

Comment regarder Diana sur Netflix gratuitement

Diana's Wedding

Diana's Wedding

It's July 29, 1981. In the majestic St Paul's Cathedral in London, Lady Diana Spencer marries Prince Charles. The same day, another celebration takes place in the canteen of a Norwegian small-town factory. It’s the newly-weds LIV and TERJE'S wedding party. In the pram lies their new-born daughter, DIANA, who, like her famous namesake, will be facing a lot of chaos in the years to come thanks to her parents. The wedding, and following years, are less glamorous than the royal counterpart, but indisputably much more fun. Through the eyes of Diana, we witness the rollercoaster of her parent’s marriage. To her, they are the worst parents in the world. Miles away from doing a decent job, constantly fighting yet still in love by the time Diana is preparing for her own marriage 30 years later..

Les 100 derniers jours de Diana

Les 100 derniers jours de Diana

Ce film documentaire retrace le premier et dernier été de la Princesse Diana en tant que femme célibataire, fraîchement divorcée du Prince Charles et prise dans un tourbillon de relations amoureuses tumultueuses, jusqu'au moment de sa mort tragique dans un accident de voiture à Paris. Le journaliste britannique Martin Bashir a recueilli les témoignages de proches de Diana, notamment son majordome, son cuisinier, son garde du corps, son attaché de presse et son coach sportif, qui relatent comment la princesse faisait face à son nouveau statut, ses relations amoureuses, la presse et l'observation de ses moindres faits et gestes.