

Où voir Testament Netflix



Dans une ère d’évolution identitaire, Jean-Michel, un célibataire de 70 ans, a perdu tous ses repères dans cette société. Il habite dans une maison de retraite située dans un édifice patrimonial, dirigée avec soin et précision par Suzanne. Leur quiétude est bousculée par l’arrivée de jeunes activistes qui exigent la destruction d’une fresque historique. Dépassé par une époque dominée par la rectitude politique, Jean-Michel retrouvera foi en l’humanité avec la naissance d’un amour inattendu..

The Testament of Sister New Devil

The Testament of Sister New Devil

Après le remariage de son père, Basara est contraint à cohabiter avec Mio et Maria, ses deux belles-sœurs. Mais le jeune lycéen découvre rapidement leur vrai visage : Mio est en réalité la fille de l'ancien roi des démons et Maria un succube..



No single work has shaped Western civilization more than the Bible. In this provocative seven-part series, renowned archaeologist John Romer (Ancient Lives) traces the roots of the world's most important book in light of archaeological evidence. Who wrote the Bible? Where did the story of creation come from? What can archaeology tell us about Abraham, the Exodus, and Jesus of Nazareth? Join Romer as he visits dig sites at Jericho, Jerusalem, and elsewhere to uncover the motives and methods of the people who told the sacred story, attacked it, defended it, and transformed it throughout history. For believers and non-believers alike, this fascinating journey reveals the Bible not only as a record of historical events, but also as a profound profession of faith that still holds our hearts and minds..



One regular man named Simon is swept up by a popular movement in a dying world. When the charismatic leader of that movement is brutally executed, everyone looks to Simon to keep the movement alive..



Out of a desire for adventure, a middle-class university student (Mike Sarn) joins a political revolution. Unexpectedly, the women are victorious; they dress in uniforms and proclaim a military dictatorship to be ruled by a senile puppet. All writers are persecuted and tortured. Of course, the public takes the side of the attractive meter maids. Retaliatory strikes are sometimes successful, but the country's top minds are gradually wiped out..



Focuses on the Kwame Nkrumah era in Ghanaian history and paints a portrait of a female African government minister forced into exile after a coup d'état in 1966. Two decades later, she returns to confront the country she left behind..



Testament is a series of videos and multi-channel sound and video installations that present collective portraits of the shared self..



Kovan's grandmother just had her leg amputated by the doctors in the city. Kovan aged 14 gets assigned by his father to take the amputated leg to their village, and have a proper burial for it with the Mullah, in order for his grandmother to have her leg back in her second life. But on his journey the leg begins to rot, the smell getting worse and worse. Meanwhile Kovan becomes distracted by all sorts of situations which he encounters on the way..



"TESTAMENT is James Broughton's exquisite self-portrait. A major figure in avant-garde filmmaking and poetry since the 1940s, Broughton views his life and life's work with irony, charm, humor, and a combination of joyous self-love and gentle self-depreciation. Scenes from his earlier films mix the elements of humor, magic, slapstick, melodrama, and romance which mark his aesthetic. A plethora of rich personal symbols is woven throughout the film, tied together by verbal games, Zen poems, anecdotes, songs, a child's prayer, dreams, and visions." - Karen Cooper "James Broughton's TESTAMENT is one of the most remarkable films ever produced within the American independent cinema. It is the most moving and most sublimely detached of the recent trend of filmic autobiographies - by Jerome Hill, Jonas Mekas, and Stan Brakhage, to name only the masters, and Broughton's peers." - P. Adams Sitney "A beautiful, important, mysterious work." - Amos Vogel.