

Où voir Revenger Netflix

Avaeté, la graine de la vengeance

Avaeté, la graine de la vengeance

Au coeur de la forêt amazonienne, Machado, un entrepreneur brésilien, fait détruire un village d'Indiens avaeté pour s'approprier leurs terres. Tous les habitants sont massacrés, à l'exception d'un garçon âgé de 8 ans, Ava..

Sworn Revenge

Sworn Revenge

Chen Xiuling, owner of a house in the New Territories of Hong Kong, was killed, but the murderer also died at the scene. Chen Xiuling's sister Chen Xiumei in the United States returned to Hong Kong to deal with her business. Cheng Hui, a lawyer, helped her deal with her sister's industry. So they came to the house village. Cheng Hui's two best friends of the dead party began to pursue Xiumei. When they went to the bar to drink, a beautiful girl was sitting there. At the bar, the beautiful girl looked back and smiled. Four people were frightened and frightened. It turned out that the beautiful girl was Xiuling who had died..

La revanche des mortes vivantes

La revanche des mortes vivantes

Un motard déverse un produit douteux dans la citerne remplie de lait d'un camion. Par la suite, trois jeunes filles trouvent la mort en absorbant le blanc breuvage. La police pointe du doigt l'usine chimique de la région mais pour le directeur, il ne peut s'agir d'un produit de son usine. Un directeur pas très honnête, qui, pour gagner de l'argent, soudoie un homme afin qu'il s'occupe de se débarasser des déchêts chimiques de son usine. L'homme ne trouve rien de mieux que de déverser les déchets dans le cimetière. Ce qui va provoquer la résurrection des trois jeunes filles, qui vont ensemble accomplir une effroyable vengeance....

L'Esprit vengeur d'Éros

L'Esprit vengeur d'Éros

Un jeune couple se jette dans la mer dans le cadre d'un pacte de suicide. L'homme est sauvé et découvre par la suite que son amante est également en vie et travaille dans un dancing. Considéré comme un film perdu..

An Actor's Revenge

An Actor's Revenge

Nakamura Yukinojo gains popularity in Edo's kabuki scene as a handsome onnagata (a male actor who plays female roles). But hidden behind the placid expression of his stage face is a deep grudge for the men responsible for dishonoring his parents' names and leading them to suicide when he was still a child. When he discovers that the mastermind behind those crimes has come to see him act onstage, he begins in earnest to plot his revenge. With the help of a renowned Robin Hood-like thief named Yamitaro, he makes out his first target: the daughter of the man who orchestrated his parents' demise..

Revenge of the Dragon

Revenge of the Dragon

An eastern by Joseph Velasco. Two undercover agents must smash a smuggling racket that is terrorizing a small port town. One of the agents, Chin Chang, has an evil grip that can crush a skull in seconds. The thugs are killers but this agent is a killer in kung fu!.

A Beauty of Revenge

A Beauty of Revenge

A story about a girl Park Minsun getting revenge on her bullies by changing her appearance and identity. She executes a plan to damage the leader of the delinquent group who has sociopathic tendencies. Based on the the web drama 'Multi Personality Girl EP0' (2019)..

The Last Revenge

The Last Revenge

This is the true story of the last officially recorded case of adauchi, when a young man avenged the death of his father by brutally killing the murderers in broad daylight. Samurai revenge killings, or adauchi, was considered a rightful and noble act of honor and virtue.But all that changed abruptly on February 7, 1873, when adauchi became prohibited as part of the Meiji Restoration’s goal to Westernize Japan..

Jingi 9: Revenge War of the Reaper

Jingi 9: Revenge War of the Reaper

A gangster gangster and an elite graduate of the University of Tokyo. Two people tied up by a single ammunition rise up in a yakuza society with their brains and courage. The 9th popular comic drama based on Ayumi Tachihara. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting leader of the Kanto sand group, was stabbed by someone. Yoshiro Yazaki, the chairman of the board, set out to unravel the case alone and noticed the killer brother "Grim Reaper" from Kansai..

Revenge Girl

Revenge Girl

In the future world, artificial intelligence is highly developed, and the underground scientific research organization controlled by Cheng Fei secretly develops brain-computer chips used to stimulate the potential of the human body, in an attempt to cultivate a group of supernatural beings and seek immoral profits..

La revanche des humanoïdes

La revanche des humanoïdes

Sur le chemin de retour d'une mission de routine, Pierrot, Psi et leur robot Métro assistent à un étrange phénomène dans l'Espace : de gigantesques vaisseaux s'assemblent afin de réaliser des exercices de tir. La puissance déployée est gigantesque ! Mais lorsque nos héros décident d'en rendre compte à la Confédération d'Oméga, leur vaisseau est pris dans une turbulence. Ils échouent alors sur une planète hostile.

Revenge of Pontianak

Revenge of Pontianak

After the success of Pontianak, Balakrishna Narayana Rao (B. N. Rao) directed and released a sequel to his horror film – Dendam Pontianak. It came out in the same year as Pontianak, and Menado reprised her role in this sequel..

El Revenge

El Revenge

Two friends hit the road to Buenos Aires aboard an orange Opala 72, with a mission: be with as many women as possible. This is all a plan to wash the honor of "Caco", a man who found his girlfriend in bed with an Argentine..

Wallander 14 - The Revenge

Wallander 14 - The Revenge

Kurt Wallander has bought a dream house by the sea, but his peace and quiet is soon shattered when a man is murdered and an explosion in one of Ystad's power grids shuts down the electricity in the whole city..

Jingi 33: Gokudo Revenge War

Jingi 33: Gokudo Revenge War

The Kanto Ichienkai was devoted to the conflict with Hokuriku. At that time, Jin and his brother Tsuda appear in front of Jin in the former sand group. Tsuda was in a position to steal the money of the Hokuriku Union and be chased. Hitoshi and Yoshiro saved Tsuda's crisis, but it was Takechi, a brother of former Sunagawa group leader Sunagawa, who followed Tsuda. Twelve years ago, Takechi boarded an enemy territory alone in order to protect the sand group, which was still a weak organization, and was banished from Kanto due to that. What is the true meaning of Takechi's appearance over 12 years ?!.