

The Forgotten voirfilms

Trench Town: The Forgotten Land

Trench Town: The Forgotten Land

Trench Town, Jamaica, is the most famous ghetto in the World. Immortalised by Bob Marley it is now one of the most dangerous places on the planet. This film examines how the people survive in such extreme circumstances. It is a moving testimony to the silent majority of people who live there..

Wilhelm Reich: Viva Little Man: The Tragic Story of a Forgotten Genius

Wilhelm Reich: Viva Little Man: The Tragic Story of a Forgotten Genius

Documentary, - Physician Wilhelm Reich turned the scientific world on its head with his concept of "orgone," an energy that unifies all living things. This documentary examines Reich's unorthodox life and work, and the events that resulted in his incarceration. Colleagues, friends, family members and students of Reich's hypothesis relate his story, from his flight from Nazi Germany to the ironic banning of his teachings by the Food and Drug Administration..

Journey to the Forgotten River

Journey to the Forgotten River

Journey to the Forgotten River follows on from The Stolen River, and journeys with the animals that did not stay, but chose early on to leave the wreckage of the disappearing river and go in search of the rovers of the north. One traveller on the 120km trek is a female hippo, and we follow as she trudges across the interior, and finally makes it to Linyanti. Her urgency is soon explained. She has the next generation to think about. A classic moment in film, from Journey to the Forgotten River is the duel between a female warthog and some jackal, who are determined to snatch her babies..

The Land of Forgotten Songs

The Land of Forgotten Songs

The Land of Forgotten Songs is a collective creative collaboration between The Deep Forest Foundation and indigenous amazon communities. It captures moments of the Kaxinawa Huni Kuin, Awa, Kayapo, Matis, Enawene Nawe and Shipibo, who all live alongside the forest. With an ancient myth as a recurring motif we connecting the past and their present. A transcendental journey into the life, rituals and myths of indigenous communities of the amazon forest..

Aspromonte: Land of The Forgotten

Aspromonte: Land of The Forgotten

At the end of the 1950s in Africo, a small village in the southern valley of Aspromonte, a woman dies in childbirth because a doctor fails to arrive on time. No road connects Africo with the other villages. In the wake of this tragedy, all of Africo’s citizens -including children - abandon their usual occupations and unite to build their own road. Giulia, the new schoolteacher, comes from the North with a mission to teach standard Italian to help bring cultural cohesion with Africo and the rest of Italy. But she will have to contend with the local mafioso Don Totó, who is determined to ensure this the town remains cut off, and thus, under his power..

Funny film clips. Sitcoms of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s. FORGOTTEN TV COMEDY. Specials, variety.

Funny film clips. Sitcoms of the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s. FORGOTTEN TV COMEDY. Specials, variety.

Funny film clips from 20 rare and seldom-seen TV shows of the 40s, 50s, and 60s. Life With Elizabeth, Beulah Show, Hey Mulligan, Goldie, Duffy's Tavern, Jim Backus Show, Meet Corlis Archer, Date With The Angels, Dennis O'Keefe, Jackson and Jill, Goldbergs, Blondie, Phil Silvers Special, George Gobel, Edgar Bergen, Ed Wynn, Dennis Day, Adv.of Hiram Holliday, Where's Raymond, Buster Keaton Show"..



Jin-seok s'installe dans une nouvelle maison avec son frère aîné Yoo-seok, sa mère et son père. Jin-seok souffre d'hypersensibilité mais s'il prend des médicaments, il est capable de vivre normalement. Un soir pluvieux, Jin-seok voit son frère aîné jeté dans une camionnette par un groupe d'hommes..

Seattle’s Forgotten World’s Fair: The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition

Seattle’s Forgotten World’s Fair: The Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition

In 1909, looking to shed its rough frontier past, the young city of Seattle decided to host a World’s Fair in the same grand spirit as those that preceded it in Chicago and St. Louis. Seattle welcomed the world to the University of Washington campus where visitors walked among palaces, saw new inventions that would change the world, and mined for mirth on the Paystreak - AYP’s Midway. Featuring thousands of historical images, rare archival footage, and contemporary interviews, the film explores the fair’s historical reverberations..

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

The story about two boys and a girl escape from a home for abandoned children for a wild weekend. TV series (11 episodes) with the same name and same story was released 1988..

Le Premier Oublié

Le Premier Oublié

Depuis des années, Axel a coupé les ponts avec sa famille, dévastée par un drame dont on lui a fait porter la responsabilité. Quand le cargo sur lequel il est cuisinier fait escale dans sa ville natale, il décide d’aller voir sa mère, Françoise. C'est un choc : elle ne le reconnaît plus. Atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer, Françoise oublie désormais des pans entiers de sa vie. Axel est le premier de la fratrie à disparaître de sa mémoire. Pourquoi lui ? Que se cache-t-il derrière cet oubli ? Et alors qu’Ivan et Lucie ont accepté de la faire admettre en centre, Axel s’y oppose frontalement et retarde son départ pour s’occuper d’elle, malgré les tensions. Entre la mère et le fils s'ouvre alors le face-à-face si longtemps redouté et pourtant nécessaire. Contraints l'un et l'autre à un voyage dans la mémoire familiale avant que tout ne s'efface, trouveront-ils les clés pour enterrer les fantômes du passé ?.

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

Yusuf Al-Mansi a worker in the railways. During his night shift and near his workplace, a millionaire named Asaad Yakout is hosting a big party to make a deal with a VIP and wants to have his secretary Ghada as condition to get the deal done. Yusuf Al-Mansi finds Ghada entering the booth and asks for his protection from the men her boss sent to bring her back to the party..

Naachtun : La Cité maya oubliée

Naachtun : La Cité maya oubliée

Pourquoi la cité de Naachtun a-t-elle survécu 200 ans après l'effondrement de la civilisation maya ? Mêlant travail de fouilles et analyses scientifiques, ce documentaire met en lumière la florissante civilisation maya à travers une expédition dans la cité oubliée de Naachtun et tente de percer ses mystères..

Forgotten Tune for the Flute

Forgotten Tune for the Flute

A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife..