

The Neighbors voirfilms

The Neighbors

The Neighbors

A diaristic exploration of intimacy forced through sonic bleed, this piece examines the blurring of public/private boundaries and details an individual's honest attempt to foster relationships. Agency is asserted as aural pollution is subverted. The subjunctive turns into reality..

The Neighbors

The Neighbors

The Neighbors is an American game show. It aired on ABC from December 29, 1975 to April 9, 1976. It included five female neighbors as contestants, who were asked gossip questions about each other. Regis Philbin co-hosted the show with Jane Nelson, and Joe Seiter was the announcer. It was produced by Bill Carruthers, who almost a decade later, would produce the popular hit game show Press Your Luck for CBS..

The Neighbor

The Neighbor

Un cinquantenaire au mariage stagnant se découvre une nouvelle obsession lorsqu’une jolie jeune femme et son mari, à première vue abusif, emménagent à côté de chez lui..

The Neighbors' Window

The Neighbors' Window

Mariée et mère de trois enfants, Alli s'ennuie. Observant derrière sa fenêtre un couple amoureux qui s'est installé de l'autre côté de la rue, elle envie leur bonheur apparent..

The Neighbor Zombie

The Neighbor Zombie

Un vaccin contre le virus du SIDA a été découvert! Tous les tests nécessaires n’ont pas été complétés, mais on a confiance que le vaccin est la solution au virus et on procède déjà à la vaccination de certains habitants de la Corée. Grave erreur! Les vaccinés deviennent rapidement zombies et infectent maintenant le reste de la population..



Les habitants d'une petite résidence apprennent qu'un serial killer vit dans leur immeuble. Gyung-hee culpabilise de ne pas avoir pu empêcher le meurtre de sa belle-fille, Yeo-soon. Elle décide de démasquer elle-même le tueur. Pendant ce temps, une jeune fille qui ressemble à la première victime devient la prochaine cible de l'assassin..

Mes voisins les Yamada

Mes voisins les Yamada

Nonoko Yamada, une petite fille espiègle au franc parler, nous présente chaque membre de sa famille peu ordinaire : son père, Takashi Yamada, homme d'affaires un peu bougon ; sa mère, Matsuko, au naturel spontané, un peu fainéante, vite démoralisée par les tâches ménagères et autres travaux domestiques. Quant à Naboru, son grand frère, il déteste étudier. Et enfin Shige, sa grand-mère, une septuagénaire bien bavarde qui ne rate pas une occasion de donner son avis sur tout et de s'amuser des querelles du couple..

Les voisins

Les voisins

Attendant leur premier enfant, Peter et Eva, jeune couple, emménagent en banlieue pour bâtir un nouvel avenir. Mais une tragédie survient et leur bébé meurt. Ils trouvent de réconfort auprès de leurs voisins. Un lien profond se noue entre eux et ils partagent les joies, les chagrins, puis, le lit. Les vies des deux couples s'entremêlent, les frontières sont franchies jusqu'au point de non-retour..

Tyler Perry's Madea's Neighbors From Hell

Tyler Perry's Madea's Neighbors From Hell

Le quartier de Madea prend un virage pour le pire quand une mère adoptive emménage avec ses enfants turbulents. Activité suspecte mène Madea à se faire justice dans ses propres mains. Avec tante Bam côté d’elle, Madea utilise son esprit unique et la sagesse pour des résultats inoubliables..

Swapping: Perfect Neighbor

Swapping: Perfect Neighbor

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies....

The Neighbors Dog

The Neighbors Dog

Amazing Canadian musicians perform in unique house concerts settings as well as an in depth exploration of their world outside the concert, in the studio, on the road and just surviving and creating day to day. Each episode weaves a house concert performance with behind the scenes, studio and interview footage as well as the occasional archival clip to learn more about the artists and their world..

The Neighbors' Kids

The Neighbors' Kids

A neighbor visits her friend, taking with her her child, a little girl about the same age as the friend's little girl. Both children being full of mischief, they immediately put into execution a number of startling and ingenious pranks. While the laundry maid is entertaining her policeman lover, the children pin the policeman's coat tail to a sheet which is being ironed by the laundry maid. They next get a trap containing some mice and let them loose in the parlor where their parents are entertaining guests at a card party. They put the cat in the piano, make finger marks with flour on the hack of father's coat, causing his wife to think he has been embraced by the cook; they find grandfather asleep, his slippers lying on the floor, and nail the slippers down, and grandpa upon awakening receives a severe fall..

The Neighbors Are Watching

The Neighbors Are Watching

When a handsome neighbor moves in across the street, a single woman trying to escape her past in the new subdivision believes she has witnessed her new neighbor committing a grisly murder. Unfortunately, nobody believes her. She is then forced to face her dark past head-on in a story full of twists, turns, and shocking revelations..

The Very Friendly Neighbors

The Very Friendly Neighbors

Lisa, a beautiful Hollywood starlet, grows tired of her playboy husband, Charlie, and attempts to seduce her newlywed neighbor's husband. Lisa settles for a lesbian bout with the wife when her advances are spurned by the husband. Charlie likewise begins to look elsewhere for satisfaction. He goes to Hollywood swim parties with his employer and witnesses him seduce a virgin by hypnosis. Lisa and Charlie decide to engage in group sex with their neighbors, but after a short time the newlyweds' feeling of guilt forces them to withdraw. Lisa and Charlie then engage in mate swapping with Charlie's employer and his new bride, his hypnosis victim. Eventually, Lisa becomes tired of the same sex partners and begins to search for new lovers..