

The Storm voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Storm in the Afternoon

Storm in the Afternoon

"What's life without a dream?" Starting from the premise "What's life without a dream", STORM in the AFTERNOON tells the story of four people caught at the crossroads of changing social and cultural mores. The ethos of an ethnic immigrant identity is examined against the backdrop of the mythical "American melting pot.".

The Cradle of Storms

The Cradle of Storms

Alex Gray, Josh Mulcoy, and Pete Devries went on a journey through the remote Aleutian Arc of Alaska, the birthplace of storm systems that send swell back to the rest of us in civilization. They braved heavy weather, flew on rickety prop planes, and ate seal meat en route to discovering one of the best cold-water slabs in the world. The film follows the cold-water crew as they traverse the island on quad bikes, tracking pulses of swell to remote bays and never before surfed points. Set against the stunning volcanic backdrop of the Aleutian Islands, The Cradle of Storms is cold-water surf exploration at its finest..

Miracle in the Storm

Miracle in the Storm

En 2007, la championne de parapente allemande Ewa Wisnierska crée l’histoire en survivant à l’une des plus poignantes rencontres avec la puissance des éléments naturels. Elle est aspirée dans un orage énorme et propulsée à près de 10 000 mètres d’altitude. Ewa parviendra miraculeusement à sortir de la tempête et retrouver la terre, quasiment indemne..

Faces After the Storm

Faces After the Storm

This is a film about the communal disturbances which stormed the streets of Nalanda District of Bihar in May 1981.From the personal point of view the film goes into the discovery of the humanitarian causes and repercussions involved in such acts of savagery. How can people engage themselves in such acts of killing? Covering common people's opinions, this film offers a diagnosis..

Year of the Storm

Year of the Storm

Massive floods in Australia and Pakistan. Deadly mudslides in Brazil. Epic drought and wildfires in Russia. Historic snows and bitter cold across North America. 2010 was one of the most destructive years in history. In this hour, we present the dramatic images of this catastrophic weather year -- and introduce you to the men who risked their lives to capture them..

Legend of the Storm

Legend of the Storm

Nine-year-old Otsí:tsa's innocence is destroyed when violence engulfs her community during the Oka Crisis, a 78-day standoff that erupted between the Mohawk Nation and the Canadian Government during the summer of 1990. Otsí:tsa, however, has something to prove - not only to herself, but to the world. She's a tough Mohawk girl who will not be defeated..

When the Storm Fades

When the Storm Fades

In this affecting, provocative docudrama from Sean Devlin, a Filipino family reenacts their own experiences of resolutely rebuilding their homes and lives in the wake of the devastation wrought by 2013’s Hurricane Yolanda. Not helping matters are two ineffectual foreign aid workers (Kayla Lorette and Aaron Read) who aren’t quite the white saviours they fancy themselves to be..

Refuge from the Storm

Refuge from the Storm

While working at a night club, Linda meets Steve, an aspiring writer who, in his search for the "Meaning of Life", gets pulled into a world of drugs and spiritual darkness propagated by Katrine, the nightclub owner. Linda begins to see beyond Katrine's world, with the knowledge she receives from a total stranger. With a fearless attitude she conquers the darkness in her own life, and unknowingly changes the course of many lives along the way..

Prisoners of the Storm

Prisoners of the Storm

Miners Bucky Malone and Pierre Le Grande are closing their northern mine for the winter when Sergeant McClellan of the Mounted Police overhears their trivial quarrel; later, he sees Le Grande's dogsled arrive at its destination without Le Grande. McClellan finds evidence that Le Grande has been murdered and suspects Malone; attempting to make an arrest, the sergeant is wounded, then carried to a cabin by Malone, who goes to the settlement for a doctor. There he meets Le Grande's daughter, Joan, and Dr. Chambers, a disbarred physician, but a blizzard keeps the doctor from making the trip; ultimately, however, Joan and the doctor follow Malone to the cabin..

Après la tempête

Après la tempête

Malgré un début de carrière d’écrivain prometteur, Ryota accumule les désillusions. Divorcé de Kyoko, il gaspille le peu d’argent que lui rapporte son travail de détective privé en jouant aux courses, jusqu’à ne plus pouvoir payer la pension alimentaire de son fils de 11 ans, Shingo. A présent, Ryota tente de regagner la confiance des siens et de se faire une place dans la vie de son fils. Cela semble bien mal parti jusqu’au jour où un typhon contraint toute la famille à passer une nuit ensemble….

Storm of the Dead

Storm of the Dead

After marital law is declared, the Florida Militia shoot a looter who turns out to be the grandson of a voodoo queen. When the militia members don't return to base, a rescue team is sent into the swamp to locate them. But they are unaware that the power of voodoo and a woman who wants revenge is what waits for them..

Ranma ½

Ranma ½

Ranma Saotome, jeune expert en arts martiaux, n’est plus le même depuis qu’il est revenu d’un entraînement en Chine. Là-bas, il chutait avec son père Genma dans une source magique aux vertus mystèrieuses. Depuis, Ranma et son père sont victimes d’étranges métamorphoses au contact de l’eau froide. Soun Tendô, qui a arrangé le mariage de Ranma avec l’une de ses filles, est pour le moins sidéré lorsqu’il découvre que Ranma se révèle finalement être… une fille !.