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Revenge Porn

Revenge Porn

Erotic suspense depicting the dangerous love revenge drama created by the Internet society. Mari, who aims to become an actress, meets Joichiro on SNS, which she started as a distraction, and falls in love. As he gets closer, he demands naked photos and videos, and Mari tries to respond ....

Crying Freeman 4 - Le goût de la vengeance

Crying Freeman 4 - Le goût de la vengeance

Crying Freeman, le chef du cartel des 108 Dragons, fait face à l'étrange menace du charismatique gourou d'une secte! Naitai veut utiliser les Dragons pour répandre son culte du Grand Ours d'Or à travers le monde. Son but est de remplacer Freeman par un double parfait capable de duper même sa femme! Pour réussir son plan, le fanatique conclue un pacte de sang avec trois des pires ennemis de Freeman, dont Oshu Togoku, qui envie depuis longtemps la puissance de son rival..

La venganza de la momia

La venganza de la momia

Paul Naschy joue un double rôle, celui d'Amenhotep/Assad Bey, un ancien pharaon égyptien momifié, et celui du grand prêtre qui l'a ramené à la vie. Pour qu'Amenhotep atteigne l'immortalité, Assad Bey doit kidnapper de jeunes vierges nubiles dans le Londres victorien pour des sacrifices de sang..

Cruel Revenge

Cruel Revenge

President Choi of Dongseo Shipping is at the verge of bankruptcy because one of his ships has sunk. Right on time, a man comes to Choi and offers to lend money by taking his remaining real estates as security and staying at his place. The man turns out to be a son that Choi has abandoned. The mother has died after living a hard life, and he wants revenge..

Terror! Death! Revenge!

Terror! Death! Revenge!

Bring the feel of the Drive-in home with this Grindhouse anthology. Featuring three tales of horror delivered in a format that's sure to quench the thirst of any fan of the 70's and 80's Drive-in classics..

The Revenge

The Revenge

In the suburban lake villa which was being taken care by a painter who hides secrets, three deeply trapped best friends haven't being together for a long time, they get back to the villa and wanted to start a journey, but they frequently encountered supernatural events. Seemingly a friend of life and death, childhood lovers, in fact, their own hearts have hidden dark secrets, cruel eyes hiding in the dark to observe all the trends in the villa, manipulating the devil with a brush to outline the greed, the disappearance, the murder, the kidnapping begins..

Yustina's Revenge

Yustina's Revenge

Yustina's sister Polina is missing. She left their rural village in Kosovo to find work for them both in a land far far away - The land they call Sweden. But then the letters stops coming. Yustina knows that she has to go look for her sister. Yustina's journey will be filled with danger and foreign places, and in order to cope with the brutal reality, she uses her imagination to create her own world. A world where the people that has imprisoned her sister are monsters that only she, using her magical powers, can defeat..

A Bloody Battle For Revenge

A Bloody Battle For Revenge

Tae-young is a former fighter who now runs a relatively legitimate disco club business. He has a best friend named Joon-suk who runs a bakery with In-hye and is always ready to help Tae-young. When Tae-young refuses to let drug lord Ma Gun-soo use his disco club as a place of business, Gun-soo injects him with drugs and sets him up to the police. Tae-young serves time for a crime he did not commit. After his release, Tae-young attacks Gun-soo's son Tae-ho. Gun-soo retaliates by attacking Joon-suk and In-hye. He tortures and kills Joon-suk. Having lost everything to Gun-soo and his men, Tae-young plans one final battle. He alerts the police to come at a specified moment and prepares for a fight to the finish..

Revenge of the Snakes

Revenge of the Snakes

The film follows the life of a poor, old woman defying the hierarchy in the village. Irazca is an old woman who lives with her son Kara Bayram, her daughter-in-law Hatice, and three grandchildren. The headman of the village sells a lot from the common land of the village to Haceli. The family does not want a house to be built in front of their house and struggles against the tricks of the headman and Haceli..

Revenge of the Necromancer

Revenge of the Necromancer

Jimmy is an outsider at his school. He is interested in the occult. He doesn't socialize much, but instead he tries to get in touch with his dead mother through ancient rituals, but without success. But one day a new boy starts at the school and he quickly befriends Jimmy. Suddenly the spirits awaken and become a real threat, so Jimmy and Amir have to join forces with the schools two most popular girls to fight the evil..



Ex-flic, ex-taulard, Franck Bériat a un sens de la justice que certains qualifient d'expéditif. Condamné à six ans de détention pour avoir tué de sang-froid un proxénète, responsable de la mort d'une jeune prostituée, il est devenu, à sa sortie de prison, détective privé sans licence. Les gens s'adressent à lui quand ils ne peuvent ou ne veulent pas se mettre en contact avec la police. Franck Bériat accepte de les aider, si le prix lui paraît juste, et la cause conforme à ses principes. Un jour, Camille Dessonge, une séduisante jeune femme, vient faire appel aux services de Bériat. Désespérée, elle veut savoir ce qu'est devenue sa soeur cadette Patricia. Celle-ci faisait la call-girl lorsqu'elle a brusquement disparu, un an auparavant. Camille est intimement convaincue qu'elle a été assassinée par un de ses plus fidèles clients, Eric Bando, cruel psychopathe et jeune frère d'un trafiquant de drogue notoire : Antek Bando..

The Revenge of the Homunculus

The Revenge of the Homunculus

Richard Ortmann the artificial man (Homunculus) has become the head of the corporation that represents the capital and power of the country, but he has stopped believing in human love. All the more clear is his goal now: the annihilation of mankind..

Hell's Revenge

Hell's Revenge

Kenzo, Azusa's husband, has a heart condition but his passion for sex has not diminished one iota from the time he was a virile young man. Azusa does not refuse her husband for he is very wealthy and if he should happen to die of excess sex she would inherit a vast fortune. If only Azusa could kill him without staining her own hands. Unable to do it alone, she asks the aid of Naoya who is only too glad to help..

Rats, l'invasion commence

Rats, l'invasion commence

A Francfort, l'été est particulièrement chaud. Frank Dabrock, pilote de protection contre les incendies, sauve une fillette sur le point de se faire dévorer par des rats. Très vite, la situation se dégrade. Une panne électrique générale sème la panique et des centaines de rongeurs envahissent la ville..