

Hours streaming vf complet gratuit

18 Hours

18 Hours

A rookie paramedic spends 18 hours in an ambulance with a road crash victim who struggles to be admitted to any hospital..

Quelques heures de printemps

Quelques heures de printemps

A 48 ans, Alain Evrard est obligé de retourner habiter chez sa mère. Cohabitation forcée qui fait ressurgir toute la violence de leur relation passée. Il découvre alors que sa mère est condamnée par la maladie. Dans ces derniers mois de vie, seront-ils enfin capables de faire un pas l'un vers l'autre ?.

24 heures sur la Terre

24 heures sur la Terre

The changing position of the sun in the sky affects the behaviour of animals and plants across our planet. From the moment it rises, animals are waiting, ready to take advantage of the opportunities that the sun creates. A quirky chameleon uses solar power to survive, while a family of lemurs get a morning heat fix. But, as the day progresses and the sun climbs higher in the sky, becoming more powerful, animals must also react as it pushes them toward moments of crisis. As the sun sets and its great heat and light are extinguished, a night-time world wakes, full of characters who have carved a niche in the darkness. But even in the dead of night, the sun is not lost. Its rays are reflected in the moon, our 'ghost sun.' We take the rising and setting of the sun for granted, but it is the ultimate game changer. The way the natural world responds will be the difference between success and failure, life or death..

Deux heures à tuer

Deux heures à tuer

A la gare d'Auvernaux, des passagers qui viennent de manquer le train de 21 heures se retrouvent dans une salle d'attente. Le prochain départ est prévu deux heures plus tard. La conversation s'engage et débouche rapidement sur les agissements du tueur maniaque qui sévit dans la bourgade et qui s'en prend à des jeunes filles. Il a déjà commis plusieurs crimes et, chose curieuse, semble garder une chaussure de chaque victime. Autour de la gare, les gendarmes s'affairent, car le meurtrier a été vu dans les environs. Un journaliste, présent sur les lieux, enquête et soupçonne un peu tout le monde, y compris le chef de gare et l'employé de la consigne. A force de persévérance, il resserre l'étau autour du coupable....

24 Hours

24 Hours

A nightclub singer is carrying on an affair with a married man. When she is found murdered, her lover is suspected of the crime..

7 Hours to Go

7 Hours to Go

Arjun (Shiv Pandit) come to Mumbai to visit his fiancee Maya. He reaches the City court to meet her and is taken aback when he is not able to find her anywhere. He begins to search for Maya and in an unexpected turn witnesses an unlikely murder. Frantic and exasperated, he is left with no choice but take passerby's as hostages before he is framed as the killer. The cops try to tackle the situation and within no time realize that Arjun is no ordinary hostage-taker and it seems next to impossible to apprehend him. Now, with nothing to lose, Arjun lays down his terms: "I have 7 hostages! And I am giving the Police 7 hours to find out the killer...! I need progress every 60 minutes or one hostage dies every hour!!" The clock ticks and the investigation begins..

Seven Hours of Gunfire

Seven Hours of Gunfire

When he was 12 years old, Bill Cody, later knew as Buffalo Bill, is rider for "pony express" carrying the mail through the wilds of America. It becomes later caravans guide. When driving one of them meets Luisa, the niece of a priest who tried to evangelize the savage tribes accompanied by a converted Indian. It is a dangerous time because, before the advancing white man, the Sioux tribes are buying weapons from unscrupulous dealers....

Les dernières heures de Pompéi

Les dernières heures de Pompéi

En l'an 79, après huit siècles de sommeil, le Vésuve se réveillait violemment, projetant un nuage de cendres et de gaz brûlants dans les airs. Les alentours du volcan n'y résistèrent pas. Des milliers d'habitants furent tués, les paysages dévastés et les villes dont Pompéi et Herculanum rayées de la carte..

The Hours Till Daylight

The Hours Till Daylight

Marco Vasquez and his family have seen tragedy and despair throughout their lives at the hands of an evil entity. Now that Marco is about to start a family of his own, he is forced to return to his childhood home where it all began to put a stop to it once and for all..

Trois heures pour tuer

Trois heures pour tuer

Jim est accusé du meurtre d'un homme et est donc sur le point d'être battu à mort. Grâce à l'intervention de la sœur de la victime, Laurie, il parvient à s'en sortir car elle ne croit pas à sa culpabilité. Après trois ans d'errance, il revient sur les lieux du crime, déterminé à retrouver le coupable et Laurie, dont il est éperdument amoureux. Il dispose de 3 heures avant de se faire arrêter....

Nine Hours to Rama

Nine Hours to Rama

José Ferrer and Horst Buchholz star in this fictionalised account of events leading up to the assassination of Indian spiritual leader and independence campaigner Mahatma Gandhi..

Il était une fois les Américains

Il était une fois les Américains

L'Amérique est une nation façonnée par l'adversité et ce sont les histoires des défis qui ont aidé à façonner une nation: survivre à la famine, lutter pour l'indépendance, se diriger vers l'ouest dans l'inconnu et le conflit qui a déclenché une guerre civile..

3 1/2 Hours

3 1/2 Hours

August 13, 1961: The passengers on the interzonal train from Munich to East Berlin learn 3½ hours before crossing the border that the Wall is being built in Berlin. They have 3½ hours to make a life-changing decision: to get off the train or keep going..

Every 9 Hours

Every 9 Hours

From acclaimed novelist Jim St. Germain (A Stone of Hope), a modern-day exploration of skin color and gender and how they affect one's ability to participate in relationships and society..

These Are My Hours

These Are My Hours

THESE ARE MY HOURS is the story of a single birth -- start to finish. This intimate documentary immersion into one woman's physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual experience of giving birth is the first film told from the perspective of a woman in labor. Just after midnight on December 6, 2016, a contraction awakens Emily Graham, in bed at home in Greenville, South Carolina. Labor is finally here. Over the ensuing hours Emily navigates the depths of her own body, with the support of her birth team: her husband Jason, her midwife Carey, and her mother Judy. You are invited to join them and be a witness to Emily every step of the way - It is said, "When a child is born, a mother is born too." THESE ARE MY HOURS is the story of this transformation, celebrating womanhood by honoring its oldest ritual: giving birth..

48 Hours To Buy

48 Hours To Buy

Featuring couples who are in a housing pressure cooker; whether they're relocating unexpectedly for work or compelled by a personal situation, their relocation is coming up, and they need to find a house quickly..