

Où voir Testament Netflix

The Will

The Will

FRAGMENT | A man lies on his deathbed and shows his will to his carer. After his death, a grieving man and woman come in. The scene changes and we find ourselves on a beach in the company of two couples. They’re about up to fight on a cliff, and one of the men plummets to his death. Then the scene changes again to a living room with a sobbing woman. (

The New Testament Bible Stories for Children - Jesus Death & Resurrection

The New Testament Bible Stories for Children - Jesus Death & Resurrection

The Bible comes alive in this delightful animated series. The videos in this series of the last days of Jesus leading to his crucifixion and the miracles that followed in a three disc video set plus a fourth disc containing a printable coloring book and 12 kids songs. The video discs are as follows; Disc 1 - The Last Supper, Disc 2 - Jesus on Trial & Disc 3 - Death & Resurrection.

The Bible: Stories from the New Testament (Vol 2)

The Bible: Stories from the New Testament (Vol 2)

This volume focuses on the New Testament and begins with the birth of Jesus and includes specials talking about his life and death and the birth of Christianity. Disc One: Lost Worlds: Herod the Great/Mary of Nazareth/Joseph - Silent Saint (150 mins) Disc Two: Jesus - His Life/Mary Magdelane/Peter (200 mins) Disc Three: Pontius Pilate/Judas/Paul the Apostle (150 mins).

Bible Stories from the Old Testament

Bible Stories from the Old Testament

History Channel‘s Bible Stories from the Old Testament is a thorough explanation of the vivid and fascinating stories of the Old Testament beginning with The Story of Creation through King David and leading to the birth of Jesus. The series not only discusses the foundations for religion, but carefully approaches the logical aspects of present day science compared to the stories of the Bible..

Les témoins de Lendsdorf

Les témoins de Lendsdorf

Yoël est un historien juif orthodoxe, chargé de la conservation des lieux de mémoire liés à la Shoah. Depuis des années, il enquête sur un massacre qui aurait eu lieu dans le village de Lendsdorf en Autriche, au crépuscule de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Jusqu’ici patientes et monacales, ses recherches s’accélèrent lorsqu’il se voit assigner un ultimatum : faute de preuves tangibles des faits, le site sera bétonné sous quinzaine….

A Woman's Testament

A Woman's Testament

The first story concerns an attractive young woman who works in a Tokyo nightclub. Her plan for a solid financial future has a double whammy. In the second story, a beautiful young woman is employed by an unscrupulous real estate agent to convince male clients to invest in worthless property. The last story is about a widowed geisha who has no real financial worries and who falls in love with a forger..

Ancient Evidence: Mysteries of the Old Testament

Ancient Evidence: Mysteries of the Old Testament

In this Old Testament mystery, the "Ancient Evidence" team of researchers investigates the biblical story of Joseph, a man beloved by his father but resented by his jealous brothers. At a time when Semites and Egyptians were sworn enemies, Joseph, a lowly Israelist slave, rose to the rank of governor -- a position second only in influence and power to the Pharaoh himself..



Liu Ziying was imprisoned three years ago for drug trafficking. He performed well in prison and had a high cultural quality. He was arranged to write a suicide note to the death penalty inmates. Before he was released from prison, Xu Xiaolong, the death penalty prisoner, wanted Liu Ziying to write a suicide note to him and told him that if he helped him fulfil his will, he would give Liu Ziying a sum of money. After Liu Ziying was released from prison, he acquired money by helping the death penalty prisoners fulfil their will. After tasting the sweetness, he embarked on a road of self-redemption..

Oracles of God the Story of the Old Testament

Oracles of God the Story of the Old Testament

Written over 1500 years by more than 40 writers in three different languages, the Bible is the world's bestselling book. For centuries, the scriptures have shaped Western law, language, and culture; and the stories of the Bible are read and remembered around the world. But how much do we know about the story of its creation? Using expert interviews, stunning cinematography, and dramatic reenactments, Oracles of God The Story of the Old Testament follows the history and archaeology of the Old Testament, from Moses and the Torah through the Israelite kingdom, with special focus on the world's oldest copies of the Hebrew Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls. Filmed on location in Israel and narrated by actor Iain Glen, Oracles of God answers longstanding questions about when, where, and how the text of Old Testament was written, copied, and preserved over thousands of years..