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Alice Through the Looking Glass

Alice Through the Looking Glass

Young Alice returns to Wonderland and is on her way to be crowned Queen, but she must dare to cross Chessland first. On her exciting journey, she encounters a magical jester, the feared Jabberwocky, Humpty Dumpty, Tiger Lily, and Tweedledum and Tweedledee..



Confinée dans sa serre, une famille survit à une toxine qui efface la mémoire. Jusqu'à ce que les sœurs soient séduites par un étranger qui brise leur paix et réveille un passé qu'il vaut mieux laisser enfoui..

Through the Weeping Glass: On the Consolations of Life Everlasting (Limbos & Afterbreezes in the Mütter Museum)

Through the Weeping Glass: On the Consolations of Life Everlasting (Limbos & Afterbreezes in the Mütter Museum)

A documentary on the subject of the collections of books, instruments and medical anomalies at The College of Physicians of Philadelphia and the Mutter Museum housed there. This short film represents the first to be made by the internationally recognized Quay Brothers in the United States. While not a stop-motion animation film, a form for which the Quays are best known, the entire film is vibrantly constructed and 'animated'. Musical score by composer Tim Nelson and voice-over provided by Derek Jacobi..