

Où voir The Nest Netflix

The Nest

The Nest

Dans les années 1980 , Rory, un ancien courtier devenu un ambitieux entrepreneur, convainc Allison, son épouse américaine, et leurs deux enfants de quitter le confort d’une banlieue cossue des États-Unis pour s’installer en Angleterre, son pays de naissance. Persuadé d’y faire fortune, Rory loue un vieux manoir en pleine campagne où sa femme pourra continuer à monter à cheval. Mais l’espoir d’un lucratif nouveau départ s’évanouit rapidement et l’isolement fissure peu à peu l’équilibre familial....

Voyage au bout de l'horreur

Voyage au bout de l'horreur

Il se produit d'étranges incidents sur la petite île de Northport. Des touristes et des animaux disparaissent. Bettie, la fille du maire revient au pays. Elle commence à explorer l'ile et découvre une cavité rocheuse avec d'énormes oeufs d'insectes. Bientôt, des cafards agressifs envahissent les maisons. Le mal vient d'une zone occupée par un laboratoire de recherches qui semble en apparence avoir cessé ses activités. Le maire de l'île retrouve l'ancienne collaboratrice et apprend que les expériences génétiques ont engendré une nouvelle race de cafards indestructibles....

The Nest

The Nest

Le nid est un drame fictif en six parties qui explore les conséquences d'un pacte entre un couple riche et une adolescente qui change pour toujours toute leur vie..

The Nest

The Nest

As a mother becomes suspicious that her daughter may be infected by a parasitic creature, she is thrust into a nightmare as the people she trusts most push her into a chasm of drug addiction, self-destruction, and devastating sacrifice..

The Nest

The Nest

Bruno, un jeune soldat qui vient de déserter de l'armée brésilienne rejoint Porto Alegre à la recherche de son frère Leo, qu'il n'a pas vu depuis plusieurs années. Bruno ne trouve pas son frère, mais fait la connaissance de ses amis et découvre une autre facette de Leo. Alors que Bruno découvre une nouvelle vie où il est enfin libre d'être lui-même et d'explorer sa sexualité, il se trouve une nouvelle famille, bien loin de chez lui..

Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou

Vol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou

Randle P. McMurphy se fait interner pour échapper à la prison. Il va être touché par la détresse et la solitude des patients. Très rapidement, il comprend que l’infirmière en chef, Mlle Ratched, a imposé des règles strictes et entend bien les faire respecter. Il décide alors de révolutionner ce petit monde, plutôt au départ par jeu..

The Nest

The Nest

The Nest is a Cathy Come Home story for Generation Rent; a warning tale of how quickly social harmony can break down when people are pushed out to the sidelines. Janine is a single mother struggling to raise her children at odds with the local community. And her daughter Clemy is an angry teenager trying to assert her growing independence. This tense environment is exacerbated by the fact they are living illegally in a squatted house. After being evicted the family is forced to confront their growing sense of resentment and frustration at the world around them..

The Nest

The Nest

Jatin Mahato’s house becomes a wonderful sight during the monsoon when hundreds of open-billed storks arrives and breed virtual colonies in the trees adjacent to his house. Jatin and his family feel an uncanny attachment to the feathered friends who are almost their own children. But the world beyond the Mahato family is not so friendly to the birds. Over the years they are being mercilessly killed for their tasty flesh. Jatin has severely beaten up several times and the villagers have ostracized the family. But the morale of the Mahato family is too high. They guard the birds day and night so that no one can do any harm to them..

The Nest

The Nest

A silent black-and-white film in which a brother (played by Bob Jones) and sister (Jo Whittaker) are examining mirrors when a third figure (Dare Harris), causes them to act violently against one another, before a magical rite takes place in which the sister's binding spell is destroyed by the brother..

The Nest

The Nest

Hilarity ensues when two soon to be step-sisters attempt to connect over a day of birdwatching in this goofball comedy..

The Nest

The Nest

PROJECTED IN GALERIE NATHALIE OBADIA (PARIS AND BRUSSELS), CARLIER | GEBAUER (BERLIN AND MADRID) AND LISSON GALLERY (LONDON, NEW YORK AND SHANGHAI) Experimental video art by filmmaker Laure Prouvost. Collect the feelings and impressions about the nests and their repercussions on the offspring..

The Nest

The Nest

A lonesome history buff invites a mysterious stranger into his home in hopes of exploring his repressed sexual fantasies..

The Nest

The Nest

Filmed in saturated colors on out-of-date film stocks with an aggressive soundtrack, the story of The Nest is told – The marriage of two young professionals unravels after an unnamed accident physically and emotional traumatizes the wife. Government agents, shadowy investigators and transgender beings appear, trying to solve the nervous-breakdown-mystery of secret alien forces that chose the couple as their target. In-camera tricks, drawings, derelict optical printing, miniatures, puppets and prosthetic makeup effects convey the dual collapse of the protagonists’ lives and the film structure as one unified entity..

The Nest

The Nest

When Lilly decides to spy on her brother and his secret girlfriend, she discovers that the young couple are engaged in something much darker than infidelity….

The Nest

The Nest

The Nest is an Australian series that explores the phenomenon of adult children living with their parents. The program offers insight into what a family means in this day and age. Throughout series one, a financial expert and a relationship expert provided the families with guidance and support. A second series began airing on SBS One in September 2009. The second series focuses on work/life family balance with 3 families who are workaholics and don't spend enough time with their kids. The series also examines long working hours. Performance expert Andrew May provides the families with revised family schedules..

Le Domaine

Le Domaine

Samuel est un enfant qui vit avec sa mère Elena à Villa dei Laghi, une résidence isolée entourée de bois. Coincé dans la routine familiale, Samuel grandit apparemment protégé, mais insatisfait et agité..