

Comment faire pour télécharger samurai gratuitement

Shira: The Vampire Samurai

Shira: The Vampire Samurai

Vampire Action Adventure starring Flex Alexander, Bejan Amini, Angeleito Bautista. In ancient Japan, Shira (Jason) and her husband are attacked by a group of ninja vampires. Her husband is killed but she survives the attack but is left as a vampire. She is nursed back to health by a kindly samurai who also teaches her the art of fighting. Cut to present day America and Shira has discovered the killer of her husband's whereabouts. She seeks out the man responsible, Kristoff, but discovers he has been looking for her. Kristoff needs to impregnate Shira to create a race of 'daywalking' vampires that he will be the ruler of..

Black Samurai

Black Samurai

In Tanzania there is a growing clandestine market for albino skin, bones and hair as ingredients in potions that promise to make people rich. As a result people with albinism live in fear of being abducted or maimed. Jerome, a young karate master, has made teaching kids with albinism to defend themselves his life's mission. Now he’s determined to take one of them to a world championship in Japan..

The Bored Samurai

The Bored Samurai

The straightforward samurai of the hatamoto class, Saotome Mondonosuke, who has a crescent-shaped scar on his forehead, is known as the "Boring Samurai" because of his idleness. Whenever any incident occurs, he appears in his flashy attire and punishes the evildoers with his fighting skills.....

Lady Samurai

Lady Samurai

This is the story of Kaori Kawabuchi, a samurai sword performer, singer and motion capture actor. An inspiring woman keeping alive ancient traditions and spirituality in modern Japan..

Le Défi des géants

Le Défi des géants

Sukezaemon est un bandit recherché pour piraterie par les autorités japonaises. Arrivant à s’échapper de son exécution, il affirme devant tout ses hommes vouloir devenir un véritable pirate. Mais le sort en décidera autrement puisque une tempête vient détruire ce rêve, réduisant le bateau en pièces, tuant tout l’équipage. Il se retrouve seul avec un trésor et deux hommes. Et une seconde fois, la malchance s’abat sur lui, dans cette détresse il croise le grand Pirate Noir qui ne se prive pas de tuer les deux hommes et de lui voler son trésor. Délaissé en pleine mer, il dérive vers une terre inconnue où un vieillard lui vient en aide. Il apprend que la situation du pays est plutôt mauvaise, en effet le roi prend en otage les femmes sans jamais les libérer. Mais c’est en apercevant la princesse et ses bijoux, qu’il décide d’aller voir d’un peu plus près la réalité..

Les samouraïs

Les samouraïs

Les techniques de combat et le code d'honneur des samouraïs ont inspiré la littérature et le cinéma. Ce docu-fiction nourris d'interviews et de reconstitutions révèle la réalité peu glorieuse occultée par ce mythe..

Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad: The Glitch That Stole Christmas

Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad: The Glitch That Stole Christmas

In this Christmas special, Malcolm and the evil Kilokahn have finally tracked down Servo. Kilokahn has ordered Malcolm to strand up Christmas lights to pin point him. When Kilokahn finds out that Sam Collins is Servo he tries to destroy him. Kilokahn turns on Malcolm and tries to destroy him as well. Now Sam and Malcolm have to work together after secretly being enemies all along. Servo now has to defeat Kilokahn in a finale battle..

Les Samouraïs de l'éternel

Les Samouraïs de l'éternel

Dans un temps anciens, l'Empereur de l'Apocalypse, Argo (Arcatacor),fut battu en combat singulier par un samouraï nommé Chaos et sa puissante armure fut démantelée. Banni de la surface de la Terre, Argo se réfugia dans les profondeurs de l'enfer afin de retrouver la force nécessaire à sa vengeance. l'armure impériale du Seigneur du Mal fût divisée en 9 armures, chacune dotée d'une vertu particulière. Pour revêtir l'une de ces armures surpuissantes, il faut au combattant une force spirituelle en phase avec celle-ci. Seulement voilà, Argo, du fond des enfers, en a déjà 4 en sa possession, aussi ne tarde-t-il pas à plonger Tokyo dans les ténèbres. Seuls 5 guerriers peuvent s'opposer à l'Apocalypse en maîtrisant les techniques du Feu, de l'Air, de la Lumière, de la Terre et de l'Eau. Ils sont Les Samourais de l'éternel !.

Samurai Beyond Their Dreams: Becoming the Best in the World

Samurai Beyond Their Dreams: Becoming the Best in the World

In December 2021, Hideki Kuriyama began devoting his days to one singular goal: hoisting the championship trophy at the 2023 World Baseball Classic. How did he mold his players into one of the best and strongest Samurai Japan teams in history? A close-up documentary that looks back on Samurai Japan's path to becoming world champions, along with valuable behind-the-scenes footage captured by the team's dedicated crew..

The Samurai

The Samurai

They were the knights of medieval Japan, an elite warrior class that held the reins of power and the fascination of the people for more than 700 years. Masters of sword and bow, driven by an unforgiving code of ethics, they proved ferocious in combat. They beat back foreign invaders and fought each other for land, status, honor and glory. The Samurai explores the extraordinary legacy of martial artistry, ceremony, self-discipline and tenacity in battle that reaches to this day. Modern-day samurai explain the ways of life in the Bushido, while scholars detail the pivotal events in their centuries-long history. From the heyday of the Heian Period (794-1185) to the inevitable decline that followed the opening of Japan in 1853, this is the definitive study of some of world's most famous fighters..

Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect

Tadao Ando: Samurai Architect

Tadao Ando (b.1941) is a world-renowned architect, and a recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. His calm, minimalist architecture with elegant concrete designs reflects the Zen principle of simplicity. In the film he reveals the experience a building should evoke, as he discusses a number of iconic designs, such as The Row House and The Church of Light..

Samurai Castle

Samurai Castle

The Kumamoto Castle from the 17th century was heavily damaged by a series of powerful earthquakes, but the oldest sections of stonewalls miraculously survived and avoided major damage, while newer walls all collapsed. A 3D model created from 4K drone shots unveils the wisdom of samurai warriors..