

voir film Ghost Story streaming vf

Ghost Story

Ghost Story

Ghost Story is an American television anthology series that aired for one season on NBC from 1972 to 1973. Executive-produced by William Castle, it initially featured supernatural entities such as ghosts, vampires, and witches. By mid-season, low ratings led to a shift -- for the most part -- away from paranormal themes and a title change to Circle of Fear..

Le Fantôme De Milburn

Le Fantôme De Milburn

Une série de morts mystérieuses révèle la mauvaise conscience de quatre notables d'une petite ville du Vermont. Ces derniers ont en effet provoqué la mort d'une ravissante jeune femme qui s'est noyée quelques années auparavant..

A Ghost Story for Christmas

A Ghost Story for Christmas

A Ghost Story for Christmas is a strand of annual British short television films originally broadcast on BBC One from 1971 to 1978, and later revived in 2005 on BBC Four. With one exception, the original instalments are directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark and the films are all shot on 16 mm colour film. The remit behind the series was to provide a television adaptation of a classic ghost story referencing the oral tradition of telling supernatural tales at Christmas..

Erotic Ghost Story II

Erotic Ghost Story II

Wutung a sex demon returns in another body where he falls for the mortal girl Hsiao-yen, but heaven thinks otherwise with the girl being burned at the stake and her soul being incarnated in the just born Fang Yu-yin. Anger fills Wutung, and to stop this vengeance the town near his lair promise to offer him a virgin girl at the end of every month to become his sex slave. Ya-Yin is selected; however her lover rescues her from the clutches of Wutung. So Wutung sends his demon concubine to get her back, and to cause havoc on the village for the interference..

Eternity: A Chinese Ghost Story

Eternity: A Chinese Ghost Story

Eternity: A Chinese Ghost Story is a Chinese period drama series produced by Taiwanese station CTS in collaboration with several other countries and is loosely based several famous folktales such as the love story of Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caicheng from Pu Songling's novel Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio, the legend of Gan Jiang and Mo Ye and others. The cast consists of actors from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore..

Histoire de Fantômes

Histoire de Fantômes

Convié par son ancien camarade de fac, McFayden, Talbot prend le train pour une spectaculaire demeure campagnarde. Il fait le voyage en compagnie de l’étrange Duller qui doit participer au même week-end de chasse. Immense et inoccupée depuis longtemps, la maison est plutôt effrayante, mais les compagnons occasionnels de Talbot le sont tout autant. Dès la première nuit, ce dernier est le témoin de phénomènes inexplicables qu’il semble être le seul à voir..

A Smiling Ghost Story

A Smiling Ghost Story

Lam Ka Yi is a kindhearted girl who was electrocuted while saving a kid from a falling signboard. Passerby Ku Dak Ming tries to revive her through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, but fails to bring her back to life. However, this incident causes Ka Yi's spirit and Dak Ming to have a special link. Thus, when Ka Yi learns that her future parents are actually her cousin Man Siu Ying and Dak Ming's best friend Fong Chi Lung who are loggerheads, she tries to get Dak Ming to help bring them together, much to his frustration. Nevertheless, Ka Yi and Dak Ming found themselves falling for each other over time; but can a ghost-human relationship work out?.

A Ghost Story

A Ghost Story

Apparaissant sous un drap blanc, le fantôme d’un homme rend visite à sa femme en deuil dans la maison de banlieue qu’ils partageaient encore récemment. Il découvre que dans ce nouvel état spectral le temps n’a plus d’emprise sur lui et il est condamné à être simple spectateur de la vie qui fut la sienne, avec la femme qu’il aime. Le fantôme se laisse entraîner dans un voyage à travers le temps et la mémoire, en proie aux questionnements de l’existence et à son immensité..

Erotic Ghost Story III

Erotic Ghost Story III

The once mighty Tang Dynasty is in its decline. The big land of China is being visited by famine, natural disasters and devils. Chu Chung is such a person. Everywhere he goes, beautiful Suzie follows. So they meet Wick, a monk endowed with magic powers. Chu Chung sees a picture of an exceedingly beautiful girl and falls in love with her. He begs Wick to help him cross the human-spiritual barrier to enter the picture. Chu Chung meets the girl Yi-meng. They make love. Little does Chu Chung realize he has fallen into arch demon Vixen's trap. Unwittingly, he kills the upright god of justice. Suzie helps a repentant Chu Chung escape into the human world. She herself is incarcerated. Wick and Suzie reluctantly help Chu Chung enter the spiritual world again. Righteousness prevails. Vixen loses the war. And Yi-meng is transported to the human world. Unfortunately, Suzie dies. But she may not have died after all....

Sicilian Ghost Story

Sicilian Ghost Story

Dans un village sicilien aux confins d’une forêt, Giuseppe, 13 ans, disparaît. Luna, une camarade de classe, refuse la disparition du garçon dont elle est amoureuse et tente de rompre la loi du silence. Pour le retrouver, au risque de sa propre vie, elle tente de rejoindre le monde obscur où son ami est emprisonné et auquel le lac offre une mystérieuse voie d’accès..

Charlie's Ghost Story

Charlie's Ghost Story

Actor Anthony Edwards made his directorial debut with this comic fantasy based on a story by Mark Twain. Trenton Knight plays Charlie, a young boy whose archeologist father (Anthony Edwards) has made several discoveries while exploring a cave in Colorado. However, Charlie makes a discovery of his own -- the spirit of a long-dead explorer has come back to haunt him until his remains can be recovered and finally burried in a proper place. However, Charlie can't manage this on his own, and his father is too busy with his own work to pay much attention to him. Linda Fiorentino also appears in a supporting role. Also under the title Charlie's Ghost: The Story Of Coronado..

Ghost Story

Ghost Story

A group of musicians embark on a collaborative journey of healing over the course of a year, pulling apart and collaging fragments from Bach’s Chaconne while meditating on ghostly layering of story..

Histoires de fantômes chinois 2

Histoires de fantômes chinois 2

A peine les cendres de la jolie fantôme enterrées afin de permettre sa réincarnation, le jeune collecteur d’impôts (Leslie Cheung) est confondu avec un dissident politique. Emprisonné, il parvient néanmoins à s’échapper. Errant dans la forêt accompagné d’un moine taoïste (Jacky Cheung), il est attaqué par une horde de fantômes. Des fantômes ? Ou plutôt une équipé de brigands se faisant passer pour des revenants. Le pataquès autour de l’identité du collecteur d’impôts lui assure immédiatement l’adoption des hors-la-loi. Une compagnie dont notre héros se passerait bien, sauf qu’il croit reconnaître chez une femme du groupe le sosie parfait du fantôme qu’il avait tant aimé..

Siren the Ghost Story

Siren the Ghost Story

Minayo plays the legendary "Siren," a ghost who lives forever by sucking men's life force. She skillfully seduces men using her body as bait, and those who fall prey to her turn into mummified corpses..

Histoires de fantômes chinois 3

Histoires de fantômes chinois 3

Un siècle plus tard, après les événements du temple de l'Orchidée. Un moine bouddhiste et son disciple Fong voyagent vers un autre temple pour y livrer un Bouddha en or. Mais après quelques mésaventures avec des brigands sur le chemin, ils décident de s'arrêter un moment et de trouver refuge au temple de l'Orchidée. Mais pendant la nuit le grand moine flaire la présence de fantômes et décident alors de partir se balader en pleine forêt pour les chasser, en laissant à Fong la garde du Bouddha en or. Seulement un fantôme nommé Lotus réussit à rentrer dans le temple et à s'approcher de Fong pour le séduire....

A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story

A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story

It’s a cold Christmas Eve and mean-spirited miser Ebenezer Scrooge has an unexpected visit from the spirit of his former business partner Jacob Marley. Bound in chains as punishment for a lifetime of greed, the unearthly figure explains it isn’t too late for Scrooge to change his miserly ways in order to escape the same fate, but first, he’ll have to face three more eerie encounters. Filmed at the Alexander Palace Theatre, London..

Oeda Ghost Story

Oeda Ghost Story

Teacher Shinkai Kazuma is someone who isn't good at swordsmanship but secretly devotes himself to the research of youkai. One day, he catches Hina, his student, talking to a strange piece of pottery in an abandoned house. A youkai suddenly appears and Hina wishes to meet her dead mother so she can apologize to her. Kazuma and the youkai work together to fulfil her wish..

Chinese Erotic Ghost Story

Chinese Erotic Ghost Story

Chu is a lowly debt collector for the local strongman Wang. Problem is that Chu is too nice/honest/dopey to be very good at the grubby collections job. Chu is treated badly by his boss Wang. Eventually Wang catches one of his twin daughters in the act of seducing the hapless bumpkin Chu. Wang naturally blames Chu rather than the daughter. For punishment Wang sends Chu on an impossible quest to Satan's Temple to steal a statue of Judge Lu..