

Comment trouver MERMAID gratuit

The Mermaid: Monster from Sea Prison

The Mermaid: Monster from Sea Prison

In order to find out why his wife was killed, Chen Zheng, the general of Zhenhai, has been tracing a mermaid, but while doing so, he accidentally discovered a conspiracy in North Korea. With the help of the mermaid, he punishes rapists and eliminates evil, tearing apart the wicked conspiracies....



Documentary that tells the story of Vianney Trejo, a young woman who struggles every day despite her disability. We go through her daily routine, as well as her passion, swimming, where she has consistently achieved triumphs and has been considered for international competitions..

Mermaids for Love

Mermaids for Love

Petros, a race car driver and son of a construction mogul, hears about an island with promising business opportunities. He tells his father, they have to buy land there but Flora, a night club owner also learns about it and arrives at the island before him. Their competition disturbs the peaceful lives of the island's residents. Marina, the daughter of the local restaurant owner falls in love with Petros while Flora charms the men of the island and especially Nicolas, causing his fiance's jealousy. She on the other hand falls for Iasonas, the son of the island's Lady who worries about the outcome of these events..

The Mermaid

The Mermaid

A story of Yang Fan who fell into the sea when chasing a mermaid, Xiaoyu. Yang Fan fell in love with a half fish, half girl. But the mermaid have to say bye bye because she want a half fish half human boyfriend..

Baleleng and the Golden Mermaid

Baleleng and the Golden Mermaid

Baleleng, an orphan, wished upon a star to find her parents, Little did she know that this same star who lead her to meet Perlita, her guardian - a golden mermaid. With the star as her guide, Baleleng embarks on her quest to find her family..

My Dear Mermaid

My Dear Mermaid

More than 900 years ago, the mermaid princess Ao Fan Fan was rescued by the scholar Huo Yun Shen, and so she was determined to commit herself to him when he reaches 25 years old. The strange thing is that Huo Yun Shen has lived in every life and died mysteriously before the age of 25 every time. In this life, Ao Fan Fan went ashore earlier to find Huo Yun Shen..

La sirène

La sirène

Dans un pays lointain, un garçon rêveur sauve un poisson échoué sur le rivage. Lorsqu'il le lâche dans un bassin d'eau, le poisson se transforme en une magnifique sirène..

Mermaid's Jade

Mermaid's Jade

In the toxic haze of Chang'an the Crown Prince, one of the candidates for the role of the future emperor, is trying to seize power. Meanwhile the beautiful merman Yixia becomes the male favorite of Che Yuanshan, the Minister of Criminal Justice . Fleeing from Chang'an with hatred, he finally returns to Che Yuanshan with a sharp knife of revenge..

Mermaids Against Plastic

Mermaids Against Plastic

Tamara is from the ocean and water runs in her veins. Born in a fishing village on the Mexican coast, she became a full-time scuba instructor. When she discovers plastic in her beloved ocean, she sets out to get the diving industry to stop using single-use plastic..



Le calme qui règne sur la petite ville portuaire de Bristol Cove, connue pour avoir autrefois, selon la légende, abrité des sirènes, est bouleversé par l'arrivée d'une mystérieuse jeune femme du nom de Ryn, qui sème le chaos sur son passage. Intrigués par son comportement étrange, Ben et Maddie, deux océanologues, découvrent bientôt que Ryn est une sirène. Ils vont alors tenter de lui venir en aide afin de comprendre ce qui l'a poussée à quitter l'océan et à rejoindre la terre ferme, et découvrir s'il existe d'autres prédateurs de son espèce dans les environs de Bristol Cove. Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard et qu'une bataille sans pitié entre l'Homme et la mer ne débute....

Les sirènes de Mako

Les sirènes de Mako

Zac, 16 ans, décide de camper avec son ami, Cam, sur la mystérieuse île de Mako. Il trouve une ouverture dans la roche et tombe. Chargées de défendre cette roche volcanique, trois sirènes le sauvent. Le lendemain, Zac découvre qu'il est devenu triton doté de pouvoir surnaturels. Bannies par les leurs, les trois jeunes femmes doivent tout faire pour récupérer les nouveaux pouvoirs de Zac et décident de vivre sur Terre afin d'accomplir leur mission..



This is the story of Rosheen Khan, Pakistan’s first female SCUBA diving instructor, who overcame many hurdles to realise her dreams. As the film progresses, it peels off layers of meaning, and takes the audience deeper into a poetic inquiry into life, death, desire, and longing..