

Où voir The Archies Netflix

Architecture of Infinity

Architecture of Infinity

Il y a des espaces qui déclenchent un sentiment de transcendance. Schaub veut explorer ce sentiment et nous conduit à travers les siècles des édifices sacrés occidentaux, aux architectes à l'intersection de la nature et de la lumière, des proportions et des mesures et toujours aussi à l'homme et son rapport à la nature, à l'existence, à la transcendance. Un voyage personnel à travers le temps, vers sa propre (in)-finitude..

Archiving Time

Archiving Time

In Taiwan, there is a group of people participating in this race against time. They are hidden inside the film archive of New Taipei City’s “Singapore Industrial Park”, where the 17,000-plus film reels and over a million film artifacts have become their spiritual nourishment. Day after day, they shuttle back and forth inside, carrying their doubts, their learnings, and their faith. What they are doing is awakening these long-neglected film reels, then piecing together the no-longer-existent social atmospheres and lives of distant pasts recorded on them. And spending time in this archive has become everyday life for these film archivists and restorers..