

Batman sokroflix gratuit

Batman Forever Director’s Cut

Batman Forever Director’s Cut

Batman (Val Kilmer) faces off against two foes: the schizophrenic, horribly scarred former District Attorney Harvey Dent, aka Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones), and the Riddler (Jim Carrey), a disgruntled ex-Wayne Enterprises inventor seeking revenge against his former employer by unleashing his brain-sucking weapon on Gotham City's residents. As the caped crusader also deals with tortured memories of his parents' murder, he has a new romance, with psychologist Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman)..

Batman: Owls of Gotham

Batman: Owls of Gotham

As a Younger Batman investigates a string of crimes launched by The Riddler, he discovers that they all lead back to the mythical Court of Owls, the most dangerous threat Gotham City has ever faced! Bruce Wayne will have to grapple with his responsibilities as Batman, and his frightening family history!.

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Les patients de l'asile d'Arkham se sont échappés de leurs cellules et tiennent le personnel de l'institut en otages. Leur unique requête en échange de la libération des prisonniers: que Batman pénètre dans l'asile et endure leur enfer quotidien..

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises

Afin que l'image de l'ex-procureur Harvey Dent reste un modèle du genre pour les citoyens de Gotham City, Batman a endossé les crimes de ce dernier et a été chassé de la ville par les autorités. Huit ans plus tard, alors que Gotham City est de nouveau sûre, le commissaire Gordon tombe sur un complot qui vise à détruire la ville de l'intérieur. Il fait appel à Batman. Ce dernier devra faire face à la mystérieuse Selina Kyle et à Bane, un adversaire mortel, qui veut mettre en pièce le symbole Batman..

Batman of Budapest

Batman of Budapest

Krisztián is currently unemployed, but busy. At night he wears a bat costume and walks the streets, pubs and nightclubs of Budapest. He faces drug abuse and violence, helps homeless people, troubled citizens, drunken youth and anyone who he can..

Super Batman & Mazinger V

Super Batman & Mazinger V

The Andro planet is ruled by the witch Rinka. The Zzanga knight comes to earth to reclaim the Andro planet. He tries to find the robot with supernatural powers which the scientists of Andro had once built. Rinka sends her henchmen Kats and Kobra to capture Zzanga but with the help of Betaman, Jebi and some kids, he is able to find the robot in a cave. He returns to Andro and defeats Rinka with the robot..



Two Russian craftsmen, slightly warmed up by a game of chess, where instead of pieces — glasses with "hot", invent a perpetual motion machine... for a ballerina..

Taiwan Batman

Taiwan Batman

The fierce and domineering Lee Volcano specializes in animal rescue and has lynched animal cruelty offenders. Some activists hate his style, but some supporters believe he has done justice to the ineffective animal protection laws..

My Brother is Batman

My Brother is Batman

Sergei is seven years old. He believes in Batman. Not wanting to discuss the tragedy that happened in the family, Sergei's older brother, Misha, starts playing superhero in real life. The brothers create their own world, incomprehensible to others. But can the game last forever?.

Lego DC  Comics Super Héros - la ligue des justiciers - S’évader de Gotham City

Lego DC Comics Super Héros - la ligue des justiciers - S’évader de Gotham City

Batman doit faire face au plus grand défi de sa vie : les vacances ! Le chevalier noir accepte à contre-coeur de laisser Batgirl et Nightwing l'emmener pour un repos longtemps repoussé loin de la lutte contre le crime, laissant Gotham City sous la protection de Superman et de la Ligue des Justiciers. Rien ne se déroule comme prévu lorsque les vacances de Batman sont écourtées par des dangers provenant de son passé et des envahisseurs du centre de la Terre. Superman et les autres membres de la Ligue des Justiciers réalisent très vite la quantité de travail qu'a Batman dans sa lutte quotidienne contre le crime à Gotham..