitude of damage to Mills' body and torment his mind, yet the synthetic nanomaterial not only restores his damaged organs, it re-engineers his strength. The experiment might be designed to kill, but Mills is determined to survive - and get back to his daughter before The Board finds her first..

Mobile Suit Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam

En l'an 0079 du Siècle Universel, les colonies spatiales du Duché de Zeon revendiquent leur indépendance. Elles attaquent la Fédération Terrienne, fortes d'un nouveau prototype d'armes, les Mobile Suit. Tandis que la guerre fait rage, la Fédération prépare la riposte dans le plus grand secret, sur une colonie éloignée. Mais celle-ci subit une attaque surprise de Zeon et pour éviter que ces nouvelles armes ne tombent aux mains de l'ennemi, un équipage improvisé engage le combat, formé de jeunes recrues militaires, mais aussi de civils..

Soldiers Pay

Soldiers Pay

From director David O. Russell (Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees) comes the controversial documentary chronicling the soldier's struggle with the current war in Iraq. Interviews with soldiers and with Iraqis who played extras in "Three Kings.".

13 Lead Soldiers

13 Lead Soldiers

Captain Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond is called in to solve the murder of a man from whom two lead soldiers were stolen. Drummond learns that the two soldiers were part of a set of thirteen which formed the key to a hidden vault of treasure. Following some clever sleuthing and set-up on Drummond's part, the guilty man is trapped in the vault,which is hidden behind the fireplace..

La Ballade du petit soldat

La Ballade du petit soldat

En 1979, le Front Sandiniste de Libération Nationale renverse le gouvernement de Somoza. Le parti lance une importante réforme agraire et soutient une politique d’expropriation des grands propriétaires terriens. En 1984, le FSNL remporte les élections nationales, mais le président Reagan ne reconnaît pas ce gouvernement. Les contras - des guérilleros anti-sandinistes - reçoivent alors un soutien militaire des Etats-Unis et c’est dans leurs camps d’entraînement qu’Herzog vient filmer la façon dont des enfants sont transformés en soldats..

The World's War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire

The World's War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire

British historian David Olusoga, along with other historians, narrates the story of millions of Indian, African and Asian troops who fought and died alongside French and British troops to help win the war against Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire..