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High Strung

High Strung

Thane Furrows, an extremely cynical but unintentionally hilarious children's book writer, wakes up one morning, and, since pretty much everyone and everything annoys him, begins another day of complaining to himself. However, the day proves to be much different than normal when Thane begins to recieve strange phone calls, letters, and voices in his head, all indicating that something will happen at 8 o'clock. As the day goes on, Thane rants and raves about the things that annoy him, as the clock slowly ticks closer and closer to his destiny.

Le Roi du Curling

Le Roi du Curling

Truls Paulsen est un champion de curling qui a tout gagné. Son perfectionnisme et sa névrose du millimètre se retournent un jour contre lui et il se retrouve alors hospitalisé sous le contrôle d’une psychologue et sous la tutelle de sa femme Sigrid. Sous traitement, il a interdiction formelle de revoir ses anciens partenaires sportifs et d’approcher une piste de curling. Mais Gordon, son ancien entraîneur, mentor et meilleur ami tombe gravement malade et ne peut payer une opération très coûteuse. Truls Paulsen devra mener son plus grand combat pour retourner à la compétition et obtenir les gains pour sauver Gordon. L’amitié sportive sera-t-elle plus forte que tout ?.



A wealthy man with a penchant for living on the edge and engaging in dangerous, life-threatening activities becomes romantically involved with a female university professor who has the same proclivities..



In China, Professor Gesellius has completed his long research on the many uses of opium. When he is about to return home, he hears about a special variety that produces fabulous sensations because of the way it is made, but can also cause the total destruction of the mind and body of the person who consumes it..