

Weakness sokroflix gratuit

The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash

The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash

Dans un monde de fantasy, les étoiles sont essentielles car elles confèrent des pouvoirs aux dresseurs de monstres. Aussi, lorsqu’Ivy est née sans étoile, son village l'a considérée comme un mauvais présage ! Désormais bannie, elle mène une vie solitaire en récupérant des déchets pour survivre. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle se lie d'amitié avec Sora, un slime tout faible, seul monstre qu'elle ait réussi à apprivoiser dans la forêt. Ensemble, cet attachant duo entame un voyage durant lequel ils apprendront que, même sans étoiles, on peut être utile..

The Strongest Sage With the Weakest Crest

The Strongest Sage With the Weakest Crest

La puissance magique de chaque être vivant est déterminée lors de la naissance. Mathias est le mage le plus fort du monde mais cela ne lui suffit pas. Il veut avoir encore plus de puissance, et pour cela, il va trouver un moyen de se réincarner. Lors de sa renaissance, il découvre que la magie n'existe presque plus... Comment va-t-il faire pour prouver à tous sa puissance ?.

Weak Hero Class 1

Weak Hero Class 1

Yeon Si Eun est un étudiant modèle. Il est le numéro 1 au classement de son lycée. En apparence fragile et calme, il dissimule ses véritables compétences. Haïssant particulièrement le harcèlement, il va utiliser son intelligence et sa force pour lutter contre la violence présente à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de son école..

Abus de faiblesse

Abus de faiblesse

Victime d'une hémorragie cérébrale, Maud, cinéaste, se réveille un matin dans un corps à moitié mort qui la laisse hémiplégique, orpheline de son corps et face à une solitude inéluctable. Vilko, voyou en costume chic, arnaqueur de célébrités, passe à la télé lors d'un talk-show nocturne. Il est arrogant et crève l'écran avec superbe. Maud le voit. Elle le veut pour son prochain film. Ils se rencontrent. Il ne la quittera plus. Elle aussi, il l'escroque, lui emprunte des sommes astronomiques qui ne signifient rien pour elle. Il lui prend tout mais lui donne une gaieté, une famille. Ce film raconte l'abus de faiblesse dont Maud est victime. L'abus de faiblesse est une qualification pénale mais c'est aussi une extrême, irrésistible douceur..

Sortie de route

Sortie de route

À la suite d'un accident de voiture, Pablo López, un homme d'affaires frustré, rencontre María, une adolescente de 14 ans. Une relation s'installe entre eux….

Maria Bamford: Weakness Is the Brand

Maria Bamford: Weakness Is the Brand

Maria Bamford is back and subjectively better than ever! Weakness is her brand, so get ready to feel much better about yourself. This Lady Dynamite explodes onstage (after 2 (two) naps with her husband Scott and 2 old, pillowy dogs). Let her be the poor example from which your greatness can be determined..

Patton Oswalt: My Weakness Is Strong

Patton Oswalt: My Weakness Is Strong

The critically-acclaimed comedian, actor, writer, and voice of Remy the Rat (the Oscar®-winning Ratatouille) takes time out from his many film and television outings to return to the comedy stage for his fourth stand-up special..

The Weakness of Man

The Weakness of Man

David Spencer (Holbrook Blinn) is a basically good man, but like all men he has a few character flaws. Alas, these flaws deepen into weaknesses, leading to disaster for Spencer and his lady love Janice Lane (Eleanor Woodruff)..

My Weakness

My Weakness

A wealthy young man bets his uncle that he can transform a clumsy cleaning lady into a glamorous fashion plate, then marry her off to his bachelor cousin..

She's My Weakness

She's My Weakness

Tommy Mills and Marie Thurber, sweethearts, plan to marry when Tommy sells some land he has inherited. Marie's parents favor the match, as they prefer Tommy over Bernard Norton, another suitor. Her father, Warren Thurber, however, is in financial straits and plans to sell land to a civic improvement association headed by David Tuttle. When he discovers that Tommy has agreed to sell his land to Mrs. Oberlander, he berates him; but Tommy agrees to boost the price so that Thurber will win out. Tuttle, who favors Bernard as Marie's husband, persuades Tommy that he must endure the displeasure of the Thurbers, and as a result a misunderstanding arises over the sale of the land. But Tuttle's scheme backfires, and Tommy wins the girl after all..

The Weakness of Strength

The Weakness of Strength

Through a real estate purchase Daniel Gaynor acquires all rights in the waterway leading from Moose River to the mill. The original owner has never made use of his rights, but Gaynor, whose one thought is to get power, refuses to allow logs to be floated down the river running through his property. The men resent this injustice, and there is a fight between Gaynor and Bill Jackson, Bill representing the lumbermen..

For I Know My Weakness

For I Know My Weakness

In this gritty Amsterdam Docs Festival road movie, a filmmaker helps an alcoholic panhandler reunite with the kids she had abandoned, but in a relentless search for her redemption, he uncovers a terrible secret – the mother of all human nightmares..

The Fatal Weakness

The Fatal Weakness

THE FATAL WEAKNESS, George Kelly’s last produced play, tells the story of Ollie Espenshade—an incurable romantic who discovers, after 28 years of marriage, that her husband is a lying cheat. It opened in New York on November 19, 1946 in a production starring Ina Claire. Although Claire’s triumphant return to Broadway after a five year absence garnered much of the press attention, Kelly’s play turned more than a few critics’ heads..