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Aleluia, the Infinite Song

Aleluia, the Infinite Song

Component of the vocal trio “Os Tincoãs”, the singer and composer Mateus Aleluia developed his musical career between Brazil and Angola. Back in Brazil around the 2000s he retakes his artistic production in an acclaimed solo career. Following the process of composition of his second album, the documentary “Aleluia, The Infinite Song” addresses in the construction of the imagery around the artist’s life and work..

The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow

The Day After Tomorrow is a 1975 British science-fiction television drama produced by Gerry Anderson between the two series of Space: 1999. Written by Johnny Byrne and directed by Charles Crichton, it stars Brian Blessed, Joanna Dunham and Nick Tate, and is narrated by Ed Bishop. It first aired in the United States on NBC, as an episode of the children's science education series Special Treat, in December 1975. In the UK, BBC1 broadcast the programme as an independent special in December 1976, and again in December 1977. The plot of The Day After Tomorrow relates to the interstellar mission of Altares, a science vessel of the future that can travel at the speed of light. Departing from its original destination, Alpha Centauri, Altares moves deeper into space and her crew of three adults and two children encounter phenomena such as a meteor shower, a red giant star and, finally, a black hole, which pulls the ship into another universe. Originally commissioned to produce a child-friendly introduction to Albert Einstein's special relativity theory in the form of an action-adventure, Anderson and Byrne conceived The Day After Tomorrow as the pilot episode of a TV series. To this end, writer and producer proposed the alternative title "Into Infinity", although their limited budget precluded the production of further episodes. With a cast and crew that included veterans of earlier Anderson productions, filming on The Day After Tomorrow ran from July to September 1975 and consisted of ten days of principal photography and six weeks of special effects shooting. The visuals of Space: 1999 influenced both special effects technician Martin Bower, the designer of the scale models that appear in the programme, and production designer Reg Hill, who re-used set elements from various episodes of Space: 1999 to construct the Altares interiors. Newcomer Derek Wadsworth collaborated with Steve Coe to compose the theme and incidental music..

Phantasm IV - Oblivion

Phantasm IV - Oblivion

Oblivion débute là où Phantasm 3: Lord Of The Dead terminait. Mike conduit son corbillard, tentant à la fois d'échapper au Tall Man et ses disciples tout en cherchant des indices qui pourraient démystifier cet embaumeur venu d'ailleurs. Sa quête le mène en plein désert, là où un portail le mènera tout droit dans le passé, chez un dénommé Jebediah Morningside qui est à l'origine du Tall Man et de ses pouvoirs mythiques..

La Galaxie de la terreur

La Galaxie de la terreur

Le vaisseau spatial "Rebus" s'est posé sur une planète pour une raison inconnue, et tout signe de vie semble y avoir disparu. Apprenant la nouvelle, le Maître semble soulagé, et décide d'envoyer un vaisseau de secours dont il sélectionne lui-même l'équipage. Arrivé sur place, et après un atterrissage mouvementé, l'équipage découvre le vaisseau perdu, et quelques cadavres. Mais plus étrange, une pyramide mystérieuse brouille tous leurs équipements et les empêche de partir....

Planet ∞

Planet ∞

Dans un monde en ruines, seuls les champignons et les moisissures poussent au milieu de cadavres gigantesques d’insectes desséchés. Un changement météorologique se déclenche, la pluie irrigue cette planète aride jusqu’à la noyer progressivement. Dans l’eau naît alors un écosystème, peuplé de têtards carnivores géants. Plongé dans un espace aride puis aquatique, Planet ∞ propose de vivre une expérience multispatiale et atemporelle inouïe..

Kadokawa Mystery & Horror Tales Vol. 3

Kadokawa Mystery & Horror Tales Vol. 3

"GHOST HOUSE" Cast: Jinpachi Nezu ("Castle of the Owls", "Red Shadow"), Natsuo Ishido, Masako Izumi Synopsis: A young girl is forbidden by her parents to marry and decides to elope. "WHISPERS" Cast: Ryuji Harada ("Ka-chan", "Firefly"), Eisuke Tsunoda, Kimi Mizuhashi SynopsisTakuya (Ryuji Harada), a broadcast journalist, is asked by a program director to investigate a strange tree that is located in the area where he was brought up. "WORLD OF INIFINITY" Cast: Ikkei Watanabe ("Muscle Heat", "Gamera 3"), Yumi Aso ("Bond", "Last Scene") Synopsis: For 20 years, Takei (Ikkei Watanabe) devoted his life to his company and family. Using his weak heart as an excuse, he avoided involvement in social activities..